#social 2014-10-27
2014-10-27 UTC
caseorganic, bblfish, ShaneHudson, pfefferle, pfefferle_, KevinMarks, elf-pavlik, cmhobbs and Zakim joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, list

elf-pavlik Zakim, what's the code?

wseltzer elf-pavlik, the meeting starts in an hour
elf-pavlik thx wseltzer!

elf-pavlik wseltzer, you have broken link to G+ profile on http://wendy.seltzer.org/

bblfish, jasnell and Arnaud joined the channel
RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/27-social-irc

harry and evanpro joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on call?

elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

elf-pavlik Zakim, ??P2 is me

elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

elf-pavlik sounds busy there :)

elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

elf-pavlik Zakim, unmute me

elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

pfefferle_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

elf-pavlik harry, thanks for setting up VoIP conference! looks like only i needed it :)

nicolagreco and bblfish joined the channel
lehawes, dromasca, jtauber, nvdbleek, MarkCrawford, claudio, EdK, nicolagreco, AnnBassetti and deiu joined the channel
AnnBassetti Arnaud: introduces the meeting, process, timeline
Andy_ and AndyF joined the channel
AnnBassetti wonders if zakim and rrsagent were invited
AnnBassetti scribenick: Annb
AnnBassetti thanks
AnnBassetti Arnaud: 2 items submitted as Working Drafts (on Activity Streams) ...
AnnBassetti ... need decide what next steps are
AnnBassetti ... goal for meeting is to come out with upcoming agenda and actions
AnnBassetti ... tomorrow the IG will bring Use Cases, for consideration by WG
AnnBassetti ... WG has a specific timeline (2 years), in which to do its work
AnnBassetti ... IG doesn't have deadline, so has more flexibility to explore
AnnBassetti Evan: if WG doesn't finish some deliverables, or new ones come, when this charter runs out .. then what happens?
AnnBassetti Arnaud: need new charter, especially for new deliverables .. due to patent agreements
AnnBassetti ... today we'll work all day
AnnBassetti ... tomorrow we'll break between 11-2 for the ad-hoc meetings
AnnBassetti ... we'll adjust the agenda based on discussions this morning
AnnBassetti I'm available
AnnBassetti Harry: WebApps Sec WG working on types of protection for various types of content
AnnBassetti ... Annotations WG has interest for discussions with Social WG .. likely Tues afternoon
AnnBassetti ... <discussing when it'd be good for 2 groups to meet, for cross-fertilization>
AnnBassetti Lloyd: +1 to Harry
EdK I can split out into IG session
elf-pavlik Arnaud, yes I can hear!

AnnBassetti <some attendees having trouble getting into IRC .. trying to figure it out>
AnnBassetti Evan: presents "Social WG Status"
elf-pavlik :)

bryan_ joined the channel
AnnBassetti Evan: reviews history of various groups on "social" since 2010 at W3C ..
AnnBassetti ... immediate causes:
AnnBassetti ... convergence of open standards work
AnnBassetti ... increased collaboration between OpenSocial and W3C
AnnBassetti ... <a couple other points>
AndyF ;join #social-chat
AnnBassetti s/<a couple other points>/Activity Streams 2.0
AnnBassetti ... increased IndieWeb development
elf-pavlik also some activity on github: https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues

AnnBassetti ... <Evan covered much more; see his slides>
Shane and AnnBassetti_ joined the channel
AnnBassetti_ ... hmm, seemed like I was dropped from IRC
Shane Hi all, I'm around on IRC but afraid I forgot my headphones so can't currently listen in at the moment
AnnBassetti_ scribenick: AnnBassetti_
AnnBassetti_ Evan: <continuing his introductory presentation>
AnnBassetti_ ... very diverse set of team members; many different points of focus
AnnBassetti_ ... also a challenge is how to interact with the IG
AnnBassetti_ ... tight schedule; fairly high stakes
AnnBassetti_ .... big opportunity
AnnBassetti_ ... Next steps:
AnnBassetti_ ... 1. Commit to strategies for API and protocol
shepazu joined the channel
AnnBassetti_ ... 2. Push Social API First Public Working Draft for Q4 2014
AnnBassetti_ ... 3. Keep federation protocol effort spun up for Q1 2015
AnnBassetti_ ... Opportunities in 2015 and 2016, to build upon the work of this WG
AnnBassetti_ Evan: questions? discussion?
EdK q+
AnnBassetti_ Arnaud: in addition to adding specific items on REC track, we can also have a "wish list"
rektide joined the channel
AnnBassetti_ .... the further we get into the Rec process, the more rigorous it is; hard to add new stuff; good to put those things on Wish List
AnnBassetti_ ... then work on those things when re-chartering subsequent work
AnnBassetti_ ... really helpful to have a wish list for future opportunities
AnnBassetti_ Ed Krebs (Ford): reviewed notes from earlier work ...
AnnBassetti_ ... we might want to add PubSubHub onto Wish List .. or IG to discuss
AnnBassetti_ q+
tantek joined the channel
AndyF IRC working well for me
AndyF ducking out for TAG meeting
AnnBassetti_ Tantek: gives kudos to Sandro Hawke as Indie developer
jeff joined the channel
AnnBassetti_ Larry Hawes: could you give us guidance on Use Cases needed for social data syntax?
AnnBassetti_ ... since a lot of that work has been done
jeff present+ jeff
AnnBassetti_ Evan: yes; a lot of preconception that we'd end up with Activity Streams
AnnBassetti_ ... not sure what value Use Cases would add at this point ... maybe as validation
EdK sidenote - most of my Use Case work tries to focus more on federation related issues, moreso than syntax/activity streams
AnnBassetti_ James Snell: we don't have very clear use cases for <I missed which>
AnnBassetti_ ... Need: what is a social profile in activity stream
AnnBassetti_ Larry: yes, that's what we've focused on
AnnBassetti_ James: is there a minimal set of social objects we need to provide
AnnBassetti_ Arnaud: yes, we inherited this work, so are sort of coming up with solution before defining the problem ..
AnnBassetti_ ... but still useful to define use cases as documentation, validation,
AnnBassetti_ Larry: and also 'gap analysis'
AnnBassetti_ Lloyd; use case a few years ago re: describing pictures
AnnBassetti_ ... what happened?
AnnBassetti_ Evan: SWOT 0 (??)
elf-pavlik Wed session Social WG + Schema.org may have some relevance to broader vocabulary(ies) https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas#Schema.org_and_Social_WG

AnnBassetti_ ... Social Web Acid Test
AnnBassetti_ thanks
AnnBassetti_ s/SWOT 0 (??)/SWAT0
EdK SWAT Zero - first use case from federated summit
AnnBassetti_ James: describes basic use case
AnnBassetti_ is there a link?
EdK multiple actors who have accounts on multiple services
AnnBassetti_ ... 6 basic steps
AnnBassetti_ Lloyd: sounds like something the IG should include in our list
AnnBassetti_ oh, I see.. that is SWAT0
AnnBassetti_ thought you had moved on to some other thing
AnnBassetti_ Evan: there are a lot of other use cases that could be detailed out of that one
tantek see also: http://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0

dromasca Evan: initiate and end subscriptions, approve, etc. - complex space
elf-pavlik who asked question?

AnnBassetti_ Lloyd: do we have preference for business-oriented use cases vs more purely social use cases
Shane I like the way SWAT0 works, covers a lot of problems all at once without having a massive list
wy joined the channel
AnnBassetti_ Arnaud: 2 diff constituencies here
AnnBassetti_ ... we should be equal; a lot of shared requirements
EdK q+
dromasca Arnaud: SAT - the only uc that was voted about
dromasca s/SAT/SWAT
AnnBassetti_ Evan: there are some refinements for the business use cases
AnnBassetti_ James: would be interesting to describe what addtional requirements are need for business use cases
AnnBassetti_ +1
AnnBassetti_ Lloyd: might be like a road map
dromasca Ann: add 'approval' chain as business dimension of consumer use case
AnnBassetti_ Ed: recruiting is a cross-over use case ..
AnnBassetti_ I was saying there are added levels of complexity on business side
AnnBassetti_ Tantek: I'm not convinced there are such strong distinctions
dromasca tantek: pls. document social business ucs on wiki
lehawes I strongly second tantek's plea to document any use case on the wiki. Starting point is http://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/Use_Case_TF
AnnBassetti_ Tantek: glad we've got Activity Streams out there as public draft .. and call for exclusions
jeff joined the channel
AnnBassetti_ ... we need better documentation on use cases for Activity Streams .. both to add and to subtract components from AS
dromasca q+
AnnBassetti_ ... esp important to document use cases for components of Activity Streams that are important for you
AnnBassetti_ ... to ensure it gets kept in
elf-pavlik +1 for backing all features with a use case requring it

nicolagreco joined the channel
AnnBassetti_ ... AS defined as nouns / verbs / objecgts
AnnBassetti_ ... in IndieWeb camp we discovered we only needed nouns
AnnBassetti_ Ann: how did you get rid of verbs?
tantek AnnBassetti: you asked for documentation see: http://indiewebcamp.com/ActivityStreams#Verbs_vs_just_posts for example

AnnBassetti_ Dan Romascanu: <sorry I can't hear>
MarkCrawford q+
AnnBassetti_ ... asking about how WG approves or selects use cases
AnnBassetti_ Arnaud: at the end, every feature in the spec must have minimum 2 implementations
AnnBassetti_ ... also, at the end, if there is a feature that no one wants to implement, that can be an important cue
dromasca question about how use cases are filtered and consolidated - Arnaud: WG will select a list of pointers to use cases from the IG
AnnBassetti_ Mark Crawford: IG has in charter, reqt to deliver Use Case report ,,, NOT to support WG, but rather to describe social business .. which is broader than what WG focus is
AnnBassetti_ ... may use diff formats
AnnBassetti_ Larry: initial focus for IG use cases has been profiles, due to WG focus, but then we'll broaden into others
AnnBassetti_ <break>
elf-pavlik thank you AnnBassetti_ for scribing!!!

AnnBassetti_ you're welcome .. sorry I didn't capture more . hope you guys can hear
jeff, pfefferle, tantek and nicolagreco joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

nvdbleek joined the channel
jasnell For those not here in person, I'm going to be showing http://tpac.mybluemix.net/index.html on the screen here once we're back from the break
elf-pavlik thx jasnell !

tantek joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, unmute me

jtauber and nicolagreco_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

HZ_, tantek_ and nicolagreco_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik tantek, I get "We could not get access to your microphone or camera." and only 'Take me back' button

Lloyd_Fassett joined the channel
elf-pavlik tantek, ok-ish

elf-pavlik i think better than SIP

elf-pavlik thx tantek! :)

elf-pavlik can i get link to your AS1.0 feeds? :)

elf-pavlik harry, i stick to talky for now :)

evanpro tantek: to be fair, I'm consuming from many clients, see https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Clients

elf-pavlik I didn't hear question

AnnBassetti_ Sandro asked how language here relates to language in json-ld
Lloyd_Fassett_ joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett_ q+
Lloyd_Fassett_ q-
AnnBassetti_ Lloyd asked if skills are represented .. .
AnnBassetti_ answer: no
MarkCrawford joined the channel
elf-pavlik Q: do you use different URI for collecition and its first page?

hadleybeeman joined the channel
hadleybeeman waves at #socialweb
AnnBassetti_ waves back
AdamB joined the channel
elf-pavlik thx jasnell

AnnBassetti <Tantek gives brief overview to talky.io .. noting that we're seeing elf-pavlik, and he sees at least part of the room>
AnnBassetti s/question: yes,/elf's question: yes,/
AnnBassetti I don't get that Loqi thing
AnnBassetti hmmm ..
AnnBassetti in addition to rrsagent?
AnnBassetti pourquoi?
elf-pavlik could someone pleaes type questions to IRC?

elf-pavlik thx :)

AnnBassetti See Richard Ishida's excellent article: http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-personal-names
AnnBassetti he is lead of i18n activity in W3C
AnnBassetti i18n = "internationalization" ... 1st and last letters, with 18 letters in-between
elf-pavlik comment: possible issues with using as:alias to reference other resources (instead their @id) https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/25

evanpro Note on slides: http://tpac.mybluemix.net/ are up for review

barnabywalters joined the channel
wseltzer notes http://www.w3.org/2005/07/13-nsuri
barnabywalters greetings tantek!

barnabywalters yup, that’s me

AnnBassetti cool .. I wondered who popped up!
elf-pavlik hi barnabywalters o/

barnabywalters hi elf-pavlik!

Shane joined the channel
elf-pavlik +1 # :D

dret joined the channel
nvdbleek joined the channel
jtauber joined the channel
deiu joined the channel
MarkCrawford +1
elf-pavlik +1

EdK +1
AdamB +1
dromasca +1
jtauber_ joined the channel
Morbus joined the channel
AnnBassetti Evan: as an Activity Streams implementer .. I can say that most of the verbs here are core to what happens in social software (follow, join, ...)
AnnBassetti ... others not so much
AnnBassetti ... questions if it makes sense to define a core schema, with others more tangential
AnnBassetti Tantek: to counter Evan's point, many implementations discovered they could make those verbs into nouns
AnnBassetti James: in IBM's experience, that's true re: nouns
AnnBassetti thanksTantek
AnnBassetti Sandro: can you explain why you like verbs?
AnnBassetti Evan: more comfortable with activity referring to action / actor / object
elf-pavlik tantek, can you try reduce mic just a bit? it sounds link you have strong winds there ;)

elf-pavlik i don't think so, i just get thos FX after each word said

barnabywalters I think it’s just artifacts from a laptop mic being used to try to record an entire room

barnabywalters tantek: weird — compression artefacts maybe then?

AnnBassetti Ann: does this have to be decided now?
AnnBassetti Arnaud: no, but we should open an issue
barnabywalters now there are silent clones

AnnBassetti <name?> asks what was the advantage the IndieWeb folks got from this other syntax
elf-pavlik tantek, can we just try reducing mic sensitivity a little?

AnnBassetti ... this is largely a syntax issue, right?
AnnBassetti Tantek: good question
AnnBassetti ... we've been proceeding cautiously
AnnBassetti Sandro: is it 1- or 2- degrees of freedom?
AnnBassetti ... we need 2, if they are truly orthogonal
elf-pavlik Q: can we consider schema.org approach with "@type": "LikeAction" similar to your noun approach? ( jasnell might have already said someting about it earlier)

AnnBassetti s/<name?>/James Tauber /
trackbot Created ISSUE-3 - Should we drop verbs and only use nouns/object type instead?. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/3/edit>.

elf-pavlik as:Verb & as:verb possibly not needed #23

elf-pavlik you can define properties with rdfs:domain and rdfs:range for subtypes

nvdbleek joined the channel
jeff joined the channel
jeff_ joined the channel
jtauber_ q+
elf-pavlik having types might make it esasier to filter them

tantek sandro asked for a mapping from properties to implied types - here's what we have so far in IndieWebCamp: http://indiewebcamp.com/posts#Inferring_post_kinds_from_properties

AnnBassetti compared to re-posts
AnnBassetti Tantek: could we capture this as an issue?
AnnBassetti Arnaud: what, exactly, is the issue?
AnnBassetti <discussion>
elf-pavlik sandro, would you see IndieWeb implicit types similar to rdfs:domain inference?

elf-pavlik roger!

jtauber_ jtauber: jtauber: explicit types allow more generic properties (if properties can be used to infer types AND we have explicit types then the property names have redundancy)
ahdinosaur joined the channel
jtauber_ wanted to scribe myself, not meta-scribe myself
elf-pavlik hey ahdinosaur :D

ahdinosaur hey elf :)
barnabywalters one interesting side effect I’ve observed and discussed of having implicit types via properties is that a single post can have multiple “types” e.g. be a like and a comment at the same time

barnabywalters there are several people in the IWC community who regularly publish these types of posts

trackbot Created ISSUE-4 - Do we rely on explicit typing or support implicit typing based on explicit property names?. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/4/edit>.

elf-pavlik "@type": ["LikeAction", "CommentAction"]

elf-pavlik barnabywalters, ^

barnabywalters elf-pavlik: that would probably be the AS equivalent — do any AS implementations actively publish or consume (i.e. display intelligently) activities like that?

elf-pavlik barnabywalters, AS1 didn't allow it

barnabywalters elf-pavlik: I don’t really care if it was *allowed*, I care who uses it ;)

Shane barnabywalters++ Rules don't matter if people have a reason to ignore them
barnabywalters more specifically, the UIs which were used to create and display those activites

tantek so far implied-typing appears to the be things are evolving: http://indiewebcamp.com/posts#Inferring_post_kinds_from_properties

elf-pavlik evanpro, can you please try to minute little more in IRC, i get pretty bad sound now :(

elf-pavlik tantek, wilkie: can we plesae try to stick to the converation in a room? i really have hard time to follow now :'(

Shane Also it isn't about doing things right, it is about learning from experience. Just look at how webmentions are changing with vouch etc
pfraze joined the channel
jasnell joined the channel
elf-pavlik tantek, can we try adjusting mic gain a bit

timeless joined the channel
timeless RRSAgent, this meeting spans midnight <- if you want a single log for the two days
Shane and gRegor joined the channel
oshepherd_ WebRTC: Brand new and more reliable than SIP. The world we live in.

rektide i wish talky would let me in in spectator mode. i have no mic nor video on this laptop. "You are about to join a video chat" modal dialog on screen with "We could not get access to your microphone or camera"
gRegor I could hear you, barely, elf-pavlik
gRegor That's a bit better
barnabywalters joined the channel
gRegor very good, elf-pavlik
nvdbleek joined the channel
gRegor elf-pavlik: mic quality is better
Shane and jasnell joined the channel
elf-pavlik jasnell, could you please ask tantek when he comes back to reduce mic gain? we get a lot of artefacts in the sound :(

dret, jtauber, barnabywalters and bblfish joined the channel
dromasca joined the channel
elf-pavlik thx :)

nvdbleek3 and Arnaud joined the channel
EdK some folks still returning from lunch, should be able to get started in about 5 minutes ((1;10pm Pacific)
jasnell joined the channel
elf-pavlik 9:15AM

rektide there's no alternative to the talky (which those of us without webconf broadcast gear can't use) ?
elf-pavlik rektide, we used Zakim before but talky had better sound

elf-pavlik which now doesn't work that well any more...

harry and Lloyd_Fassett joined the channel
gRegor good, tantek
gRegor audio died
claudio joined the channel
gRegor audio's back
gRegor I'm the other person, lurking :)
AnnBassetti Evan presents slides re: Social API
AnnBassetti http://evan.prodromou.name/files/TPAC-API/
barnabywalters joined the channel
AnnBassetti not for long .. tendinitis
Lloyd_Fassett I can take it
AnnBassetti I thought you were
AdamB joined the channel
AnnBassetti ok, cool
Lloyd_Fassett Issues" Cpmf;atopm pf AS amd E,bedded experiences /
elf-pavlik thx Lloyd_Fassett ! sometimes we get poor audio so minutes *help us a lot* to follow

Lloyd_Fassett Examples of Social API: Twitter / Facebook / OpenSocial
Lloyd_Fassett elf - can you see the slides?
elf-pavlik yes, i have them on second screen

Lloyd_Fassett If we can't make something that has a passing resemblance to these API's, we're on the wrong track.
elf-pavlik q+ re: Action Handlers / Hypermedia Controls / Hypermedia API

Lloyd_Fassett We need reusable libraries, you should be able to point a social client at a new service and it should just work
Lloyd_Fassett It should be possible be to implement an API facade
tantek joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Social API's manage social connections, publish content, manage responses..a light application platform
elf-pavlik tantek, if you have mic settings to reduce gain / boos just 10% or so it could reduce artifacs in sound ...

Lloyd_Fassett There's not just a one way follow, but a two way...join a group (manage circles), manage list of friends...manage a group of other accounts can be very useful
Lloyd_Fassett Larry Dawes: Does it need to be two way?
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: Twitter is one way, Facebook is two way, G+ is either
Lloyd_Fassett Social content publication management CRUD...should be able to handle basic types...not all services would handle all
jtauber joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Responses: typically there is a way to manage responses: Like, vote, comment, reply, share..redistributing content to your followers
Lloyd_Fassett Social Applications: event invitations, polls, Q&A, Games, etc.
elf-pavlik AFAIK both IBM and Boing have Q&A systems

Lloyd_Fassett Models: 1. Command, 2. Resource.
AdamB Boeing does have an Q&A system
MarkCrawford joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Resource model is more common
Lloyd_Fassett represent URI's, use http to modify.
Lloyd_Fassett Example: post 'tantek' to a stream of information
Lloyd_Fassett You can have a uniform interface with this...get an endpoint.
jasnell joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett downside is 'unfollowing' and other actions are harder to do
Lloyd_Fassett other models will take us off the beaten path of social software
Lloyd_Fassett non-JSON representation and non-RESTful are off the beaten path
Lloyd_Fassett Proposals under discussion are Open Social - very command oreinted, http verbs against an AS
Lloyd_Fassett use Put to update elements in that stream
Lloyd_Fassett very nice straight forward API
Lloyd_Fassett We need to make some changes from current state of it.
Lloyd_Fassett Pump.io (Evan works on this) is a hybrid of command and resource.
Lloyd_Fassett I think we need more proposals, or start working on them internally
tantek bunch more on https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API_candidates

Lloyd_Fassett we need endpoints
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek suggested micropub as an option to consider
Lloyd_Fassett We need to make a number of decions, we need to get on the path to resolving them.
Lloyd_Fassett first is understanding embedded experience
Lloyd_Fassett Embedded experiences is a nice system that works with Open Social, but we'll need a lot of work to get it going
Lloyd_Fassett How deep does social API go in a application?
Lloyd_Fassett What verbs and domain concepts should be supported, how extensibility is needed?
Lloyd_Fassett Other important issues that we may want to punt on are authentication, discovery (will you be able to take an identified user and discover endpoints / AS etc.)
oshepherd tantek: What I get with GET http://mypumpserver.com/api/username/inbox, i.e. the activities addressed at me and of everyone I'm following

Lloyd_Fassett Arnaud: Thank you Evan
jtauber q+
elf-pavlik "This hypermedia control must be present because there purposely does not exist a fixed URL format that servers of triple pattern fragments need to follow. This means that clients of triple pattern fragments must not need prior knowledge of a server, i.e., they must not assume a certain URL pattern. Instead, clients must interpret the hypermedia control in each triple pattern fragment in order to retrieve another fragment."

elf-pavlik [Lecture] REST, Hypermedia, and the Semantic Gap: Why "RMM Level-3 REST" is not enough

Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: do you know implementation of that? Elf: no
Ruinan joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett (I can't tell what Elf is saying)
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: that's wildly unlike any Social API's I talked about at the beginning
Lloyd_Fassett those typically have well defined URL's. I don't know what the starting point would be if we don't give structure to URLs.
Lloyd_Fassett Elf: you can sense it in the header.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: how?
Lloyd_Fassett (I didn't understand answer)
AnnBassetti sympathizes with Lloyd's problem understanding
Lloyd_Fassett James: when he said page collection, you're going to have a number of links...you need a template...if the API is a follow your nose
Lloyd_Fassett every response includes information about the object
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: If I were creating a client, I'd ask for an entry point and then there would be a discovery process. Is that right
Lloyd_Fassett Elf: yes
Lloyd_Fassett James: This is the usecase for Webfinger
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: link relations, on page or in header
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: I am from (didn't hear)
AnnBassetti Siemens
AnnBassetti (I think)
Lloyd_Fassett Evan when you say API is it http?
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: yes
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: we have a lose definition in our charter. We have a lot of pressure to do http restful api, if we don't, we have to explain why
elf-pavlik Hypermedia API = full REST API

Lloyd_Fassett Eric: since AS are http based, how is Social API different? HOw do they relate?
Lloyd_Fassett AS is a data format
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: with links in it
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: I think a RESTful api with AS where things are posted/put is close to what is in our charter. Does that make sense?
nicolagreco joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: You need a relative mapping to explain how other social sites show up
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: That's not where I was going with that. There are a number of API's...http based mostly using JSON that have patterns so you can see your followers, your activity
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: the goal is not to have a Social API....
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: I think there is a great possibility of doing that....the API could talk to Facebook etc on the back end.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: we'd have a social network server to handle that.
Lloyd_Fassett Tanktek: A social proxy server
Lloyd_Fassett Arnaud: adding use cases for this would be useful. We all come with different backgrounds. IT's important to explain where you are coming from so people know where you are coming from.
Lloyd_Fassett Arnaud: Even terminology is an issue
elf-pavlik folks, let's leave webfinger in peace for today, it makes it really hard to follow if we have 2 parallel conversations :(

Lloyd_Fassett Harry: I think we have time for James Snell to present to talk about embedded experience
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: Authentication is out of scope. It is being recharged in another WG. We expect new charters by early 2015.
elf-pavlik q?

Lloyd_Fassett Harry: What we can use today, longer term thinking, assign JSON payloads, if we need to do digital signatures...do it the ITF way, The CRG...if you're into digital signatures...don't worry there will be ways to do that are supported by browsers.
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: public test suites by the end of Dec.
shepazu joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: Tanket IETF: SSL issue brings process into question
elf-pavlik Lloyd_Fassett, thanks for scribing!!! with current audio i can only read...

AnnBassetti hard to hear in the room too, elf
elf-pavlik so all in Lloyd_Fassett hands (literaly) :)

Lloyd_Fassett Harry: rolling your own crypto and signatures is a bad idea. For discovery it's the same thing. Things that have been tried include Host meta, webfinger, Mike Jone's version. Look at IETF for the work they've done
Lloyd_Fassett James: when we were talking about verbs and syntatics...events vs states...is that the same as commands vs resources?
dromasca charter on the iesg table for approval as we speal
dromasca speak
elf-pavlik dromasca, link?

Lloyd_Fassett Evan: answer: no. Who has looked at Open Social API? (3 hands). It has a single place where you expect Activities, like ATOM. The command model is to fire new activities at that end point.
Lloyd_Fassett James: they could represent either?
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: yes
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: the idea of a resources model where you get a collection of objects, if I was going to get that same information from AS I'd go through the stream
Lloyd_Fassett James: The handling of deletion...it's a version of a state...you'd need to know all the events.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: Yes, it's a hard way to manage that mechanism
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: One nice thing about that structure is that it's simple and we can publish quickly, but we'd be kicking the deeper issue into the future
Lloyd_Fassett James: It's basically the ATOM model. While we can get so far with that approach, this is signicantly better
Lloyd_Fassett James: you could provide both current state and audit streams
Lloyd_Fassett EdKrebs: in business lense you need some persistence. In current public state you don't.
Lloyd_Fassett James: this is good for use case work
Lloyd_Fassett thank you.
jtauber jasnell: we can't even say the left-handed one ;-)
elf-pavlik which page?

Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: embedding is a different beast than CRUD.
dret for an interesting approach how to persist events such as deletion, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6721 (authored by james, btw) might be interesting to look at.

Lloyd_Fassett Evan: one thing about embedded experience with embedded streams is perscibed by the activity generator.
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: I thought managing connections vs CRUD interesting...push semantics down into the format.
Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: that gets back to the Resource model
elf-pavlik evanpro, could you type into IRC nr or title of discussed page?

elf-pavlik evanpro, but you control slides in a room? we just need page nr to follow

Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Video and Audio are hard. Mobile browser support is not working. If we can do Text and Image, Vid and Aud are versions of the first two.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: In a business context, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, would be common
Lloyd_Fassett Tanktek: pointing to vid conference call "this is real different"
jtauber q?
AnnBassetti elf demonstrates the upside-down use case
EdK q+
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Other models are difficult non-JSON....the indie camp..using micropub, you can post type of object and number of properties and that's it. If you want to post something with structure the Micropub models requires you post them one at a time.
Lloyd_Fassett Lloyd: power went out on projector
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: Let's take a break
claudio q+
Lloyd_Fassett Tanket: Non-json point is that we're not even using html
Lloyd_Fassett webmention is a versino of ping back
Lloyd_Fassett we used that with Micropub as well
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: In a LInked Data way we post them one at a time we post each item to individual URLs and reference those
Lloyd_Fassett we haven't run into limitations
Lloyd_Fassett Arnaud: that's expensive for systems.
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: not really
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Non-REST. Everyone in INdie world is from REST
Lloyd_Fassett STatic site generators are a show stopper for REST
Lloyd_Fassett You have to use a common end point
elf-pavlik also CDN ...

Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: This is a solid use case. Even the New York Times generates a static site that creates this problem. They are big enough to be considered Enterprise class. THis is an important market signal we need to look at
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: we need to support that
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: we make micropub post calls to a published endpoint.
elf-pavlik q?

Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: The dataformaty for the client going back to the server is not an important as a shared vocabulary. Making the terms understandable is important.
elf-pavlik +1 shared vocab

Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: we have lots of evidence for both, we need to match up vocabulary
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: We need to specify something.
tantek FYI micropub: https://indiewebcamp.com/Micropub

Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: JSON-LD vs form POST are the two options
ahdinosaur how are SSGs a show stopper for REST?
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: there are mulitple micopub implementations now.
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: people are creating multiple clients...a person created a Pebble app to publish what he's eating as an example.
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: reviewed what the person posted to the group. There's a lot of implementation work there.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: comments on decision slide?
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Strongly wants to separate embedded experience. It's important, but a different problem.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: Is there a procedure we can take that embedded experience as a next step after a client API? It is on our charter.
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: The charter is vague on purpose. It would be sad if we didn't deliver an API
Lloyd_Fassett Arnaued: like AS, we are free to split the purpose
elf-pavlik hey aaronpk o/

Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: how many people are interested in Embedded experience? (ans: about 5)
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Parralell to CRUD API
elf-pavlik yes, pretending that i went to southern hemisprhere ;)

Lloyd_Fassett Jasnelss: I see actions as separate from the API work.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan to James: Are you embedding actions into a UI that would respond?
Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: yes
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: That's different than Embedded Experience?
Arnaud joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: yes
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: I would be more supportive of that than something that got to DOM level.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: The Open Social API, you can fire anything at that end point, it doesn't tell you anything about followers of where you post or anything else. It's an activity lifecycle
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: We can do that, or we can support verbs (following, voting, etc.)
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: I"m leaning toward including all the verbs in the format and not the API
Lloyd_Fassett TanteK what is room for extensibility?
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: Can we support new verbs in the AS sense. How should a server handle activities it doesn't understand?
Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: We're using AS for in devops..checkin, checkout for code, it's not something a typical social system would see. How would a system react if it saw that and didn't understand it or be gerenic on CRUD? That's what we need to figure out
Shane joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: If the extensibiliy is in the payload, we can say go ahead and put in whatever you want.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: Tweets deliver exactly just tweets.
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Twitter changed the payload for pictures
Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: Twitter defines the payload and I can only supply that. The alternative is that the endpoint is generic and I decide what is in the payload.
Arnaud1 joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett jasnell: IBM Connections you can submit many things to the API, but it might not surface in the UI
Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: does an endpoint need to accept anything?
Lloyd_Fassett AnneB: What's an endpoint? Tantek: An endpoint accepts http post requests. It can be the same server can publish information. STatic sites use proxies to handle requests.
Arnaud1 ack sandro
Lloyd_Fassett Sandro: http api's are not what the charter says. The charter language use "client side"
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: You can read "client side" in both ways.
elf-pavlik client (app) - server (web service) ?

Lloyd_Fassett Harry: it was written to mention html 5, many companies requested embedded experience, that's why it's listed in the deiverables. We are not bound to deliver an API thought for Open Social.
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: recharting at this point is a waste of time.
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: embedded can be just retrieving AS and it can be thought of as embedded.
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: I think we're streching the charter.
Lloyd_Fassett Sandro: I'm concerned we don't get patent coverage
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: we'll get it because the licensing comes in at the end. The initial comits to the drafts. At the workshop everyone was asking for embedded experiences, not CRUD, but they are not here.
Lloyd_Fassett jasnell: there are lots of API's, Open Social implementations focuses on their gadgets, not the API. Let's get a good model for embedded experiences and let people create it on their side.
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: OpenSocial has both
harry Note that the OpenSocial Submission mixes CRUD and non-CRUD: http://www.w3.org/Submission/2014/SUBM-osapi-20140314/#rfc.section.2.3

Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Is anything in OpenSocial in the charter?
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: no. It was contribution to the process
Lloyd_Fassett Arnaud: I agree with Harry that we're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Lloyd_Fassett Arnaud: Can we get that in writing?
Lloyd_Fassett Anne: I think Sandro is correct. I don't follow the discussion.
Lloyd_Fassett Eric; I would read the charter as Client Side
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: only?
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: yes
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: Sandro has a good point
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: We don't want to put embedded experiences out of scope yet. We need to give members a chance to respond. The WG can deliver them in separate documents.
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: It sounds like there would be discomfort on an http API
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: no
AnnBassetti joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett +1
MarkCrawford +1
dromasca +1
elf-pavlik +1

jtauber +1
AnnBassetti s/follow the discussion./follow the nuance of the discussion. But I think it's important to document the consensus of the group./
dret joined the channel
AdamB +1
claudio +1
MarkCrawford q+
Lloyd_Fassett jasnell: the charter says embedded format but nothing about CRUD. Should we include that?
Lloyd_Fassett Sandro: it's too early for that.
Lloyd_Fassett Sandro: resource style...I like the feel of the Resource better, but can you do that for every activity type? I'm dubious
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: I agree, it gets complicated. We may be able to do something that handles mainstream actions. We could extend it with command structure
Lloyd_Fassett AdamB: I agree with that.
Lloyd_Fassett Sandro: ok
jeff joined the channel
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: question about authentication. I agree with Harry. Authentication is already well covered. Most are using OAuth 1.0 or 2.0. There are methods people expect
Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: Oath 2.0 has a notion of scopes. If there are specific scopes for Social, we may want to define what those are.
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: W3C does lias with IETF. I prefer not to reinvent OAuth.
Lloyd_Fassett AnnB: We use SAML
Lloyd_Fassett EdKrebs: We use SAML internally, but with collaboration across partners OATH 2.0 is becoming more important
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: We can reconnect with SAML if needed. We can use both with W3C. W3C monitors developments.
Lloyd_Fassett EdKrebs: Social Applications, idea management. 3 years ago it was horizontal, 2 years ago they crossed processes (prod dev). Now I see Idea Management. It's largely around enterprise activities. It might be somehting the WG would want to prioritize back to the IG.
Lloyd_Fassett AnnB: I don't know if it's that different. IBM Jam did that.
Lloyd_Fassett EdKrebs: it's more than that.
Lloyd_Fassett AdamB: lifecycle of ideas?
Lloyd_Fassett EdKrebs: there are interesting nuances that are new. We've had a lot of vendor demo's in the last few months that sparking some ideas.
elf-pavlik aaronpk, any special conditions you can think of with CORS enabled?

Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: Provinance is the piece that is being added. Manage it and track it
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Provenance is important in indie web. We need it to establish trust. Everything is so distributed.
elf-pavlik i meant fo oauth, i know that person has some issues there since server needs to limit Audience for security reasons

elf-pavlik s/person/persona/

Lloyd_Fassett Harry: We seen failed experiments with digital signatures but I expect it to come back.
Lloyd_Fassett AnneB: Boeing does not allow anonymous posting. Identity is controlled.
Lloyd_Fassett Claudio: responding to TAntek from an hour ago. I think video conferencing is important.
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: we're using peer to peer in this meeting
Lloyd_Fassett Claudio: webrtc?
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: yes
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek Chrome Firefox
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: we'd love to see rtc in IOS
elf-pavlik aaronpk, Mozilla Persona limitation which limits its usage with CORS (Explicitly specify the audience parameter) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Persona/Security_Considerations

Lloyd_Fassett Larry: an extension to Sandro's point. There's a problem now for lack of activity definitions. Liking isn't the same everywhere.
tantek Larry, see http://indiewebcamp.com/like and http://indiewebcamp.com/favorite and in particular http://indiewebcamp.com/like#Variants

Lloyd_Fassett Evan: That's reasonsonable. In the AS world we have a schema that is super fuzzy. Especially as words in English like Attach, Consume (eat or watch?)
Lloyd_Fassett Activy Schema has to do this
Lloyd_Fassett jasnell: throw it up at the wall and document. We need to narrow it down to standardize it.
Lloyd_Fassett Eric: If you need something we precise semantics, do your own vocabulary and publish it. We won't see that in our base Schema
Lloyd_Fassett Evan: our core set should cover many things
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: 500px has both a heart button and a like button. That pattern is not going to end. Some places have a lot of smily's.
MarkCrawford Since I have heard the dreaded IP words raised, I think it might be worthwhile to remind folks in the meeting that only the WG members have made the IP commitment because if I remember correctly, the IG members have no licensing commitment. Also, since we are taking resolutions of the WG, perhaps we should limit the actual polls to WG members only.
Lloyd_Fassett jasnell: 500px 'heart' adds to your list, like ads a count of likes
Lloyd_Fassett MarkCrawford: IP...we have IG members that have not made WG comittments. We need to be care about taking their contributions. We are taking +1 in the minutes from non WG members.
Lloyd_Fassett Arnaud: Fair point, but the outcome would not be different.
jtauber FWIW: here's my collection of things that a "favorite" in Twitter can mean: https://thoughtstreams.io/jtauber/taxonomy-of-twitter-favorites/
Lloyd_Fassett MarkC: we need to be careful because IG members are not making a commitment
Lloyd_Fassett Harry: Good point
Lloyd_Fassett Tantek: Any API that has right to a server will need Authentication. I recommend Indieauth (?).
Lloyd_Fassett Tankek: I asked someone to look at SAML through Indieauth
Lloyd_Fassett Arnauld: Everyone is assuming we'll separate Embedded Experiences from the API. I'd like to make a proposal.
elf-pavlik +elf:like

Lloyd_Fassett Jasnell: The way OS did it conflated the issue. They did a gadget that did many different things.
MarkCrawford LOL
Lloyd_Fassett jasnell: OS embedded experience is too complicated.
Lloyd_Fassett jasnell: separating it will make it much easier to get things done
MarkCrawford +1
jtauber +1
elf-pavlik +0

AdamB +1
elf-pavlik "@type": ["elf:like", "as:like"]

jtauber and barnabywalters joined the channel
elf-pavlik oshepherd, nice IRI :)

elf-pavlik as:♥

bblfish_, ahdinosaur and dret joined the channel
jasnell_ and tantek joined the channel
dromasca federation protocol
Lloyd_Fassett joined the channel
dromasca going through the charter
dromasca evan: distributing status updates between different servers
dromasca two use cases
dromasca distributed consumers
dromasca 2. business colaboration
MarkCrawford joined the channel
dromasca taking data between two security domains probably implemented as servers
dromasca feed identified by address or id and subscribe model
dromasca other mechanisms that may work - peer2peer ; but we assume it's rather a server to server mechanism
dromasca feed and sindication - depends in the way social api ends looking like
elf-pavlik harry, i have PoC decentralized system which uses The Bayeux for pub/sub http://svn.cometd.org/trunk/bayeux/bayeux.html

elf-pavlik s/system/system implementation/

Loqi elf-pavlik meant to say: harry, i have PoC decentralized system implementation which uses The Bayeux for pub/sub http://svn.cometd.org/trunk/bayeux/bayeux.html

trackbot Error finding 'See'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/users>.

dromasca Webmention
dromasca previous implementations were not federating with other
dromasca exception - diaspora one way federation
npdoty joined the channel
dromasca every implementation gor its federation protocol
dromasca looking at pingback
dromasca 1-1 use case - comment on my side, see it on your side
dromasca source marked up - this is an entry, got author, content,
dromasca federating comments - more implementations than any other procotol
dromasca now events, notifications - use webmention
dromasca thin protocol based on existing publishing resources
dromasca basic flaw of pingback - automated spam problem
dromasca invite open review - is the automated spam problem solved?
dromasca Arnaud: with pingback one can accept or not . tue here?
dromasca yes, true
dromasca James: what if firewall in between?
dromasca uses httppost
dromasca harry: solved the spam problem - what about industry implementation?
Lloyd_Fassett dromasca: should be either jasnell or jtauber
dromasca jasnell
dromasca analog art flowchart on screen
dromasca vouch flowchart
dromasca vouch url - you believe the recipient will approve, and links to sender
elf-pavlik eg. list of participants in some event which you participated

dromasca a trust model that does not require any terms of trust!
elf-pavlik you could use https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2014/registrants#SW as vouch url

dromasca bar raised enough to solve the automated spam problem?
jeff joined the channel
dromasca Sandro - assumption that everybody on its own domain? what if not - vouch would not reflect
dromasca Sandro - not vouching from twitter but vouching to twitter
Ruinan joined the channel
dromasca why is vouch based on domain?
dromasca history - explained on subdomain page
bblfish joined the channel
dromasca webmention - when sending again the semantics is 'i updated' or 'i deleted my comment', etc.
jtauber q+
dromasca replay-context - tw came with it, came on url,
nicolagreco joined the channel
AdamB q+ how do you see webmentions working in a corporate environment?
AdamB q+, how do you see webmentions working in a corporate environment?
dromasca recursive reply-context ; chained reply-context or 'transitive'
AdamB q+
dromasca jasnell: needs to cross firewall, cannot be just dropped
dromasca put content in initial post, not to lose the content
elf-pavlik jasnell, with application/x-www-form-urlencoded nesting may not work very well...

dromasca jasnell: how you mention profile information? use webfinger to discover?
dromasca jasnell - lot of objects that do not have http id - need to be discovered
dromasca jtauber - how generic can this go? any resource to any resource
dromasca yes - can go general
dromasca AdamB - how it would work in enterprise environment where subdomains are not wide spread?
dromasca use direct addressing, no need for vouch - do they have spam problems internally
dromasca jasnell - may have croo-org
dromasca cross-organizations
AdamB q-
dromasca Evan - Linked Data Platform next?
dromasca sandro - does not understand why it's there
dromasca harry - it was reuested
dromasca sandro - take the http idea of posting to create resource - formalize create a container which has a link to each content list
elf-pavlik q+ to ask about http://cimba.co and http://crosscloud.org/

dromasca Arnaud - LDP at lower level, not app specific
tantek cleaned up "webmention with vouch" flow diagram: https://indiewebcamp.com/File:2014-285-webmention-vouch-drawing.png

dromasca not specific for feferation
dromasca Arnaud - process point of view - LDP goes to PR, if it fits could be used
dromasca sandro - only if it fits
dromasca tantek - anyone tempting to federate?
dromasca sandro - me and Andrei
AnnBassetti s/tempting /attempting /
elf-pavlik tantek, check out http://cimba.co - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0_XaJ97rF0

elf-pavlik q-

dromasca sandro - emulate twitter experience, but does not scale (60k users, 20k servers), using simba, LDP server + access control
dromasca sandro - one client implementation, one server
elf-pavlik sandro, cimba == kima ? https://github.com/rww-apps/kima

npdoty joined the channel
dromasca evanpro - would it be reasonable to sketch this process on wiki as proposal> looks close with things done on JSON-LD. Does it make sense? can we sketch on wikki
elf-pavlik dret use q+ re:

dromasca sandro - hesitates, not sure about use case
elf-pavlik q-

elf-pavlik q?

elf-pavlik q+ re: friendship claims in federated network

dromasca owf - dates 2009 - still valid?
dromasca harry - somebody familiar explain pluses and minuses of pubsubhubb -
dromasca dret- pubsubhubbub - push protocol -
dromasca sandro - 0.4?
AnnBassetti I like @dret's terse statement: "pubsubhubbub is not the federation protocol; it's the push protocol" ... would be helpful to have such an annotation on all these
dromasca evanpro - other payloads
AnnBassetti (although all you geeks may be clear on all of that)
MarkCrawford q+
shepazu joined the channel
dromasca elf-pavlik: silos, simetric relation, i can publish any claims - how people can verify claims?
AnnBassetti s/simetric /symmetric /
fabien-gandon joined the channel
dromasca evanpro - rough idea - verify information stored on different servers
aaronpk jasnell: interesting... see current work on webmention status using identifiers for individual webmentions: http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Asynchronous_status_polling

fabien-gandon wave hello
dromasca tantek - pubsuhubbub - working since 2010
jtauber sounds like a slogan
dromasca evanpro - the primary use activity strings, allows for activities info to flow accross the connection
dromasca sandro - xml only?
dromasca evanpro - not any longer
AnnBassetti waves at fabien-gandon
dromasca feature to broadcast to large number of subscribers
tantek I've published notes with PubSubHubbub on tantek.com since 2010-02-01: http://tantek.com/2010/032/t3/bits-tweeting-from-my-site-favicon-twitter-pubsubhubbub

dromasca well supported for produces of atom feeds - bloggers, etc.
dromasca downside - no access control mechanis,