#social 2015-05-07
2015-05-07 UTC
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: re indieauth from a phone, Apache Cordova can capture specific URLs from the internal browser, so I just redirect to http://localhost/ and have the browser trap for that

tilgovi joined the channel
bblfish, Arnaud, KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
elf-pavlik tantek deiu if you get chance you could discuss how current vouch approach compares to ACL, since pretty much I see webmention as write endpoint but with 'remote payloads' which you try to access control based for example on *accept if you find author in list of my contacts* or *accept if author attended an event which i also attended etc.*

elf-pavlik deiu also those 'remote payloads' (no fat pings) play role with how you would name graphs when you fetch them, would you give graph the name of webmention endpoint or the source where post got published 'remote paylod'

elf-pavlik tantek: situation may change if we have PKI in place and i sign my payloads https://twitter.com/manusporny/status/568091383686414336

Loqi @manusporny :: Video explanation of how Linked Data Signatures work (JSON-LD + Cryptography): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdUZaYeQblY #jsonld #w3c

elf-pavlik deiu ^

elf-pavlik but let's don't count on it for now...

elf-pavlik re: webmention vouch and ACL 'compleately' different - don't people use ACL on their blog postings to control who can comment?

elf-pavlik tantek let's get back to that when i deploy prototype, you can already find public key using Linked Data Signatures vocab on my homepage if your Accept: application/ld-json

elf-pavlik also digitalbazaar published open source lib which will allow me to do such signing https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld-signatures

elf-pavlik happy to deffer this conversation for when i deploy demo!

elf-pavlik bblfish asked by me "do you see ACL more about read than write" said NO

elf-pavlik aaronpk: agreed as of today, but we shouldn't assume same situation in 2 years, as well don't count on it changing

elf-pavlik just STAY OPEN for such possibility

elf-pavlik talking with bblfish about ACL on writes via ping https://github.com/linkeddata/SoLiD/blob/master/UserStories/PrivateSharing.md#send-a-notice

tantek elf-pavlik: if you're interested in things like signed content etc., please take a look at Camlistore http://camlistore.org/

tantek I think that's a good use-case to start with, similar to Indie messaging that's being developed via IndieAuth: http://indiewebcamp.com/indieweb-messaging

elf-pavlik IMO SoLiD / LDP REST approach can make read/write ACL more straight forward

elf-pavlik but i can't provide something to back this claim ... yet

elf-pavlik since you read/write to the same URI

elf-pavlik webmention / micropub create indirection which one needs to handle in some way

elf-pavlik Tsyesika, oshepherd how do you return Not Authorized when someone tries to write via ActivityPump?

elf-pavlik let's forget 401 for now and focus on 403

elf-pavlik it will depend on payload if server does 201 Created or 403 Not Authorized ?

elf-pavlik s/does/responds with/

elf-pavlik do you have by any chance link to any code which implements logic of such handling for ACL, activity pump.io maybe / mediagoblin ?

bblfish joined the channel
elf-pavlik it must depend on a payload if you use same URI for all writes

elf-pavlik with REST to my understanding one allows writes based on identity of agent making request not on a payload

elf-pavlik with RPC you need to use payload which may open surface attack based on SQL injection kind of tricks

elf-pavlik aaronpk ^

elf-pavlik for ACL do we only decide based on identity of *authenticated* agent or also take into account semantics in payload

{ "@type": "Add", "target": "my-friends-list" }
elf-pavlik i can't decide just on agent identity + uri of resource

elf-pavlik i need to understand what RPC payload tires to do, and based on that 201 or 403

elf-pavlik REST seems more like unix file system permissions - who can read / write / list which resource

elf-pavlik RPC you need to handle a lot of logic depending on *what* you try to write - the payload of request

elf-pavlik Tsyesika, could you try using Move activity to move images between albums? http://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-move

elf-pavlik how do you deal with ACL for such operation including 3 resources fromAlbum , image , toAlbum

elf-pavlik IMO logic can get pretty complex the more operations we add

elf-pavlik unless we just want to do 3 collections and 7 actions as current ActivityPump spec does in a way mimicking twitter

elf-pavlik oshepherd ^

elf-pavlik oshepherd, with Add Remove we need atomic transactions :)

elf-pavlik if i can remove from A but can NOT add to B

elf-pavlik I would propose implementing ACL for 2-3 cases, preferably from existing user stories, or add additional 1-2 stories to more user stories and show imlementations

elf-pavlik RPC with ACL IMO can get much harder to implement than REST with ACL and we should make few proves of concept ASAP

elf-pavlik deiu bblfish ^

elf-pavlik all above IMO of course

elf-pavlik we just spoke IRL with rhiaro and bblfish about ACL based on Group -> member (members of Social WG) and Event -> attendee (attendees of W3C Social F2F3)

elf-pavlik i'll capture it on more user stories page

elf-pavlik selfdogfood ?

elf-pavlik deiu, maybe defining ACL based on ldp:DirectContainer (or ldp:IndirectContainer) would provide generic way for any Class + property pair ?

elf-pavlik rhiaro++

elf-pavlik deiu, to my understanding ActivityPump spec would need adding details of ACL for ldp:Container illustrated on https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/container/DirectContainer

elf-pavlik of course one can argue for ldp:IndirectContainer here

elf-pavlik oshepherd this can help us clarify similarities / differences in approach to ACL between SoLiD and ActivityPump https://github.com/w3c-social/activitypump/issues/28

elf-pavlik "If server doesn't create an artifact of who it send note to. When followers collection changes people added afterwards will gain access to note."

tantek joined the channel
the_frey joined the channel
KevinMarks and bblfish joined the channel
Arnaud joined the channel
elf-pavlik melvster bblfish, let's look at defining collection used in ActivityPump as value of as:following predicate and using it for ACL on direct messages inbox (just as twitter does!) http://w3c-social.github.io/activitypump/#actor-objects

elf-pavlik considering it a foaf:Group starts making more and more sense to me!

elf-pavlik Tsyesika, oshepherd what do you think about that idea ^

elf-pavlik then one can POST to that direct messages inbox only if followed by recipient of the message - just as twitter does

elf-pavlik use case for testing such ACL definitions

elf-pavlik Tsyesika, cwebber2 you could also take snapshot of following collection and use it as whitelist based ACL as discussed in https://github.com/w3c-social/activitypump/issues/28

elf-pavlik for GET on resource

Loqi joined the channel
tantek feedback appreciated from anyone who understands AS1 semantics (Atom or JSON) - first <entry> here http://tantek.com/updates.atom is a "like" - cc oshepherd

kaepora joined the channel
elf-pavlik tantek++

bblfish_, tantek, shepazu_ and Arnaud joined the channel
Arnaud and cwebber2 joined the channel
tantek cwebber2: I do find markdown frustrating. Have written a few more well thought-out things here: http://tantek.com/w/Markdown

Arnaud1 joined the channel
cwebber2 congrats Tsyesika on PyPump 0.6 https://io.theperplexingpariah.co.uk/Tsyesika/note/qoFrXciSQ7yit3jzaxs2wA

the_frey_ joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme really wishes he could have heard more of the descriptions of others methods

ben_thatmustbeme but getting the wife to the hospital for (false alarm) labor, takes precendence

elf-pavlik oshepherd, i have impression that spec have some application specific details and does not provide generic API / protocol

elf-pavlik how can i restrict who can send direct messages to me?

elf-pavlik or who can post notes on event page, or group page

elf-pavlik to my understanding twitter implements ~ people i follow can post to my private messages inbox

elf-pavlik SoLiD provides way to do ACL e.g. participants of this even can see this photo

Arnaud joined the channel
elf-pavlik or comment on it

ben_thatmustbeme so I am trying to catch up with discussion from f2f, As I understand it, in the pump.io /activitypump world, things like comments are never posted except on the post they are commenting on, correct? they would just be in your outbox, which is not html

elf-pavlik oshepherd interesting comparison to facebook filter, maybe it somehow compare it to HTTP 449 response in http://indiewebcamp.com/vouch

elf-pavlik oshepherd, if you message your message your fb friend and non friend (while they both stay fb friends) when your friend replies it will go to non friend standard inbox, while stay in other until that reply

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: I think the closer would be, in my case i still store the webmention when i get an unvouched one, it goes into a box awaiting approval. if they replied with a good vouch, or have been whitelisted, then they are automatically posted

ben_thatmustbeme and i think i parsed your words a little better, so i'd say, yes, its very similar to that

ben_thatmustbeme oshepherd: i think its the idea of a group message from 2 people, one is a friend and one is not, and how that interaction works. so is the thread still unapproved even though an approved friend is in the group or not

ben_thatmustbeme thats the best i can parse that as anyway

elf-pavlik oshepherd, can you add some links/notes on how pump.io / ActivityPump deals with spam? https://github.com/w3c-social/social-arch/issues/6

elf-pavlik afk cooking lunch with rhiaro and bblfish_+

ben_thatmustbeme that model of filtering is entirely on the receiver was done for email and its been pretty well riddled with spam

jasnell and jasnell_ joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i'm saying its good to make a recommended model, not just leave it to implementation only

jasnell joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme vouch goes to a second level social connections actually, assumes first level is auto-approved

bblfish, tilgovi and Arnaud joined the channel
elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme do you see vouch feature making it harder (sometimes not possible) to delegate webmention endpoints to services like http://webmention.io

Loqi Pelf made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/Social syntax]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84052&oldid=83959

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: I don't think its impossible. In theory, the webmention endpoint should be able to store incoming webmentions to know what sites have links directly to the site, then outgoing webmentions use that information to discover potential vouches. This actually works better the more people offload their endpoint to a single service, as it could already know usable vouch urls

elf-pavlik "works better the more people offload their endpoint to a single service" hmmmm

elf-pavlik facebook++

melvster joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme s/better/easier for that service/

ben_thatmustbeme the idea is to put burden on the sender of the message to make sure their message gets through

ben_thatmustbeme rather than put the burden on a receiver to wade through the spam for what they consider good

ben_thatmustbeme actually "better at discovery once it has data" but its a detriment because it is a trade off as you cannot get referer headers

ben_thatmustbeme its no different to the user, just easier for the service to do it. everything is easier on a service when you are not doing any federation

bblfish and jaywink joined the channel
Loqi Rhiaro made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-05-04-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84056&oldid=0

elf-pavlik rhiaro++

trackbot Sorry, rhiaro, I don't understand 'trackbot, generate minutes'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.

trackbot Sorry, rhiaro, I don't understand 'trackbot make minutes'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.

KevinMarks to the difference engine!

KevinMarks and LCyrin joined the channel
elf-pavlik following list in microformats http://hmans.io/following

Loqi Pelf made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/Collection Comparison]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84058&oldid=83046

LCyrin, LynnCyrin and lynn joined the channel
elf-pavlik "If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character."

elf-pavlik empty sounds legit, what do you think?

LCyrin joined the channel
bblfish elf-pavlik: the section to look at is this one https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-6.2.3

LynnCyrin joined the channel
Loqi Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-05-05-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84059&oldid=0

ben_thatmustbeme hmm, sandro had me all paranoid... the bot to generate logs does know only the scribe's "<nick>: text" actually mean that person is talkin

ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: we can use : again... at least thats what it looks like to me from checking the minutes

ben_thatmustbeme it may get confusing i suppose when non-scribes are noting what someone else is saying i suppose

ben_thatmustbeme seems everyone is converging on the idea of 2 different types, actual data, and descriptions of the actions that took place

ben_thatmustbeme activitystreams is more like the description of changes, vs h-feeds of h-entry's (in indieweb)

ben_thatmustbeme i was actually planning to move toward a split thing like this as well, and activity feed would be exactly what i want for notifications to my systems

ben_thatmustbeme its actually precisely what FB, G+, LinkedIn all do, if you look at your "notifications" they just link to posts, but they contain different data than anywhere else

ben_thatmustbeme twitter is similar but thanks to content length limitation they can put in the entire tweet when the action is post

ben_thatmustbeme https://twitter.com/i/notifications for example

ben_thatmustbeme majority of difference between groups until now seemed to be the idea of only having one or the other, i'm rather of the opinion we need both now

elf-pavlik +1 both activities and objects have their distinct role log/journal vs. graph of social data

LynnCyrin, lynn, Arnaud, LCyrin, tantek and bblfish joined the channel