#melvsterhi folks, I have a use case which might be relevant here :
#melvsterI have a chat system, which can also act as a public room, or single user room, id like to turn that room into a radio station, tv station using a stream of media
#melvsterso I add a play list to the room, which is a list of links (they could be youtube videos, soundcloud songs, slideshow etc.)
#melvsterthen the room will play the list to you, one by one, and remember where you are in the stream
#melvsterthe stream could be added to by an agent, by a recommender agent, or by a search service
#melvsteranybody anywhere close to solving anything like this?
#melvsterif there's something not too complex, id be happy to reuse it, or I'll just create a play list Object
#melvsterre: moving profiles, this comes up over and over, and bblfish is right, cool names dont change, in real life how many people change their name, ok elf-pavlik has, but for many or most people the disadvantages outweigh the gains, because you have to inform everyone that called you by one name that you are another, too much of a pain
#cwebber2aaronpk: yes, that sounds like what I said in my email, do you agree?
#tantekelf-pavlik, ben_thatmustbeme upon reconsideration, and per discussions last week, I'm not sure *any* profile management is needed for v1 of a social API
#tantekprofile management is more like a recasted VCARDDAV
#cwebber2tantek: yes, you can argue that, and thus wouldn't it make sense to argue that it goes into the default context?
#tantekcwebber2: I think it's strange to include things that others have shown are not necessary for a social API (e.g. micropub), I also think it's strange to assert "we'll certainly need it" without saying *for what purpose*
#tantekthese kinds of theoretical requirements are why we feature bloat in designs and architectures
#cwebber2tantek: I find it really annoying when you say "when we have shown are not necessary", because it excludes those of us who have found it is necessary
#cwebber2tantek: pump.io has yes, and we're planning on supporting it for mediagoblin, yes
#tantekcwebber2: everytime someone asserts a requirement that they have not shipped on their own site, I find it annoying, yet I'll still entertain the request as a possibility for the future
#AnnBmelvster, for the record, I too know lots of people who've changed their name. For wide variety of reasons.
#melvstertantek: you cant have a social web without profiles, and when you have profiles, you need profile management, every social network since friendster and before has this property, i cant think of a single social system that does not
#melvstertantek: not sure what you mean by that, I'm just going with web architecture, and "COOL URIs dont change", is that negative? Maybe, but a best practice, is all. The WWW has shipped quite well! Just look at facebook as an example ...
#AnnBtantek, I hugely appreciate the real-world proofs from indie web and others. But I do not get your demand that you demonstrate the only truths.
#aaronpkmy "profile management" is updating my html file of my home page. i guess that counts as profile management still.
#tantekAnnB - it's necessary to filter out the infinite demands of the theoretical
#tantekmy profile management is editing the HTML of my index.html
#elf-pavliktantek please notice that we have JSON based in charter
#tantekmelvster: editing HTML requires less web literacy than learning and making an API call with JSON
#melvstertantek: I agree, so I think profile management is useful
#AnnBall good goals .. nonetheless, my reaction is, "I have not written code. Therefore my opinion is for naught. Therefore why do battle with you."
#tantekcwebber2: here's my evidence, numerous micropub implementations, client and server, have shipped, and users have found great *social* utility in them, and NONE of them have "profile management" of any kind
#AnnBI realize someone like me -- non-coder -- has less position to argue and etc
#tantekergo, profile management is unnecessary for at least some degree of success
#tanteksaying "it is needed" is an assertion without evidence
#tantekand there is counter-evidence, that utility / usefulness is possible wihtout it
#aaronpki don't think tantek is saying profile management is always a terrible idea and should never be built into the spec, it's just a matter of prioritizing
#tantekthus I think I would change my vote for that user story to a -1 - not needed for v1, based on experience with micropub implementation and adoption
#elf-pavlikaaronpk so you don't want to have possibility of adding venue to scheduled event?
#rhiaroelf-pavlik: want to clarify that we have team in w3c organisation, and we have social organisation separately, so should we have 1 repo or multiple repos? 1 in w3c organisation or multiple repos in w3c? So it's not a question about dumping everything in one repo
#rhiaro... and it's not 'elf's repo' it's an organisation with multiple repos
#harryRepos that are standards-track or related to standards-track documents goes to W3C repo
#rhiaroharry: repos that are standards track or related to standards track documents go to w3c repo
#tantekor *required* for standards track documents - e.g. test suite is required
#rhiaro... and everything else goes to social group of repos
#rhiaroelf-pavlik: this issue is raised by dret who is on the call, and talk about how we talk about how we separate the core grammar, and extended vocab terms, which fits the vocabulary task force in social ig
#rhiaro... which is why we should discuss this before, because some other issues are very specific to vocabulary issues
#rhiarodret: the idea was basically that it would be helpful if there was a strict separation between the AS grammar, fundamental mechanisms, and the specific vocabulary you're using in some application
#rhiaro... I think there's consensus that there should be some kind of base vocabulary
#rhiaro... the issue is saying there should be better separation
#rhiaro... in the end I think the goal of that would be to force ourselves to have a well-defined extension model in the core spec
#rhiaro... that says 'this is what vocabularies can do' and to use our own vocabularies as just one way of using that extension model
#rhiaro... to say here are activities and object types etc, as a blue print, so if someone comes up with more vocabularies they can start with the base and use the same mechanism how to define their own vocabularies
#rhiaro... the big question is 'how do we define vocabularies'?
#rhiaro... do you have to do it in rdf/owl form, or can you do it in rdf/owl, or what's the expectation for someone working on vocabularies
#rhiaro... we will force ourselves to answer that question if we have a separation between activitystreams core and vocabularies used in core to serialize concepts
#rhiaro... in AS1 we had a base schema that defined all the verbs and object types that were used commonly with 1.0
#rhiaro... It was felt that we needed to have those concepts brought into the vocabulary for interop purposes
#melvsterlet me just note that a base social web vocab exists ... SIOC and SIOCT ... means "Socially Inter connected communities" -- and it's in use
#dreti think ideally we should have one RDF-based vocabulary as a demo, and one non-RDF-based one, to demonstrate how those two ways of defining vocabularies are working.
#rhiaro... THe idea of having the extended vocabulary is to take the most commonly used verbs and object types and have a common understanding and definition of what those are, so they are consisten between implementations
#rhiaro... It makes sense ot have a definition in the core vocab of those commonly used things
#rhiaro... What has not happened is a reconciliation of the objects in there from 1.0 base schema, and use cases
#rhiaro... have not been reconciled with critical user stories
#tantekmelvster - what sites use SIOC on the public web? URLs? Permalinks?
#rhiaro... So I imagine that there are some set of activity types and object types that we can remove
#rhiaro... because the aren't as critical as others
#elf-pavlikq+ how people define new domain specific terms and how they discover existing one already defined by others?
#Zakimelf-pavlik, you typed too many words without commas; I suspect you forgot to start with 'to ...'
#rhiaro... And a couple of the issues I've opened suggest removing some of those
#dretjasnell, i am not at all saying we shouldn't have a core. we absolutely should. but the question is how to define them, and how to cleanly separate the core, and the base vocabulary. i really liked the way AS1 did it.
#rhiaro... What we really need are proposals ot remove specific ones
#rhiaro... I have no problem removing items, just need to know which and make sure there's consensus
#tantekI encourage jasnell to remove terms at his editor's discretion and just note it as FYI in the changes section in the spec
#rhiaro... We've talked about this a number of times, but haven't been any concrete proposals for changes to make to document
#rhiaroelf-pavlik: of course we can't capture all terms in default vocabulary, some people want to add domain specific terms, at this moment I understand we have a default vocab that doesn't need rdf
#dreti think we should strictly separate the dsicussion on *how* we better separate core and the base vocabulary, and *what* the base vocabulary should be. very different issues.
#rhiaro... If you want to use your own, you're on your own
#rhiaro... It would be better to have a clear pattern to define domain-specific vocabularies
#rhiarodret: All I want to add is that I think we should strictly separate what the core terms should be. The issue right now is not what those terms should be, but how we separate them and how we should go forward to rec track indepedant of base terms which then maybe should be managed by the IG
#elf-pavlikmelvster John Breslin (SIOC) wants to coordinate work with us
#tantekmelvster: was looking for specific URLs I could view source on - should I just go down that list?
#rhiaro... And also this interface between the WG and the IG is that our job is to create an extension model, and the IG doesn't want to use it, we have to do a better job of defining it so the IG can use it to deifne the base vocab
#tantekmelvster: wikipedia "social web" or "social network" documentation is horribly out of date
#rhiaro... Some people say don't worry, it's rdf it has extension, but some people want to use json. Just going to be delicate figuring it out technically but I'm sure we can find consensus
#dretproposal: write up two short "extension vocabularies", one in RDF, one in non-RDF, and take those as test cases for how well AS2 defines its own extensibility.
#rhiaro... I don't think we sohuld put that in AS doc itself
#rhiaro... The second point is regarding extensibility mode. I think at a high level I agree with dret that we need some form of extending the vocabulary. As far as what's needed for a v1 sepc, all we need to not paint ourselves into a corner is forward compatibility rules
#rhiaro... Typically includes some form of must-ignore
#rhiaro... That is, if an AS process encounters something not in spec, it must ignore it
#rhiaro... That gives us ability to include ability to define extension mechanism either in first version, or later
#dretnot really sure that's true, tantek. we also need to say what we expect implementations to expose, and what they can safely drop.
#rhiaro... It would provide an opportunity for people to experiment with their own activities
#dretthat's why i was championing extended activities in the test cases, so that we say if/how they are expected to be reported to applications.
#sandro+0.5 (not sure this is all we need) tantek: all we really need is a forward compatibility rule, saying implementations MUST IGNORE certain things (extensions).
#rhiaro... and that kind of live experimentaiton with implementations would be useful
#rhiaroelf-pavlik: if we agree we need clear way to extend with custom terms, eg. aaronpk demo'd during face to face drink/eat, not in core spec but already in use, less pressure choosing what we want to include or not, because it's more relaxed to say it's not super important so it can go in extension
#tantekjasnell - then you're done with the minimum :)
#rhiaro... So unless we have clear way to extend, people might want to push things into core
#dretconcretely: if our AS broker drops everything i does not recognize, is it allowed to do that?
#melvsterextensibility and forward compatibility are baked into the architecture of the web, and into RDF, need a new term, just add a vocab or version, and dont change existing terms (cool URIs dont change)
#tantekmelvster, that sounds like you're saying we actually don't need to provide an explicit extensibility mechanism ourselves
#rhiarocwebber2: I was going to ask what's missing that json-ld doesn't provide, if we're using json-ld as extension, doesn't that provide a way forward to using new/additional terms?
#rhiaroelf-pavlik: didn't we say json-ld optional? So that's why we have extensibility problem. If we say we use this for extensions, people will want to push to core for people who aren't using rdf
#dretcwebber2, optional unless it's not? that's a weird interpretation of optional.
#rhiarojasnell: as far as extensions are concerned, syntax is currently json with json-ld @context. If somebody throws something into that document, if it's not defined in @context, the jsonld expansion mechanism drops it
#rhiaro... it's specififed with a URI in json or json-ld, and the processing can pick it up, if you odn't understand you ignore, if you understand, great
bengo and jasnell joined the channel
#rhiaro... We agreed weeks ago that rdf reasoning is not required
#rhiaro... You don't need to know that a Like is a kind of Response
#melvsterFYI: @context is optional in JSON LD, it is just a short hand or those that dont wish to type out full URIs
#rhiaro... If someone wants to come up with a new kind of response, they can do high level reasoning if they want, or ignore it
#drettantek, it's something that consumes AS and republishes it to other consumers. same as in RSS/Atom scenarios.
#wilkieit would be nice, then, to have at least a recommendation to help identify extensions that are useful
#rhiaro... Extensibility in there now is the same as in AS1.0, and in Atom and RSS - very successful
#rhiaroharry: we could put the question back to dret, we're clear that rdfs reasoning isn't required, what is jasnell not specify that needs to be clarified?
#harrymaybe you should write that down and email the list
#tantekdoes AS2 spec says what intermediaries must or should implement?
#rhiaro... question is that is someone sees an activity that has extensions they dont' recognise are they allowed to drop those because they're not translated. Can implmeentations silently drop stuff?
#Zakimtantek, you wanted to propose intermediaries out of scope for this version
#jasnell_if someone wants to create an additional spec that describes how extensions can be supported beyond the core, more power to them. it doesn't need to be in the spec
#tantekPROPOSAL: explicitly declare intermediaries out of scope for this version of the spec
#rhiarodret: I think I've done that often enough. What I think we should have is a processing model that clearly lays out rules for how implementaitons are supposed to behave
#rhiaroArnaud: in terms of things we can use, all raised by jasnell because he wants input, if we tell him to go ahead and fix it himself, but he needs backing from wg
#ben_thatmustbeme27 looks more like an issue of activities, not profile
#harryMy feeling is issue 26-27 re profile means either vCard (the only normative standard in the space) or nothing.
#tantekharry, yes - vCard is the only spec here from IETF, however h-card is also an open spec, and based on vCard so h-card is also citable (which maintains vCard compat)
#rhiaro... if we open them, james can make a proposal, and we can decide whether to close
#rhiarojasnell: The profile ones: the point of raising them is that we need a WG decision on how to handle profiles. I don't want to not raise the issue just because someone thinks we should just use vcard, that short circuits process
#tantekto *close* it with the "spec already handles it" claim - you need to provide a URL to that specific "handling" of it
#jasnell_tantek: it's been open for a while so the idea of closing was to either prompt a proposal to keep it open or close to see if anyone complained :-)
#rhiaro... We've discussed this, and had this approved with timbl during f2f at Cambridge. If you have a spec with open licensing that's compatible with w3c IP policy, and some statement of stability, we can normatively reference it
#jasnell_tantek: without a concrete proposal on modified spec language it's going to be difficult for me to come up with a resolution for Issue-4.
#tantekhence I was working on fixing the microformats examples in AS2 - hoping that helps
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#rhiaroharry: I think it came to resolution that it's okay, I can double check. I don't think it's a problem. The real question is for the API we have a separate - referencing microformats normatively is okay - but as the working group we need a separate spec
#rhiaro... Real question is what are technical differences between micropub and LDP and activitystreams
#rhiarotantek: that was a strawman, no-one proposed that
#harryFrom a formal perspective, we need a spec that has the text written out
#rhiaro... the point was that rather than having to fork micropub, we can normatively reference them and pick and choose what this wg needs for our user stories, rather than taking them wholesale
#ben_thatmustbemeDidn't we bring this up at F2F, micropub would have to be moved to standardized if it becomes part of socialAPI
#rhiarojasnell: If we could get a proposal for a draft (note, rec track, whatever) of a microformat binding for AS vocabulary - a normative mapping - if that needs to include some micropub stuff, great, let's have someone produce an initial draft
#rhiaro... that we can use to inform the rest of this discussion
#rhiaro... that was the concrete request for *all* candidate APIs, to produce a draft, even if just minimal, to say here are the pieces for a social API
#jasnell_then can we table the conversation until those drafts are actually available
#rhiaro... That call for proposal drafts was made at f2f
#rhiaro... And also it's currently hosted on the w3c-social organisation, but I believe harry will set it up so we can have it on the main w3c organisation on github, which I don't have access to at the moment
#tantekdret, if you've got the keys for @socialwebwg - mind sharing with the chairs (perhaps on a private channel like email ;) ) so they can tweet from it as well?
#rhiaroelf-pavlik: just an attempt, comparing to the start, we didn't have so many open issues, but now we have tons of stuff, we have enough to prepare agenda a week before telecon. By freezing them we can add an urgent issue, but it encourages people to look early and follow the links
#tantekwe don't need more structure for this to work
#rhiaro... Not super strictly freeze it, but enough to give people time to prepare
#wilkiewe need to discuss these issues on the mailing list during the week
#jasnell_agree with tantek: we don't need more process, we need to people to read the issues and provide *technical* input with as opposed to process discussions
#cwebber2I agree we don't need more processs though yeah
#rhiarotantek: I don't see the problem. If people simply add agenda items to the end, if the agenda gets too long we don't get to items that are added late
#tantekharry, from my understanding it is nearly all aaronpk (WG member), and some from others most of whome are also WG members (e.g. ben_thatmustbeme )
#tanteknice thing is that it's all in the wiki history
#tantekfor any normative additions by anyone who is not in Social Web WG (or some other W3C WG), we can request they commit their changes per the license in the spec CC0+OWFa
#tantekno need for non-member licensing agreements
#ben_thatmustbemeregarding you email about static pages, I think thats fine, we did agree to prefer follow-your-nose over any known-url pattern stuff, if its follow your nose, it basically allows for offloading of things to external services
#harryok, will be up for discussion in a sec, gotta move so will be offline for a bit
#ben_thatmustbemebasic CUD (read should be able to be done from the site) is done in any way they want, they could use the social API or not (maybe external service rsyncs to the site)
#ben_thatmustbemebut we have found that useful as a lot of people host on things that don't allow them to set special headers, others host by github pages i believe so their updates are done by git