2015-03-30 UTC
bblfish, shepazu, Arnaud, ben_thatmustbeme and the_frey joined the channel
jaywink, shepazu, the_frey, tilgovi and nicolagreco joined the channel
# Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
the_frey joined the channel
# elf-pavlik KevinMarks, aaronpk maybe you also could tell how do you see those two ralate ^
# KevinMarks looks like a similar concept, though the ld is missing the "value" simplification of mf
# KevinMarks the "knows" example is less clear than the embedded location example
# elf-pavlik actually I find this section not very informative 6.6 Embedding
# elf-pavlik they could show just using URI as value and than example with using object with the same URI as @id and other properties
# KevinMarks there is tension between a linked data model and embedding copies of that data, certainly
# elf-pavlik so string with URI becomes object with the same URI as @id and additional properties *embeded*
# elf-pavlik but one could use it to publish linked data about resource which doesn't provide it itself
bblfish and the_frey joined the channel
tilgovi, Loqi, Arnaud, bblfish, aaronpk, rektide, wilkie, zz_nickstenn, KevinMarks, ElijahLynn, dwhly, bigbluehat, mattl, bret, JakeHart, Tsyesika, sandro and nicolagreco joined the channel