#microformats 2024-11-25
2024-11-25 UTC
[morganm], srijan, xgpt, Burke, jimw2, [qubyte], jimw3, ancarda, capjamesg, greenfork, mebious, gRegor, sebbu, eitilt, lazcorp, [Murray] and [benji] joined the channel
lazcorp Is there an accepted order of priority for posts (https://indieweb.org/posts)?

[mattl] joined the channel
[schmarty] it's more like a post (h-entry) _has_ those elements. the u-in-reply-to link and the u-photo are siblings.

[schmarty] yep yep

[schmarty] lazcorp++ welcome to the party, haha, i think about microformats all too often and i still find them confusing a lot of the time.

lazcorp With regards to https://indieweb.org/photo and https://indieweb.org/multi-photo

[snarfed] joined the channel
lazcorp Is it just a basic note that starts with a person-tag https://indieweb.org/person-tag

lazcorp Aha - and yes, there's an example on that page linking to Tantek's notes where he does something similar - http://tantek.com/2017/345/t1/aaronpk-paid-thanks

[juliaro] joined the channel
gRegor scrollback: the mf2 properties are parsed as siblings even if they're published nested. E.g. we've seen `.h-entry > .e-content > .u-photo`. That parse still ends up with a `content` property and a `photo` property. Though it also ends up with the HTML for the photo duplicated in the `content`, which is probably not intended.

gRegor I don't think issues like that arise specifically with photo replies, though. E.g. both these seem to parse as expected: https://php.microformats.io/?id=20241125223711676

gRegor More real world examples on https://indieweb.org/photo_reply