#microformats 2024-11-26

2024-11-26 UTC
Yup, that's exactly the use case. To not have to duplicate content for multiple properties. Unlike decomposed formats like JSON (or most XML, eg APIs) which are rife with DRY violations
Lazcorp, it's more of an indieweb specific topic, however "subsequent replies" absolutely do not imply requiring an in-reply-to to @-mentions in the original
The ever growing "canoe" assumption is purely from what Twitter did in their UX and there is no reason to replicate it without questioning it
What is a canoe?
I didn't read that as a canoe example, though. aaronpk posted a note with a person mention of tantek.com, requesting a payment. Then tantek posted a reply to that note. https://aaronparecki.com/2017/12/11/21/
[preview] [Aaron Parecki] @tantek Requesting $16 for the Blue Star donuts! 🍩 https://aaronparecki.com/pay/16
Mmm 🍩
capjamesg[d] that's why I suggested #indieweb-dev instead
Or indieweb in general at least (dev implied from all the markup talk)
eitilt, barnaby, Guest6, Dryusdan, [manton], mrman, lazcorp, sebbu2, gRegor, [snarfed] and [morganm] joined the channel