2014-11-14 UTC
Arnaud joined the channel
# 01:31 wilkie cwebber2: that'd be fun. we should contact Miguel Freitas, the Twister developer, although that's kademlia. yet similar enough. :)
# 01:45 cwebber2 wilkie: twister! That was the one I was trying to remember.
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 01:46 cwebber2 wilkie: the biggest trouble would be identifiers probably, right?
cmhobbs, rhiaro and richlitt joined the channel
# 05:31 wilkie cwebber2: I'm not sure. when attempting to design such a thing with a former bittorrent dev, we got stuck on identity verification and privacy.
# 05:32 wilkie the twister dev solved that soundly using the bitcoin blockchain techniques. although I'm not sure how well that would work in practice.
# 05:33 wilkie identifiers don't seem too challenging even if they aren't URIs. you can kinda force a name-centric model on a DHT if you try hard enough. heh. a reasonable ID is the hash of the data, after all.
# 05:33 wilkie I haven't thought enough about it to know for sure.
tantek, jaywink, timbl, bblfish, pfefferle, pfefferle_, the_frey, cmhobbs, the_frey_, Morbus, bryan, danbri, aaronpk and caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic, shepazu, timbl_, tantek and bblfish joined the channel
# 19:46 tantek ah there it is - was worried perhaps Loqi had some log delay.
caseorganic, bblfish and tantek joined the channel
# 21:07 tantek does anyone here publish "quotation" posts on their personal site?
bblfish, tantek, timbl and danbri joined the channel