#social 2014-10-29
2014-10-29 UTC
# EdK evanpro: issue he'd liek to address, where will we handle in our schedule and process. ack that James is already working on. is a llot for the working group to address. getting the social api and teh federation protocol may want to happen earlier than in-browser experiecne
# EdK would like to talk about whether to include these actions. preference is to push off until after federation protocol, then can discuss using these actions in a federated environment.
# EdK timing discussed, feeling is that should be toward end of process
tilgovi joined the channel
# EdK Arnaud: asked if these use cases mean we do have use cases.
# hhalpin q+
# EdK jasnell: has an editor's draft, will continue to work on it. on road to FWD doesn't mean have to talk a lot about it. suggests Tantek and James discuss. would like to at least look at in draft, even if it isn't going to end up being prioritized. see actions as an entrypoint into the API discussions
# EdK provides use case insight
# EdK ARnud: is concern about resources and would be delaying things, or is this about dependancies
# EdK evanpro: both. limited bandwidth to apply to issues, schedule of others on teh roadmap will define dependencies. roadmap is on page, but not ordered in teh charter.
dret joined the channel
# EdK jasnell: not in a rush to be finished for this work, is a priority in own company. won't let it derail WG efforts, if it has to wait it will. want to start it going.
# EdK tantek: would put federation protocol before api based on experience in his work.
# KevinMarks +1 on webmention maturity
# EdK maybe tehre are different scopes in mind for federation, but wrt webmention, seems mature enough to go somewhere. freinding, following, pushing out live updates is an area that needs a lot more work though.
# EdK would like to see tha actions draft contain the superset, then can point to what is being deployed on the web today
# EdK jasnell: propose to put heads together on these approaches, come up with one that will work.
# KevinMarks cwebber2: you mean federation is unitary? Can't be incrementally implemented?
tilgovi_ joined the channel
# EdK evanpro: from charter point of view, if action indicators are in social data syntax, would that suffice for embedded experiecne api or would there be more work to do there.
# EdK harry: problem is too many working drafts will mean can't finish. have to fit together. darwinian process... supports the general activity streams, api, federation, happy with embedded experience work toward the end
# EdK jasnell: doesn't want to confuse Open Social Big E embedded experience with the work James is doing about little e experiences.
# EdK sugarCRM doesn't want to do open social gadgets work anymore either,
# KevinMarks the micropub/webmention split seems quite good in practice for update/notify
# EdK harry: need http api out soon, federation. need to get webmention as working draft, no problem also working on embedded draft too.
# KevinMarks subscription and updates is tricker though PubSubHubbub is a marker there as discussed yesterday
# EdK main holdup will not be lack of good concepts, will be lack of editor's time in drafts. would focus on http api first.
# AnnBassetti lost cwebber2 and elf-pavlik
# elf-pavlik no, i can see and hear
# AnnBassetti weird
# AnnBassetti I won't mess with it
# AnnBassetti oh .. ok
# EdK clarification there is no order in the charter, but there is a schedule. but it isn't a big deal to change that and inform people of there is a better order.
# elf-pavlik me to so we don't use bandwith
# AnnBassetti no worries
# EdK evanpro: feels federation is harder,
# KevinMarks the indie-action technique could be a gadget replacement, but with user-chosen gadget binding
# EdK jasnell: there is no proposal for the api draft yet, what is the plan to get on teh table for discussion.
# EdK harry: need to get all tof them on teh table as soon as possible
# EdK suggests everyone put out editr's draft as soon as possible as teh mechanism to drive timing and forward progress
# EdK Arnaud: recapped the rather lengthy process to get through all the drafting and review processes, test suites, implementations and reportback of results. putting drafts is lower hanging fruit but the working group has a lot of things to do and can't push a lot of parallel thigns through
bblfish joined the channel
# EdK harry: not concerned about meeting chrter, more worried on time
# EdK tantek: ok with seeing multiple drafts to get many more eyes on it, even if it is multiple approaches.
# elf-pavlik +1 staying open to multiple drafts
# EdK evanpro: could we do with proposals to drafts, winnow down to effort
# EdK tantek: can see multiple drafts expanding collaboration regarind potentially independent use cases.
# hhalpin q+
# EdK sandro: re SWAT0, asked the other day about whether it was implemented in indeweb
# elf-pavlik ProjectDanube?
# EdK evanpro: did in 3 implementatiosn, statusnet, rstatus, another I missed :-)
# KevinMarks I say it is implemented; Tantek is quibbling about what "tagging somone in a photo" means
# elf-pavlik http://buddycloud.com/ (XMPP based)
# EdK AnnB: so you think it is achievable?
# EdK tantek: yes.
# EdK harry: coming to the end of the day. want to finalize with clear editors.
# KevinMarks q+ indieweb arguably has SWAT0 implemented, depending on what "tagging" means
# tantek http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub as well for a social API
# elf-pavlik possibly Hydra and Linked Data Fragments !
# EdK evanpro: seems like there are 3 pump.io, micropub, ....?
# tantek see and add to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API_candidates
# EdK thanks tantek
# EdK Arnaud: want to use last 1/2 hour to wrap up. are we done with actions discussion at the moment?
# hhalpin q?
# EdK KevinMarks suggests indieweb did (mostly) meet SWAT0
# EdK Arnaud: great meeting over last 2 days
# EdK what is important is have clear idea who needs to do what
# EdK some actions notes, some issues not noted formally
# EdK anything not related to a specific draft, broader should be recorded in tracker.
# EdK review different topics agree what to do next
# EdK activity stream specs - are we clear?
# EdK jasnell: next step is to get feedback.
# EdK Arnaud: need 2 people to commit to reading and commenting on specs.
# EdK Arnaud: are we near last call yet?
# EdK jasnell: no
shepazu and fjh joined the channel
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/28-social-minutes.html fjh
# EdK jasnell: need one more working draft to add namespace, resolve questions like verbs as nouns, may need one more working draft early december to wrok out that. then can work on starting to do some tests and test suite
# EdK evanpro: what would a test suite be evaluateing:
# EdK jasnell: make sure parsing is handled the same way?
# elf-pavlik o/
# EdK Arnoaud: who is planning implementing - given all the other work.
# KevinMarks is http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-link-method-10 meant to be a webmention equivalent, jasnell ?
# EdK Sandro: what is implementation ...
# EdK evanpro: would do parser for consuemr, but what else?
# EdK jasnell: has some opensource, library not an application. java and javascript parsing and consuming
# AdamB jasnell: where is the opensource library at today?
# EdK need to have a JSON-LD to fully handle. All valid AS1.0 must be consumed.
# AnnBassetti going to turn computer around so people can hear cwebber
# AnnBassetti therefore moving camera
# EdK tantek: use cases should drive tests
# EdK for an implementation
# trackbot Created ISSUE-7 - Are as consumers required to understand the pre-json-ld syntax?. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/7/edit>.
# EdK cwebber2: right now implementing at mediagoblin, suggests will have more than 1 implementation likely.
# EdK Arnaud: may be boring but figuring out what spec is first, helps people know what to implement.
# EdK tantek: finding existing implementations can make sure the call goes out to find out who will then implement the spec
# AnnBassetti yeah .. worked great, actually
# KevinMarks we should invite Echo and Gnip to comment as they have existing AS implementations
# EdK harry: need to recognized that some implementers tend to wait.
# tantek this is what I'm talking about: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Activity_Streams#Implementations
# EdK Arnaud: one thing practically that can be done, sooner we have test suite sframework set up, tell people what a test looks like, then people can submit tests and therefore implement a test suite
shepazutu joined the channel
# hadleybeeman q?
# hadleybeeman q+
# trackbot Error finding 'test'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/users>.
# elf-pavlik I started already with testing RDF from examples in the spec draft, if that counts as useful test...
# trackbot Created ISSUE-8 - Test suite for activity streams 2.0. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/8/edit>.
# EdK evanpro: what is action - to create test suite for AS2.0? who gets teh action? better create an issue
# EdK evanpro: since don't have a vocabulary, haven't adopted AS1.0, need an action.
# trackbot Error finding 'jasnell'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/users>.
# elf-pavlik https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/pull/32 first version of tests for expected RDF
# trackbot Error finding 'evanpro'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/users>.
# elf-pavlik s/identity/profiles/ ;)
# Loqi elf-pavlik meant to say: https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/pull/32 first version of tests for expected RDF
# elf-pavlik who speaks?
# KevinMarks hadleybeeman is speaking, elf-pavlik
# EdK hadleybeeman: introduced herself. story about needing to make crx very clear in the beginning, to smooth discussions with the director
# KevinMarks test or validation?
# EdK jasnell: AS1.0 did not define conformance. now with implementations can define within test sutie for 2.0
# hadleybeeman ...to smooth discussions with the director and to avoid discovering unexpected confusion later on.
# EdK s/sutie/suite/s
# AnnBassetti sorry you guys .. I accidentally left talky .. you might have to reconnect
# elf-pavlik it came back for me, all works fine!
# EdK harry: hard to test based on user experience, so parser is default
# EdK Arnaud: lets keep on going with actions, it is useful. haven't said anything about dederation, should we ahve an action
# EdK s/dederation/federation/s
# AnnBassetti cwebber2 .. do you see my feed 2x?
# KevinMarks sandro: so some kind of round-tripping?
# elf-pavlik AnnBassetti all fine now!
# AnnBassetti ok, <phew>
# AnnBassetti cool beans
# hhalpin consumers can be judged by number of users, which can be documented rather easily if there are products with X customers or in open-source products where you can list number of subscribers/users.
# trackbot Created ISSUE-9 - Need candidates for federation protocol. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/9/edit>.
# trackbot Created ISSUE-10 - Need candidates for social api. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/10/edit>.
# hhalpin So, if we have a parser for a project with no subscribers or a product with no estimated number of users, then it doesn't count in my book.
# KevinMarks is micropub also federation?
# hhalpin That's why W3C didn't want to launch group till we had some clear products that were interested in the space.
# elf-pavlik reminder: tomorrow meeting with schema.org - https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas#Schema.org_and_Social_WG
# hhalpin Since its harder to tell with open-source projects
# hadleybeeman hhalpin: that all looks fine to me. I'm not fussed how you measure conformance or what the CR exit criteria are — just don't want you all to end up frustrated with this later!
# hhalpin micropub does indeed count as a federation.
# EdK annB says her browser crashed
# hhalpin I'm also totally happy with things not going to Rec if they don't have users.
# elf-pavlik cwebber2, come back for picture!
# elf-pavlik AnnBassetti, no need!
# elf-pavlik we take one next summer in Europe :)
# EdK Arnaud: closes meeting, time for pictures
# elf-pavlik great job everyone!!!
# hhalpin trackbot, end meeting
# hhalpin RRSAgent, generate minutes
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/28-social-minutes.html hhalpin
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/28-social-minutes.html trackbot
# RRSAgent I see 16 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2014/10/27-social-actions.rdf :
# EdK cwebber2, get back on video, eh?
# EdK Ann'll take screen shot
# elf-pavlik thank you AnnBassetti
fjh, fjh_, bblfish, KevinMarks, caseorganic, csillag, tantek, hhalpin, Arnaud, jasnell, bblfish_, jtauber, ShaneHudson, shepazu, pfefferle and nicolagreco joined the channel
# elf-pavlik !tell tantek we can try SWAT0 with WG group photo! http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2014Oct/0123.html
hhalpin, fjh and fjh_ joined the channel
# elf-pavlik jtauber, I see you plan to join Social + WebSchemas session, could you maybe try establish remote connection via https://talky.io/socialwg ?
nicolagreco, bblfish, bblfish_ and hhalpin joined the channel
# elf-pavlik hhalpin, good morning :)
# hhalpin thanks for dialing in yesterday!
# hhalpin wish you were here!
# elf-pavlik thanks! i hope remote participation didn't cause to much of distraction! can i try dialing in over https://talky.io/socialwg to the session with schema.org?
bblfish, fjh and fjh_ joined the channel
# hhalpin If we can find someone to host it, yes
# hhalpin We'll ping you in IRC as soon as we know, probably around 9:00 AM
bblfish and pfefferle_ joined the channel
# elf-pavlik hhalpin, awesome! thanks a bunch :)
bblfish_, bblfish and pfefferle_ joined the channel
# jtauber elf-pavlik: I'll definitely try. I'm sure we'll be able to get someone on talky.io so you can participate.
bblfish joined the channel
# elf-pavlik jtauber, thanks!
bblfish_, bblfish, jasnell, cmhobbs, hhalpin, nicolagreco and fjh joined the channel
# elf-pavlik cwebber2, check out: https://vimeo.com/110256895 i hope one day it will move to http://media.w3.org :)
jasnell joined the channel
# elf-pavlik CC-BY, i guess you could also republish it on your mediagoblin instance?
hhalpin, jasnell, jasnell_, fjh, bblfish, Asdf, dret, rhiaro_, RichardLitt, jtauber, caseorganic, raphael, tzviya, taisuke_, yusuke, EdK, JeniT, shepazu, bjdmeest, Ralph and RRSAgent joined the channel
# RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-social-irc
# Ralph rrsagent, please make record public
Zakim, pfps, jtauber, timbl, fabien-gandon, MarkCrawford and AnnBassetti joined the channel
# elf-pavlik wonders if someone will start https://talky.io/socialwg ? :)
rayd joined the channel
# jtauber elf-pavlik: Ann is setting up now
Lloyd_Fassett joined the channel
azaroth joined the channel
# elf-pavlik \o/ thank you AnnBassetti :*
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto I work at Google. We've been working on completed and potential Actions for some time
# AnnBassetti trying to get there elf ..
Arnaud, jtandy and AdamB joined the channel
# wseltzer Meeting: Social Web and schema.org breakout
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: past actions are the closed to AS work
lehawes and ericstephan joined the channel
Norm joined the channel
# Ralph Sam cites https://developers.google.com/+/api/moment-types/listen-activity
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: aggregation plus past activiteis
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: toward potential action in music industry
# Lloyd_Fassett query Google with Lady Gaga, which is in KG
bryan and tcole joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett Landing pages have potential actions, in microdata, Google is agnostic, json-LD is good too
# Lloyd_Fassett from the noun you reach the potential action, which is "Listen"...via going to that URL.
jasnell_ joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: We're designing this for the mobile wb
# Lloyd_Fassett web
rhiaro_ and dret joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: demoing launched products...why don't we embed schema markup in Gmails too?
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: build rsvp's in line
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: markup shown in presentation
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: property in noun 'potential action'
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: a couple weeks ago we launched search on on SERP pages on Google
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: noun has search action associated with it
# raphael RRSAgent, draft minutes
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-social-minutes.html raphael
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: it's a semantic goal, a binding
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: Peter: why do we care about so many Google products?
# wseltzer s/Sam Goto: Peter:/Peter:/
# Lloyd_Fassett jsnell: yes we do, I can demo deep linking in AS
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: I think I ran out of examples too
# wseltzer Loqi, huh?
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: demo's Yandex implementation
# elf-pavlik wseltzer Loqi bot sometimes gets thngs wrong ...
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: presenting
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell:Social WG just started up. I don't care about details of gadgets, but we took the use cases for in context actions
# wseltzer aaronpk, so that's overriding the usual behavior in w3c channels
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: what do we basically need? A part of that format lets us represent things through a basic syntax
# AnnBassetti James Snell: http://tpac.mybluemix.net/as2.html#19
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell:and attach actions to it
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell:this is very similar to Schema...it's essentially the same model
lehawes_ joined the channel
# wseltzer aaronpk, on other channels, s/A/B/ works on the prior expression anywhere in the minutes
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: demo's a REST call. We can share static content. Can do a browser view, deep link to a native app in IOS. The models are close at this point
scottp and timbl_ joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: When we first started working on this a year ago the models were divergent.
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell:when I had beers in san Francisco with Sam Goto a year ago it was more different
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: the protocol bits can be similar, without the vocabulary.
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: we can have multiple actions on an object with JSON-LD with a Link Data vocabulary
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: we can describe the payload coming back
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: the technical differences are the vocabulary
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: it looks like the Hydra model. Comparing the two could be constructive
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: Indie Actions, primarily an html based using a custom component
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell:when we talked about it yesterday we realized it was similar too. We're getting a lot of convergence on the models.
# Lloyd_Fassett Harry H: From a data modeling standpoint, Sam can you explain how you came to your process
# Ralph [James mentions the related work in the -> http://www.w3.org/community/hydra/ Hydra Community Group]
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: We asked what is the vocabulary you need to complete an action?
# hadleybeeman Us there a more recent update on this? http://www.hydra-cg.com/spec/latest/schema.org/
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: if you wanted to reserve a hotel room, what do you need to ask?
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: Hydra and AS inumerates the input requirements
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: it felt awkward for complicated use cases
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: how difficult would it be to develop
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: Java Abstract Classes are the thing that maps to my skills set. That's the thing Schema.org went went.
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: YOu partially instantiate an abstract class. We are not married to this approach. If you have better ideas, we're open to it?
# Lloyd_Fassett Danbri: How did we do?
# AnnBassetti that was Dan Brickley
# AnnBassetti good job Lloyd!
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: what I like the most is the notiion of attaching an actino to a noun
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: You can share without knowing what you're sharing. Start with a noun and attach a verb to it.
# Lloyd_Fassett (person) is this fire and forget?
# AnnBassetti Ken Laskey: are these single step fire and forget actions?
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: It is not.
# AnnBassetti is temporarily danbri
# AnnBassetti ...
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: once you know the end point, if they return a potential action, they can build it
# AnnBassetti Ken: you're taking atomic actions, fire and forget, but you take them and string them together
# AnnBassetti eg. reservation making
# AnnBassetti then you get another obje ct with another (potential) action with another question\
# AnnBassetti sam: as you are making a reservation, perhaps marriot return a reservation that can be cancelled
# hadleybeeman q+
# AnnBassetti or confirmed, cancelled, shared etc
# Lloyd_Fassett (person) you're taking potential actions, then we can get a response wiht another question. Marriot can return an API could be to cancel, confirm or share a reservation.
# AnnBassetti notes that our chair can't see zakim
# AnnBassetti q?
# Lloyd_Fassett James SNell: the potential actions travel with the data. we can continue the work flow by passing the nouns around
# Ralph s/(person)/KenLaskey:/
# Loqi Ralph meant to say: [James mentions the related work in the -> http://www.w3.org/community/hydra/ Hydra Community Group]
# AnnBassetti hadleybeeman, wave your arms at harry
# Lloyd_Fassett Peter: What does this have to do with Schema? James Snell: with actions
# Lloyd_Fassett Tim Berners: Some ontologies come with with the protocol implicit.
# Lloyd_Fassett Peter: THis is non-discoverabel
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: WE could do a better job of documentation
fjh joined the channel
# azaroth would very much like to hear hadleybeeman's question
# Lloyd_Fassett Guha: We lookign at creating stable snapshots
# Lloyd_Fassett Guha: we push out a new version twice a month
# Lloyd_Fassett Danbri: I disagree. In the last year we've tweaked the text.
# pfps My issue here is how does the meaning of actions interact with schema.org. I don't see any way of getting from schema.org to the meaning of actions as things that can be invoked.
# Lloyd_Fassett James: Right now the Schema.org actions is declaring the action. Can you work with the WG on that so we have a consistent model?
# Lloyd_Fassett Danbri: The protocol.
# azaroth q?
# Lloyd_Fassett Guha: There is 750K websites using schema markup. We have to justify changes.
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: we agree it's better to have one model than two
# pfps q+ to note that schema.org actions bring in much more of the schema.org vocabulary
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: we work with Markus FAlker from Hydra to incorporate his comments.
# Lloyd_Fassett James Snell: at least on the Actions, I encourage you to come work with the WG.
# Lloyd_Fassett Danbri: Can we publish a Note with W3C?
# AnnBassetti q?
# Lloyd_Fassett Handley: please publish stable snapshots. I enouraged the UK government and we need a stable thing to develop to.
# Lloyd_Fassett Hadley: That's all of a plea for standards work.
# wseltzer s/enouraged/advise/
# wseltzer aargh, loqi
# Lloyd_Fassett Hadley: sequence of actions, is there a benefit of stringing actions together, or have a unique id in the datamodel
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: the changllenge with API's is that you have to read documentation to understand them. The work we're doing is to make it that a machine can get a JSON payload and understand what can be done with that payload.
# elf-pavlik affordances can also change depending on who makes the request!
# Lloyd_Fassett Sam Goto: you don't ask a user to read a manual to browse the web.
# Lloyd_Fassett Hadley: that's helpful, but Tim's point about machine readable would be helpful
# hadleybeeman ack me
# Lloyd_Fassett Sandro: The main difference is how the data shapes are handled.
Lloyd_Fassett_ joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Sam Goto: We have a website that describes the languages we looked at Sparkl, reseach shapes, Hydra html5 forms. Our process has been documented.
# hadleybeeman s/sparkl/SPARQL
# hadleybeeman notes that loqi doesn't let me help fix typos!
jtauber joined the channel
# hadleybeeman thanks aaronpk :)
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Sam Goto: the intruction of semantic roles is different with Schema and AS
# Lloyd_Fassett_ JAmes SNell: AS jsut focuses on actions without going into the roles
# Lloyd_Fassett_ James Snell: they are different but compatible
yusuke1 joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Sam Goto: Because of the tree you can just understand parts of the tree, you don't have to understand all the actions. That's important programatically.
JakeHart joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Sam Goto: you can be as specific as your users want it to be.
# AnnBassetti q?
timbl joined the channel
# Ralph i|Meeting: Social Web|-> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas#Schema.org_and_Social_WG Schema.org and Social WG breakout session proposal
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Peter: You have to incorprate a lot of Schema when you incorporate Actions.
nicolagreco and PaulJeong joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett_ James Snell: There is an inheritence, Tantek points out that in Schema volcanoe's can have fax machines
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Danbri: countries can have opening hours too
# Lloyd_Fassett_ James Snell: from a purely rdf point of view you get some weir artifacts
goto joined the channel
# AnnBassetti ack pfps
# pfps if you use schema.org actions you get that the agent of an action is either a person *or* an organization, this brings in a large chunk of schema.org vocabulary plus disjunctive ranges
# hadleybeeman up until recent months, the API at http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk used to close at 5pm. It went home at night.
danbri1 joined the channel
# AdamB just a heads up, there is about 15 minutes left
# AnnBassetti Lloyd -- that's timbl
# goto hey all, this is the documention i mentioned to you right now with regards to the options we looked at for IDLs. check it out: http://blog.sgo.to/2014/03/rows-and-idls.html Feedback welcomed.
# KevinMarks can't hear on the talky
# elf-pavlik hi goto, thanks for joining! :)
# AnnBassetti by elf... sorry Kevin .. what to do?
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Tim BL: in the past Schema and rdf...it would be wonderful to have a schema that maps to rdf. The reason schema has funny artifacts compared to rdf is that they work differently. There is s lots of useful information inside schema that rdf could use.
# AnnBassetti elf could you hear?
# elf-pavlik yes i can hear very well!
# goto here is the list of examples i showed earlier http://blog.sgo.to/2014/09/schemaorg-actions-implementations.html
# KevinMarks hm, OK I'lll try firefox
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Tim BL: when I use rdf I can dereference and pick up very useful information. In the RDF world we have one version of a thing.
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Danbri: I don't know if everyone is following
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Danbri: We keep changing the schema
# KevinMarks got sound in firefox
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Tim B'l: Nobody is askign you to make claims you don't want to make.
chaals1 and ericstephan joined the channel
# AnnBassetti hmm .. interesting Kevin .. great
# pfps q-
timbl joined the channel
# chaals1 rrsagent, draft minutes
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-social-minutes.html chaals1
# danbri1 searchj for volcanos with schema.org: http://danbri.org/2014/cse/volcano.html
# danbri1 it seems to confirm an absence of fax numbers
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Harry: we have ten minutes left. We had previously had an concern with IPR. Thanks to Scott Peterson, we now just point to W3C's policy
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Harry: We have really good proof that schema.org is responsive and we should be happy that that work happened
# raphael RRSAgent, draft minutes
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-social-minutes.html raphael
# AdamB q?
# KevinMarks http://schema.org/Volcano has faxNumber as the 5th property listed, danbri1
timbl_ joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett_ GUha: we have to figure out what we call a snapshot
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Guha: we'll figure out what we can do on that
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Danbri: the point Hadley brought up, we need to let people point to the version they are using.
chaals joined the channel
# wseltzer Chair: Harry_Halpin
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Hadley: thank you
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Hadley: We use standards for preop that hold us back so we can swap data...it's a messy situation that we deal with in our world
# hadleybeeman s/preop/interoperability
bblfish joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Guha; schema is a live ecosystem that we get feedback on
# Lloyd_Fassett_ James Snell: there are model issues people have with Schema. Snapshots will make it significantly easier. If we can get that, great.
# Lloyd_Fassett_ (person) is schema the world's hottest vocabulary?
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Danbri: there are a lot of microformats out there.
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Harry: there is more and more microformats on the web.
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Danbri: it's not a competition.
# azaroth s/(person)/Taisuke Fukuno/
# raphael q+
danbri and jasnell joined the channel
# Lloyd_Fassett_ (person) is there a plan for multiple language
# KevinMarks it is annoying for publishers to have to add multiple types of markup to get previews on different silos
# hadleybeeman s/(person)/rtroncy
# elf-pavlik microformats as in http://microformats.org/ ?
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Guah: the plan is to be in ASC
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Guha: you can translate it.
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Tim BL: When you dereference it does it come in english?
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Sam Goto: Elf has been contributing a lot
# elf-pavlik once i can use WebID instead of state ids :)
# raphael ack me
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Tim bL: These actions are a part of a work flow, when you go through a process, when there is a problem do you have a plan to make a protocol around these situations?
yusuke joined the channel
# hadleybeeman @elf-pavlik: Not exactly WebID, but this is federated... (just FYI) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/introducing-govuk-verify/introducing-govuk-verify
# yusuke on real i10n word-to-word translation may not work as expected -- atomic concept is different by language and culture especially
# yusuke ... especially for 'actions'
# elf-pavlik hadleybeeman thx, will take a look!
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Sam Goto: The RESTful Hydra community has been thinking about that.
# Lloyd_Fassett_ Danbri: We've made some progress.
# KevinMarks hadleybeeman: harry was talking about wanting domains that aren't rented for IDs - is that something interesting at the govt level
# goto fyi
timbl joined the channel
# AnnBassetti OK .. bye elf and Kevin
# goto here is another piece i wrote on hypermedia apis
# Lloyd_Fassett_ RRSAgent, generate minutes
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-social-minutes.html Lloyd_Fassett_
# elf-pavlik thank you AnnBassetti enabling remote participation :)
# wseltzer [adjourned]
# Lloyd_Fassett_ RRSAgent, generate minutes
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/29-social-minutes.html Lloyd_Fassett_
Norm joined the channel
# elf-pavlik signing out, needs to get ready to hichhike tomorrow morning ðŸ‘
pfps, raphael, scottp, AdamB, tantek, rhiaro_, JeniT, jtauber, tantek_, hhalpin, chaals, pfps_, timbl, shepazu, danbri, Norm, bblfish, lehawes, lehawes_, JeniT_, tilgovi, AdamB_, RichardLitt and shepazutu joined the channel
jasnell, hhalpin, danbri, danbri1, tilgovi, oshepherd, Arnaud, tilgovi_, RichardLitt, AdamB, jtandy, bblfish, tantek, nicolagreco, jasnell_, nicolagreco_, chaals, timbl, timbl_ and shepazu joined the channel