#microformats 2024-09-13

2024-09-13 UTC
I think GitHub actions can just build the site from WordPress and output HTML to a repo. I think I can also add http://WordPress.com support too.
edited /blog-redesign (+303) "/* Options */ Switch entire site to MediaWiki"
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But that requires keeping WordPress around on the server?
making the whole site MediaWiki eventually is worth considering but larger scope than necessary for redesign
Oh, I think I get it. We could run matt's archiver one time, replace the homepage with static HTML, remove WordPress. Then next time we write a blog post we can do it manually, or consider the full site MW option.
like I'd prefer to keep the design of the blog posts
A new blog post would be adding some
Markdown to a folder
And keep the design
Would just need to make a new template in 11ty. I’m going to have this working tomorrow
and... a server running node :)
no please no
Node has -1 karma over the last year
PHPonly has 1 karma over the last year
No GitHub actions will do that for you
Yeah you don’t want to run node anywhere
oh well sweet
Yeah going to look at all this more tomorrow. Now time to rest my ankle and eat tacos and watch Red Dwarf
Sounds like a solid plan
please be mindful that even github actions is not zero admin tax, you still have to keep the toolchain up to date with the latest versions of node/whatever
Oh sure. Does the server you’re running this on do its own LetsEncrypt?
Okay cool.
edited /blog-redesign (+440) "start a general checklist"
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wait why does GH actions require to keep a toolchain up to date with the latest versions of node/whatever? I thought GH did that for you?
you wouldn't want that, new versions of node (or whatever) could break whatever code it is that you're running the action. if the SSG were written in PHP, you wouldn't want GH to just blindly update from PHP 7.3 to 8.4.
I mean that's what my shared web host does 🙃
I think I’m going to write something in PHP
The time difference between 7.3 and 8.4 is about a decade. In node terms that would be about 8 months.
[tantek]: i mean you have to make sure your code that is running in the github action works with the latest version of the environment it's running
I’m sure Dreamhost keeps older versions of PHP around too.
dreamhost has actually been getting pretty aggressive about forcing php updates lately
there are existing SSGs in PHP. if your WP-to-11ty thing is dumping out Markdown files of the old content, it might just be a matter of writing some templates and logic to make sure the URLs get generated the same.
PHP had a long period of kind of stagnant development that made the upgrade treadmill seem like it wasn't happening, but it is on a more regular cadence of releases now that involve deprecations.
and don't be fooled by the version numbers, PHP doesn't adhere to semantic versioning. things change/break in minor releases.
My use case is to keep using WordPress but I can see people may not want to.
i assumed the goal was to not have to run/use wordpress any more.
the goal for the microformats blog is to decommission wordpress
our blog needs are much simpler than what WordPress of today provides
and so we don't need the full software maintenance responsibilities
So you’re okay writing Markdown and basic HTML and have that shoved into a template?
SSGs like Zola or Hugo don't depend on any specific runtime environment or toolkit, can just pin a specific binary version and use it indefinitely
[mattl] best I can do for you is writing basic HTML because that's literally what we asked of folks writing http://microformats.org blog posts in the past
Cool. I think I can work with that.
I'd really rather not "store" anything in "markdown" for longevity reasons (such a fragmented format is kinda longterm doomed)
Sounds good.
I know Pablo really likes https://indieweb.org/Datenstrom (PHP)
[0x3b0b], [pfefferle], gRegorLove_, plantroon, [qubyte], [sebbu], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, greenfork, barnaby, ancarda, capjamesg and to2ds joined the channel