#microformats 2024-10-20
2024-10-20 UTC
aagaming joined the channel
trwnh for "off-site" wording, this was on indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry when trying to validate an h-entry that uses a "simple" .u-in-reply-to on an <a href> referring to a resource on the same site
trwnh https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftrwnh.com%2Ftheorycrafting%2Fquote-proofs%2F i was wrong, it was not a "simple" .u-in-reply-to, it was an old template that used .u-in-reply-to.h-entry (instead of .u-in-reply-to.h-cite as is more idiomatic)
trwnh i'll refrain from pushing updates to my WIP live site for a bit so that you have a chance to see the same thing i saw
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, barnaby and sebbu joined the channel
gRegor Yeah, a lot of the language on indiewebify.me is older at this point. I think that part of the validator should offer it as a suggestion, that you *could* add .h-cite to the .u-in-reply-to, especially if you also add more to the reply context. But .u-in-reply-to alone on a URL is minimum viable and not a problem.

[Joe_Crawford] *I* actually expressed an intent to contribute to indiewebify-me at SD/2023 and have not acted on that goal.
gRegor lol, from a year ago: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-10-16#t1697491283427200 😭

Loqi [preview] [gRegor] I'm hoping to spend more time on https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/82 soon, maybe done by end of year? I think that will make it easier to expand and improve indiewebify.me tools

[qubyte] joined the channel