ben_thatmustbemeits on my list of things, is to start adding m-card to my micropub endpoint, and start being able to 'follow' that way, hopefully i can use that list as input to readers *hint hint aaronpk/monocle*
aaronpki think the point is that swat0 works even if the "subscribed" is something dumb like a script polls Dave's site and sends an SMS to Evan on new posts
rhiaro<rhiaro> so when A comments on B's post, A's server notifies B's server, so that B's server can propagate the activity to the receivers of the original post
cwebber2note, there may still be things missing, I wrote this as an example late at night, and obviously I already had the activity missing. But I think it's right
melvsterlooks like quite a complicated way to do a share, i dont really like the acct: uris because that dereferences to a whole other JSON language to support, which doesnt interoperate with AS2
cwebber2I'd also like to be less "duplicate all the data recursively in a payload" and more "linked data implies that the other end has that data anyway" where possible!
cwebber2I think one reason pump copies stuff recursively so much is to save the other server round trips in fetching it, or to preserve the old state of things, or something
aaronpke.g., if you see something in my stream that says "ben liked aaron's photo", you might get all the details about ben and ben's like, but you need to be able to go look at ben's URL to verify it
oshepherdI think its' one thing to say "For HTTP(s) URIs, follow your nose" and another to say "We aren't going to support the account naming format that the vast majority of distributed social systems use today"
oshepherdOne thing that early ActivityPump drafts mandated was that for any object with an acct: /ID/ the object references must also contain a self: URI
oshepherdaaronpk: In the case of, all server-to-server interaction is push. But yes, in the case of reading from another server, be conservative in what you accept
oshepherdBut anyway, as I originally drafted the spec WebFinger or any other such name resolution system was confined to a very tiny corner (to the point that, if you are doing your own implementation for you only, it's probably unnecessary)
melvsterim not sure it's a great idea to prioritize a new uri scheme (acct:) on top of http: and it even has a dependency on yet another JSON serialization (JRD) which must be supported and parsed, with some strange rules such as forcing results to be in order of 'preference' ... I think it's adding a big new dependency to the WG which may put the deliverables at risk
melvstertechnical reasons: it doesnt handle numbers, all uri lists are ordered specifically in order of 'preference' (no other serialization does that), literal properties can contain at most one value (other serializations can contain many) ... there's a few other things that came up when I tried to write a convertor
oshepherdAnd, as a *pure consumer* of webfinger, why would any of the properties stuff matter? Surely the preference order actually makes things easier? (Grab the first link)
oshepherdIn the early ActivityPump drafts there was *one single defined use* of JRD/WebFinger: If a user types in "" to a "username" box and clicks follow/login/whatever, then you do webfinger query[&rel=profile-whatever], grab the first rel=profile-whatever link which either matches "application/activitystreams+json" or has unspecified type, and then follow that link and proceed as if
oshepherdFor all I care you'd do .well-known/asprofile? and get a HTTP redirect, but I'd rather we avoided *yet* *another* bikeshed on how to turn name@domain into or whatever