#social 2015-01-28

2015-01-28 UTC
harry, almereyda, bblfish, jaensen_, jaensen, tantek, jaywink, ShaneHudson, danbri1, pfefferle, danbri, bblfish_ and AnnB joined the channel
re: API Requirements, for future refindability, I will point out that we already discussed "RESTful" as an API principle / requirement at the f2f at 2014 TPAC, and rejected it: http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2014-10-27#t1414444227147
because proper RESTful requires all URLs to "respond" to API calls, which doesn't work for static sites, which is a very common use case
thus "REST" is a bad way to build Social Web APIs
thanks to aaronpk for finding the IRC log reference regarding static site generators and REST / RESTful being a showstopper.
bblfish, ShaneHudson, the_frey, pfefferle, jaywink, danbri, almereyda, danbri1 and tantek joined the channel