2014-11-19 UTC
danbri joined the channel
# tantek I don't think W3C wiki supports receiving webmentions yet
# aaronpk would be easy enough to add the rel=webmention tag to the wiki template to let a webmention service handle it
# aaronpk a webmention service like webmention.io or webmention.herokuapp.com
# elf-pavlik aaronpk, can service 'observe' page and send web mentions as well?
# aaronpk I don't know of a service that does that, but it's been discussed for sure
# Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# elf-pavlik going back to WebMention for SocialWG, i noticed some µf on the wiki, how would we tag photo?
# tantek elf-pavlik: what's the point of mapping to AS2 currently? an exercise?
# elf-pavlik great having chance to see hhalpin and rhiaro again, also glad having chance to meet you and adactio during border:none aaronpk :)
pfefferle, bblfish, richlitt and Arnaud joined the channel
# oshepherd Thats why I'n getting loads of NET::ERR_CERT_VALIDITY_TOO_LONGs from Chrome all of a sudden
bblfish, rektide, Arnaud1, Arnaud, jaywink, timbl, pfefferle, the_frey, pfefferle_, danbri, mechanic, elf-pavlik, jaakko, hhalpin, evanp, reedstrm, shepazu, caseorganic, AnnBassetti and lehawes joined the channel
# lehawes I'm unable to get into Zakim for the Use Case TF meeting call. Anyone else having this problem, using code "SOCIG"?
Zakim joined the channel
# wseltzer zakim, this is SOCIG
# Zakim sorry, wseltzer, I do not see a conference named 'SOCIG' in progress or scheduled at this time
# wseltzer zakim, space for 20 at 1200?
# Zakim ok, wseltzer; conference Team_(social)17:00Z scheduled with code 7625 (SOCL) at 12:00 for 60 minutes until 1800Z
# lehawes elf-pavlik: I'm on hold waiting for an operator to help
timbl_ joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# Zakim Team_(social)17:00Z has been moved to #socialig by elf-pavlik
# lehawes I'm not getting an operator to pick up and help me
# wseltzer lehawes, use SOCL
jasnell, Lloyd_Fassett, Arnaud, caseorganic, tantek, bblfish, timbl_, the_frey and jaywink joined the channel
# Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
mechanic, bblfish, caseorganic, danbri, tantek, the_frey and timbl joined the channel