#social 2015-04-30
2015-04-30 UTC
the_frey, bblfish, LCyrin, jaywink, elf-pavlik, pfefferle, stevenroose, nicolagreco, cwebber2, pfefferle_, tilgovi, LynnCyrin, melvster and shepazu_ joined the channel
bblfish, shepazu, stevenroose, Arnaud, nicolagreco, jaywink and nicolagreco_ joined the channel
nicolagreco, nicolagreco_, nicolagreco__ and bblfish joined the channel
nicolagreco joined the channel
the_frey, almereyda, barnabywalters, nicolagreco, nicolagreco_, tilgovi, KevinMarks, harry and nicolagreco____ joined the channel
the_frey, almereyda, nicolagreco, harry, LCyrin, stevenroose, Arnaud, nicolagreco_ and bblfish joined the channel