#social 2015-04-10

2015-04-10 UTC
tilgovi, bengo and AnnB joined the channel
!tell tantek John Breslin just joined IG and WG https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=72531
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
danbri joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
the_frey, melvster, bengo, danbri1 and guangyuan joined the channel
guangyuan and guangyuan_ joined the channel
Loqi, danbri, the_frey_, shepazu_, dwhly, guangyuan_, bigbluehat_, JakeHart, Arnaud1, rhiaro_, kylewm, bret, tilgovi, the_frey, bengo, elf-pavlik, nicolagreco, KevinMarks and jaywink joined the channel
the_frey and bengo joined the channel