#social 2015-02-11

2015-02-11 UTC
bblfish, tantek, caseorganic, nicolagreco, shepazu_, caseorga_, tantek_, jasnell and jasnell_ joined the channel
jasnell and jasnell_ joined the channel
tantek, tantek_, bblfish, pfefferle, jaywink, cwebber2`, elf-pavlik, ShaneHudson, bblfish_ and the_frey joined the channel
bblfish, mechanic and timbl joined the channel
timbl joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
timbl joined the channel
the_frey_ and nicolagreco joined the channel
danbri, nicolagreco, elf-pavlik, elf-pavlik_, bblfish and elf-pavlik__ joined the channel
jaywink, the_frey, bblfish and danbri joined the channel
bblfish, AnnB, nicolagreco, elf-pavlik, jasnell, AdamB, danbri, Arnaud and jaywink joined the channel
the_frey, elf-pavlik_, bblfish, danbri1, mechanic, Arnaud, jasnell and elf-pavlik joined the channel
bblfish joined the channel
what's the point of converting the minutes from web to wiki format?
I feel like it must be obvious, but I don't get it right now
danbri joined the channel
IOW, rrsagent converts the raw IRC log of meeting to minutes such as: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-01-20-minutes
then, someone has to convert to wiki format, such as: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-01-20-minutes
bblfish, Arnaud, tantek, nicolagreco, the_frey and danbri joined the channel