#social 2015-03-14

2015-03-14 UTC
tilgovi, bblfish, the_frey, Shane_, Augier, harry, tantek and bblfish_ joined the channel
!tell tantek slvrbckt has some basic POSSE for IRC in http://sockethub.org/ he may come to IndieWebCamp in Düsseldorf https://twitter.com/slvrbckt/status/573772326443073536 ping aaronpk
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
Augier, jaywink, bblfish, the_frey, SimonTennant, SimonTennant1, tantek and harry joined the channel
@elfpavlik :: @manusporny how should I include #LDsignatures publicKey in my #RDFa homepage? seeAlso https://indiecert.net/faq#Fingerprints & http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/spec/tls/#the-webid-profile-document
melvster, i remember you use same key for PGP and SSH ... could you please drop a link to article explaining how you do it?
Guest, tilgovi and harry joined the channel
Shane_, bblfish and Guest joined the channel