2014-11-18 UTC
bblfish, bblfish_, tilgovi, the_frey, timbl, tantek, jaywink, pfefferle, Morbus, mechanic, danbri, bblfish__, harry, hhalpin and AnnBassetti joined the channel
# 17:02 hhalpin Social chairs, if you want to, we can do a quick meeting now
# 17:02 hhalpin i.e. Arnaud, Tantek (who is going to be 30 min late), and EvanP
evanp joined the channel
mechanic, tantek, bblfish and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 17:26 tommorris hhalpin, Arnaud, tantek, evanp: can you remove my membership from the socialwg. I've requested by email and it hasn't been actioned.
# 17:27 evanp tommorris: OK, I'll see what we can do.
# 17:27 tommorris it's been nearly a month since I sent a resignation email and I still get mailing list posts.
# 17:27 hhalpin I'll see if I can remove you, I may not be authorized.
# 17:27 hhalpin Usually you can resign yourself, but maybe there is an error in your case.
# 17:28 hhalpin what email is associated with your W3C account?
# 17:30 hhalpin I deleted your IE invitation, but you have to remove yourself
# 17:30 hhalpin can you access this:
AdamB joined the channel
# 17:33 tommorris hhalpin: tom@tommorris.org - and I can access it, but the form is greyed out: "Only AC Representative, selected Invited Experts and Staff Contacts can use this form to leave a group ; since you're not logged as any of those, you won't be allowed to submit this form."
# 17:34 hhalpin Are you logged into your W3C account??
# 17:34 hhalpin Yep, login and you should be able to do it.
# 17:34 hhalpin I can't do it for you I think
# 17:36 hhalpin any luck getting into your account tommorris?
tantek and dret joined the channel
# 17:40 tommorris nope, not working in Safari either. the W3CACL login fails when i try to login even with a password reset.
tantek_ and tantek joined the channel
the_frey joined the channel
# 17:42 hhalpin I can't access your password
# 17:42 hhalpin Tommorris, could you email sysreq@w3.org with your password issues?
# 17:44 hhalpin sorry can't help you!
Zakim and RRSAgent joined the channel
# 17:48 Zakim I don't understand your question, elf-pavlik.
# 17:48 Zakim sees Team_(socialc)17:40Z, XML_ET-TF()11:00AM, WAI_WCAG()11:00AM active
# 17:49 Zakim sees in schedule IA_WEBPD()1:00PM, Team_(socialc)16:56Z, T&S_DNTC()12:00PM, Team_(longdescpr)18:00Z, WAI_PF(Text)1:00PM, T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM, RWC_WAPI()12:00PM
# 17:49 Zakim sorry, elf-pavlik, I don't know what conference this is
# 17:49 Zakim ok, elf-pavlik; I see T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes
# 17:50 Zakim the conference code is 7625 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), elf-pavlik
tommorris and jasnell joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:58 AdamB zakim, aaaa is AdamB
# 17:59 Zakim I don't understand your question, elf-pavlik.
# 17:59 Zakim sees on the phone: jasnell, elf-pavlik, AdamB, cwebber2, oshepherd
# 17:59 hhalpin Zakim, who's on the phone?
# 17:59 Zakim On the phone I see jasnell, elf-pavlik, AdamB, cwebber2, oshepherd, Ann
Arnaud joined the channel
# 18:00 hhalpin Zakim, what's the code?
# 18:00 Zakim the conference code is 7625 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), hhalpin
# 18:00 Zakim ok, trackbot; I see T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM scheduled to start now
dret joined the channel
# 18:01 Zakim sees on the phone: jasnell, elf-pavlik, AdamB, cwebber2, oshepherd, Ann, [Mozilla], aaronpk, wilkie, Wendy, ??P15
# 18:01 Zakim sorry, rhiaro, I do not recognize a party named '?P15'
# 18:01 AnnBassetti yay Chris!
# 18:01 wseltzer and W3C likes people who like to scribe :)
# 18:02 wseltzer zakim, aabb is evanp
# 18:02 hhalpin Zakim, IPcaller is hhalpin
# 18:02 Zakim sees on the phone: jasnell, elf-pavlik, AdamB, cwebber2, oshepherd, Ann, [Mozilla], aaronpk, wilkie, Wendy, rhiaro (muted), Sandro, evanp, hhalpin
# 18:02 cwebber2 tantek: so we have a scribe, first thing to do is to approve the minutes of last call
# 18:03 elf-pavlik cwebber2 TOPIC: Approval of Minutes of 11 November 2014 Teleconf
# 18:03 cwebber2 TOPIC: Approval of Minutes of 11 November 2014 Teleconf
# 18:03 cwebber2 tantek: hearing no objections on irc, I'm declaring the minutes approved, move on
# 18:03 cwebber2 if anyone finds problems/typos, edit after the fact, it's a wiki
# 18:04 hhalpin cwebber, you can use "topic:" before the next topic, for resolutions/proposals go for "PROPOSAL: or RESOLVED:"
# 18:04 cwebber2 next week's teleconference is on as far as we know, we know it's thanksgiving in the US
# 18:04 cwebber2 so if you have regrets(?) if you can't show up to the wiki, that would be appreciated
Shane joined the channel
# 18:05 hhalpin At TPAC, we were moving to nouns
# 18:05 cwebber2 issue 3: open issue, don't see anything new on this, can we drop or continue asynchronously?
# 18:05 wilkie cwebber2: make a new TOPIC section, you'll thank yourself later
# 18:05 evanp I don't think any of these issues have additional developments this week
# 18:07 cwebber2 tantek: if nobody has objections, unless we have issues that require synchronous discussion, we'll just continue and address it asynchornously
# 18:08 Jessica_Lily Zakim: +??P20 is me
# 18:08 cwebber2 could you add to the actions clarifying pubsubhubbub?
# 18:09 Jessica_Lily hm did I do that right?
# 18:09 cwebber2 evanpro: I think clint (?) was managing PuSH stuff at Google
# 18:09 wseltzer Jessica_Lily, leave off the +
# 18:09 Jessica_Lily ah thanks!
# 18:09 Jessica_Lily Zakim: ??P20 is me
# 18:09 Zakim I'm glad that smiley is there, elf-pavlik
# 18:09 Jessica_Lily leave the ?'s off too? :P
# 18:09 Jessica_Lily Zakim, ??P20 is me
# 18:10 Jessica_Lily super! thanks wilkie
# 18:10 trackbot action-6 -- Harry Halpin to Cycle with wendy and google on push licensing -- due 2014-11-04 -- OPEN
# 18:10 hhalpin notes Action 5 and Action 6 are basically the same
# 18:10 cwebber2 tantek: let's just coordinate this week, if action 5 and 6 are the same, collapse it
# 18:11 wseltzer trackbot, close action-6
# 18:11 hhalpin So I'm closing Issue 5 since the answer is "no"
# 18:11 cwebber2 tantek: will leave that to you harry, so evan can handle dewitt
# 18:11 hhalpin and I'll keep Issue 6 open.
# 18:11 Zakim elf-pavlik, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [Mozilla] (34%), Jessica_Lily (60%)
# 18:11 hhalpin And cc wendy on email to BradFitz and Evan, who can then forward that to Clinton DeWitt
# 18:11 evanp Zakim, who's making noise?
# 18:12 Zakim evanp, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [Mozilla] (19%), jasnell (80%), Jessica_Lily (59%)
# 18:12 hhalpin s/kevin/Kevin Marks
# 18:12 Jessica_Lily hm is mine not muted?
# 18:12 Jessica_Lily oh thanks
# 18:12 Jessica_Lily I muted myself in ekiga
# 18:12 cwebber2 james: there's been no further progress, the annotation working group is working on getting the next model out
# 18:12 cwebber2 looking at vocabulary looking at defining vocabulary or equivalencies
# 18:12 elf-pavlik Jessica_Lily you can always ask 'Zakim, unmute me' when you want to speak
# 18:12 Jessica_Lily elf-pavlik: okay cool thanks
# 18:13 cwebber2 tantek: my question is are there any other groups working on annotations overlap
# 18:13 cwebber2 if any future groups are working on it, please coordinate
# 18:13 cwebber2 high level working groups at W3C are working on concept of "share"
# 18:14 cwebber2 james: it's in progress, evan's posted thoughts on this
# 18:14 cwebber2 tantek: does this relate to the work you and I did on adapting (??) to activitystreams 2.0 docs?
# 18:15 cwebber2 james: yes, I'm working on modeling the mapping in the json-ld and the AS examples
# 18:15 cwebber2 james: Yes, hoping to get an appendix discussing HTML rendering
# 18:15 cwebber2 don't want to confuse it with too many serializations
# 18:15 cwebber2 as for inline examples, you can click to view with json-ld
# 18:16 cwebber2 tantek: great, would love to see the demo incorporated into the editor's draft as you see fit, at least have a HTML rendering
# 18:17 cwebber2 tantek: there's multiple iterations, the social API candidates and patterns
# 18:17 elf-pavlik q+ re: Gathering feedback on various Socialwg/Social API candidates
# 18:17 cwebber2 evanp: yeah, I'm on the queue from before re: AS, but the main thing is I edited this
# 18:18 cwebber2 elf put himself on the queue, so I want to jump in here to say there's a 5-step procedure to identify patterns to use/inform our social API understanding
# 18:18 cwebber2 took some time this week to start breaking down existing patterns / APIs we have on our patterns list
# 18:19 cwebber2 if we have 3-5 minutes, would love to go over twitter api and break things down
# 18:19 cwebber2 tantek: let's put that at the end of the agenda, is that ok?
# 18:19 cwebber2 my main point is that we're nowhere near evaluating candidates
# 18:20 Shane That list is missing webmention, is that intentional?
# 18:20 Zakim elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss Gathering feedback on various Socialwg/Social API candidates
# 18:20 cwebber2 elf-pavlik: I just created sections for each candidate on the wiki
# 18:20 evanp Shane: I think Webmention is a server-to-server protocol rather than a client-to-server API
# 18:20 cwebber2 we want to look at other APIs, but many of us look at it anyhow that we should take notes
# 18:21 cwebber2 for example, with micropub, it has (???) nest resources
# 18:21 cwebber2 we don't have to rush, but I'm trying to create space and encouraging people to take notes
# 18:21 Shane evanp: Ah yes, I see. Been following along on IRC (due to circumstances re audio) so didn't quite realise we're talking just client-to-server now :)
# 18:22 cwebber2 tantek: that's right, I think we're not at the point we can eval candidates w/ respect to each other, but I think i'll echo elf-pavlik that we should all look and add nodes if we find issues and what implications of the social api are
# 18:22 evanp It's not 100% clear that maintaining a distinction between those two is necessary
# 18:22 cwebber2 evanp: no objection, I think we should understand where we are in the process
# 18:23 cwebber2 nobody else is on the speaker queue, anyone else have anything to add re: social API?
# 18:24 cwebber2 evanp: here's link to the twitter api, how it does, how it works, identifying functional parts of that API, what you can do, how they work
# 18:24 elf-pavlik no worries, just gentle reminder... you do great work with scribing!!!
# 18:25 cwebber2 which is specifically for twitter model: monolithic model for following, posting a "tweet" short message, which hits timeline of all followers.
reedstrm joined the channel
# 18:25 cwebber2 a few important entities: user represents account holder. Tweets have content of message, but also creation date, author info, geolocation data, etc
# 18:25 Shane Should we take the old Twitter API into consideration as well? The new (OAuth) one has caused limitations for some developers, which we of course need to avoid
# 18:25 cwebber2 separate data type for direct (1:1) messages between users
# 18:26 cwebber2 in particular, a collection entity for catching multiple messages
# 18:26 AdamB very nice work evanp
# 18:26 cwebber2 most important for twitter is CRUD (create read update delete)
# 18:26 cwebber2 you can get in various formats: either in native format or OEmbed
# 18:26 Shane tantek: I can but have no audio so will have to just ask on irc
# 18:27 cwebber2 every user has an "outbox", a stream of tweets they created which is readable
# 18:27 cwebber2 as well as a stream of tweets by people they follow, their "inbox"
# 18:27 cwebber2 there's also a stream of tweets sent directly to that user
# 18:27 oshepherd Shane: I'm not sure how OAuth has caused limitations for anyone
# 18:27 aaronpk the crypto part of OAuth 1 was a hurdle for many developers, both on the provider side and consumer side
# 18:27 cwebber2 if you haven't looked at this API, it's confusing, there's a direct message, but ther's also "mentions", which are when people brought you into the conversation but it's a public conversation
# 18:27 cwebber2 there's stuff for handling inbox/outbox as well as CRUD for messages
# 18:28 aaronpk this is well documented, and was much of the motivation for designing OAuth 2 to not include the crypto requirement
# 18:28 cwebber2 typically does not require approval, though possible for it to do so
# 18:28 cwebber2 twitter users have homepage and can manage their homepage design
# 18:28 cwebber2 there's a cluster of API endpoints for blocking users, muting, etc
# 18:29 cwebber2 blocking prevents another person from contacting you at all
# 18:29 cwebber2 as well as a cluster of apis for suggestions of who to follow
# 18:30 cwebber2 there's a contact list cluster, which is a complex mechanism in the api
# 18:30 elf-pavlik q+ re: Some accounts can be posted to by multiple authenticated users.
# 18:30 Zakim sees Shane, elf-pavlik on the speaker queue
# 18:30 cwebber2 because twitter uses its own geographical vocab, there's a cluster of API endpoints for managing those places
# 18:31 Zakim I don't understand your question, elf-pavlik.
# 18:32 Zakim sees on the phone: jasnell, AdamB, cwebber2, Ann, [Mozilla], aaronpk, Wendy, rhiaro (muted), Sandro, evanp, hhalpin, dret, Jessica_Lily (muted), elf-pavlik (muted), wilkie, ??P9
richlitt joined the channel
# 18:32 hhalpin q+ Twitter Cards
# 18:32 Zakim sees Shane, elf-pavlik, Twitter, Cards on the speaker queue
# 18:32 cwebber2 but the objects for person/tweets, has a lot of properties
# 18:32 Zakim sees Shane, elf-pavlik, Cards on the speaker queue
# 18:32 Zakim sees Shane, elf-pavlik on the speaker queue
# 18:32 Zakim sees Shane, elf-pavlik, hhalpin on the speaker queue
# 18:32 cwebber2 there's a lot that's not here, especially because there's no way to track activities
# 18:32 cwebber2 they don't have something like the activitystream model
# 18:33 cwebber2 I went ahead and added some stuff to the features side to the bottom of the page with the features list
# 18:33 Shane Yes, thank you evanp (and cwebber2), very useful
# 18:33 Zakim sees Shane, elf-pavlik, hhalpin on the speaker queue
# 18:33 cwebber2 those arn't all visible in the api as far as I can tell
# 18:33 Zakim sees elf-pavlik, hhalpin on the speaker queue
# 18:34 Shane My question was "Should we take the old Twitter API into consideration as well? The new (OAuth) one has caused limitations for some developers, which we of course need to avoid"
# 18:34 Shane But I think the issues were OAuth and rate limiting, rather than actual API issues
# 18:34 cwebber2 instead of just what the api could do, maybe what the api has dropped
# 18:34 Zakim sees elf-pavlik, hhalpin, evanp on the speaker queue
# 18:35 cwebber2 I think that the big differences between previous versions and current versions surrounded representations
# 18:35 cwebber2 yes, there was HTTP Basic, methods for mechanisms to go around the OAuth system
# 18:36 Zakim sees elf-pavlik, hhalpin, evanp on the speaker queue
# 18:36 Zakim elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss Some accounts can be posted to by multiple authenticated users.
# 18:36 cwebber2 elf-pavlik: I wanted to ask about accounts posted by multiple users(?)
# 18:36 cwebber2 I know many people were criticizing ostatus/diaspora/etc for having no group functionality
# 18:37 cwebber2 if you are GM or Orange brand managers, they can all post as if they're BP, Orange, GM
# 18:37 oshepherd (This is one area where my suggested Agent/Person deliniation comes in)
# 18:37 cwebber2 tantek: I believe that feature exists but is not public?
# 18:38 Zakim sees hhalpin, evanp, AnnBassetti on the speaker queue
# 18:38 cwebber2 tantek: okay, so this is something you can take on to document
# 18:38 Zakim sees evanp, AnnBassetti on the speaker queue
# 18:38 cwebber2 this is a fancy way of saying rich media in our twitter feed
# 18:39 hhalpin anything genuinely new here?
# 18:39 cwebber2 hhalpin: I wonder if anyone is aiming to rebrand rich media stuff as cards
# 18:39 Shane I really like the way cards work
# 18:39 AnnBassetti that was an interesting article .. glad you brought it up
# 18:39 cwebber2 tantek: I think that's related to what they consume as links
# 18:40 cwebber2 what do you think evanp? should we document scope of what twitter calls out to, as well as what you can call twitter with?
# 18:40 AnnBassetti is that card concept only in Twitter?
# 18:40 cwebber2 evanp: yes, I think that's interesting, I'm not familliar with twitter cards
# 18:40 Shane From that article "Whoever defines the standard, the W3C is where it should live, just like HTML, logically belongs."
# 18:40 cwebber2 for people who aren't familiar, with certain links posted to a tweet, if it's to a well known domain like youtube.com, twitter will display some rich content inline
bblfish joined the channel
# 18:41 cwebber2 so you don't have to click through to youtube, it will show an embedded video
# 18:41 cwebber2 tantek: proposed action is to make a subsection on twitter api analysis
# 18:41 Zakim sees evanp, AnnBassetti on the speaker queue
# 18:41 cwebber2 here's a link to indiewebcamp of what twitter cards do
# 18:42 cwebber2 oembed is one mechanism to the more general UI of link preview
# 18:42 Zakim sees evanp, AnnBassetti on the speaker queue
# 18:42 cwebber2 hhalpin: just trying to figure out if it's a rebranding of rich media
# 18:42 hhalpin anyone know Nova Spivack?
# 18:42 cwebber2 tantek: feel free to invite people working on cards, I think that's in scope
# 18:43 hhalpin he should be pinged over this WG
# 18:43 Zakim sees evanp, AnnBassetti on the speaker queue
# 18:43 cwebber2 evanp: I think the reason I put myself on the queue that this analysis is obv on the wiki, anyone can manage or edit it
# 18:43 cwebber2 I just ask that since the intent of the document is to understand clusters of functionality
# 18:44 cwebber2 the other thing is we have 6 proprietary apis and 7 open apis
# 18:44 Zakim sees AnnBassetti, sandro on the speaker queue
# 18:44 cwebber2 so that's 10-12 apis that could stand this level of analysis
# 18:45 Zakim sees AnnBassetti, sandro on the speaker queue
# 18:45 Shane Flickr should probably go on the list, should I add it?
# 18:45 cwebber2 AnnBassetti: hi, back on the twitter api bit that had to do with brand management
# 18:45 cwebber2 I didn't quite understand it other than brand management, but tantek, if we set up a twitter account for the w3c advisory board
# 18:45 sandro evanp, is your list of 10-12 APIs written down somewhere?
# 18:46 cwebber2 tantek: similar, I just shared the password with all management members
# 18:46 rhiaro on a similar topic, who is running SocialWG twitter account..? :)
# 18:46 cwebber2 what twitter's groups/brand feature is doing differently, it enables a brand/group of accounts, say ACME corp
# 18:46 AnnBassetti good question, rhiaro
# 18:47 hhalpin BTW, who runs the Social Web WG?
# 18:47 hhalpin Maybe we should run it this way :)
# 18:47 cwebber2 so what happens in the UI is you'll see a tweet from the brand
# 18:47 hhalpin Right now the owner of the Social Web WG Twitter account is a mystery
# 18:47 hhalpin Anyone know who that is?
# 18:48 cwebber2 cwebber2: btw, I think that's a cool feature, though I wonder how much the API we're designing needs that, seems like an application by application thing
# 18:49 cwebber2 I'm very curious what other peoples' experience replicating CRUD a bunch of times rather than having CRUD on a bunch of different types
# 18:49 oshepherd cwebber2: With the concept of "Actors" in the AS2 spec, then it would be a pretty trivial thing
# 18:49 cwebber2 sandro: seems you should be able to have a few apis and then use that to do different types
# 18:49 cwebber2 why is that? is it historical reasons, or do programmers like to do it
# 18:49 Zakim sees tantek, elf-pavlik on the speaker queue
# 18:50 cwebber2 evanp: tantek may be able to speak better than I can, and if we could get Lane Cook (?) to speak on it but the origin of the API is nearly accidental
# 18:50 cwebber2 was originally implemented in Ruby on Rails, and if you don't turn it off
# 18:50 cwebber2 these representations are available for different APIs by default
# 18:50 cwebber2 so the original API was kind of leaked because 3rd party APIs started to discover and use
# 18:51 cwebber2 obv that implementation is still in place, twitter api has been through several clean-room rewrites, but that's the origin of that style
# 18:51 evanp cwebber2: Blaine Cook
# 18:51 cwebber2 tantek: simplest thing that could work rather than formally design it
# 18:52 cwebber2 I don't recommend copying any aspects of this API per se
# 18:52 cwebber2 because I think it's accidental ~architecture (but really architected)
# 18:52 cwebber2 if we figure out "here's what the API is trying to do"
# 18:52 cwebber2 if we can find what took Twitter 101+ endpoints in a few, that would be great
# 18:53 Zakim sees tantek, elf-pavlik on the speaker queue
# 18:53 cwebber2 twitter got started as a startup, ship early, 3rd party applications big part of that history
# 18:53 cwebber2 elf-pavlik: I just want to emphasize that we see three entities, and like 100 endpoints
# 18:53 cwebber2 twitter has many more entities, what do their endpoints look like?
danbri joined the channel
# 18:55 cwebber2 you can collaborate rather than work for a week and find out
# 18:56 cwebber2 keep wiki up to date, we can all collaborate together
# 18:56 cwebber2 tantek: hearing no other new business, I'll adjourn it
# 18:56 evanp I will spend my 3 minutes well
# 18:57 rhiaro Oh I forgot, any word on scheduling the next f2f?
# 18:57 cwebber2 now I gotta remember the conversion process. It's in my notes.
# 18:57 rhiaro wants to book flights before they're too expensive..
# 18:57 wseltzer cwebber2, start with rrsagent, make minutes
# 18:58 Zakim As of this point the attendees have been jasnell, elf-pavlik, +1.314.777.aaaa, AdamB, cwebber2, oshepherd, Ann, [Mozilla], aaronpk, Tantek, wilkie, Wendy, rhiaro, Sandro,
# 18:58 Zakim ... +1.514.554.aabb, evanp, hhalpin, dret, Jessica_Lily
# 18:58 evanp Good meeting all, thanks!
# 18:59 hhalpin great meeting!
# 18:59 tantek thank evanp for the analysis and walking us through it!
# 18:59 rhiaro And I'll try again (or did I miss it?), who is the twitter??
# 18:59 evanp I hope that by the time we come out with this standard we're collectively the biggest experts on social APIs on the planet
# 19:01 cwebber2 I need to get lunch because I have another meeting in 30
# 19:01 cwebber2 so it may be 1.5 hours till I get to the minutes wikification
# 19:02 tantek oops somehow I missed Coordination with the IG - sorry about that
timbl joined the channel
timbl joined the channel
# 19:28 tantek notes he and James Snell are the two standing closest to the exit. ;)
# 19:28 AnnBassetti nice change, Tantek ... I hope I spelled everyone's name correctly
# 19:29 AnnBassetti (and got the correct names!)
# 19:29 tantek great having a photo with faces/names right there at the top
# 19:29 AnnBassetti yes, I need those visual reminders
# 19:29 tantek I linked my name to my user page - I'll leave it as an exercise to everyone else here in IRC to do so
# 19:30 AnnBassetti you're a hotdog
# 19:30 AnnBassetti (but we already knew that ... hehe)
# 19:30 tantek AnnBassetti: lol. I just like to make things incrementally look nicer :)
# 19:30 tantek I think it helps humanize the voices on the telcon and nicknames on IRC
# 19:31 AnnBassetti aaargh; save us
# 19:32 tantek if you see your name in red - click on it and create a redirect to your W3C wiki user page
# 19:34 tantek a link to your user page is at the very top of the W3C wiki when logged in, first link in the list of links " (username) Talk Preferences Watchlist Contributions Log out"
# 19:35 Zakim disconnecting the lone participant, rhiaro, in T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM
# 19:35 Zakim Attendees were jasnell, elf-pavlik, +1.314.777.aaaa, AdamB, cwebber2, oshepherd, Ann, [Mozilla], aaronpk, Tantek, wilkie, Wendy, rhiaro, Sandro, +1.514.554.aabb, evanp, hhalpin,
# 19:36 AnnBassetti Tantek -- I know I can do it; I just don't have my own user page
# 19:37 AnnBassetti you are irrepressible!
# 19:37 AnnBassetti (one of your great qualities ..)
# 19:37 tantek AnnBassetti: yes you do! everyone who has w3c login has a user page :)
# 19:41 AnnBassetti like I said, irrepressible... thanks for the nudges ..
# 19:41 AnnBassetti have to reboot something's gone wacky w my computer .. I'm blaming mr. t .. haha
AnnBassetti, danbri and caseorganic joined the channel
# 21:01 Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
elf-pavlik, danbri, richlitt, timbl, caseorganic, richlitt_, the_frey, bblfish_ and tantek joined the channel