#social 2015-05-12
2015-05-12 UTC
bblfish joined the channel
Loqi Hhalpin made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-05-12]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84083&oldid=84081

bblfish joined the channel
Loqi Hhalpin made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-05-12]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84084&oldid=84083

elf-pavlik joined the channel
elf-pavlik rhiaro, i have bunch of ideas, will sketch them and add issues to appropriate repos on gh

elf-pavlik :)

Loqi Pelf made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/Social API/More user stories]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84085&oldid=83700

melvster1 elf-pavlik: did you manage to get turtle in your profile yet?
elf-pavlik melvster1, you got me! i'll just start doing it now... got stuck in merging two code bases

elf-pavlik one which runs my live site: https://github.com/elf-pavlik/webprofiled

melvster1 np, maybe now you can see why convergence takes a long time
elf-pavlik one which i switch to: https://github.com/hackers4peace/plp-provider/tree/forkdb

elf-pavlik melvster1, i already spoke with bblfish to support embeded text/turtle and text/ld+json in HTML

elf-pavlik service similar to https://indiecert.net/ which 'holds your hand' and guides throught adding WebID to you homepage would help with making it more accessible to implement

elf-pavlik timbl mentioned in Paris that he prefers puttin turtle in <script type="text/turtle"> over RDFa

elf-pavlik this way you could generate cert and as https://indiecert.net/ does say: copy those lines and paste them on your webpage

elf-pavlik done!

elf-pavlik bblfish, have you tried https://indiecert.net/ ? it really does amazing job on guiding visitor through the process of bootstrapping webpage to support it

elf-pavlik and takes < 5min

elf-pavlik issue-24

elf-pavlik also works well with ^

elf-pavlik it took me 5min to add it to my website! for WebID i need to finish merginig code bases and add content negotiation and replying with turtle

elf-pavlik which i hope to finish today anyways :)

elf-pavlik bblfish, how many people uses WebID-TLS ?

elf-pavlik point taken

elf-pavlik at the same time, small baby steps and progressive enhancements make a lot of sense to me

melvster1 bblfish++
elf-pavlik bblfish, melvster1 https://github.com/linkeddata/SoLiD/issues/26

elf-pavlik rhiaro, ^

elf-pavlik_ joined the channel
melvster1 elf-pavlik: solid doesnt recommend anything, any more than UNIX recommends where to put your files, id really suggest using the system before making posts such as this
melvster1 it would be hard, for example, to take seriously a critique of facebook, from someone that has yet to sign up
melvster1 in SoLiD you can POST to any LDPC
elf-pavlik_ melvster1, SoLiD currently does't describe use of pingback

elf-pavlik_ while this story uses it https://github.com/linkeddata/SoLiD/blob/master/UserStories/PrivateSharing.md

melvster1 elf-pavlik: btw, how did you generate those diagrams?
elf-pavlik for now i just use Google Draw, will need to switch to some open source based tool ASAP

elf-pavlik for now will just start addking link to original and allow making copy (fork) if someone wants to modify it and use in discussion

elf-pavlik progressive enchancements

melvster1 solid can post to a shared container, to one person hosting for a group, or to individuals all hosting their own content and meshing it up, it's a hybrid system, much like UNIX is a hybrid system
elf-pavlik melvster1, how do you do in UNIX a symlink from shared directory to a file in directory on my hard disk?

Loqi Pelf made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-05-12]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84086&oldid=84084

the_frey joined the channel
ben_thatmust elf-pavlik: does the shared directory make a difference? can't you just do 'ln -s actualfile newsymlink'
elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, i just wanted to point that UNIX file system comparison melvster uses doesn't need to directly apply to the web, with symlinks we may get little closer though :)

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, does nowadays people collaborating in context of IndieWeb camp use same URI for their home page and their feed? https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015May/0041.html

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: i saw that. As of right now there is a tendancy to only use the home page which usually has an h-card in it for the person, but can also have a link to the feed if its not on the home page. It is a very interesting question though of listing multiple feeds and having discoverability of that

ben_thatmustbeme i think it will likely turn about best to have some links in the page to a list of any feeds. probably with some description on them. This would make it so that 1 query to the user's page would generate a list for the user to subscribe to

elf-pavlik how people currently link to their main feed?

the_frey_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik digging in cimba to see how it does multiple channels https://github.com/linkeddata/cimba

the_fre__ joined the channel
bblfish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqHSbMR_udo : be water my friend

elf-pavlik thx bblfish

elf-pavlik bblfish, do you know how cimba links account to channels/feeds ?

bblfish the remix of "empty your mind" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EygqL--RW4

elf-pavlik but how it links to <https://example.org/data/channel> ?

elf-pavlik deiu, sandro could you help with explaining how you relate accounts (people) with channels?

elf-pavlik oh, this looks helpful https://github.com/linkeddata/cimba#architecture---overview

melvster1 joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: I know of 2 ways currently this can be done... the one most use is rel=feed on a link to the feed. The other is to make a feed thats only a partial (in this case empty) feed, with a u-url to the full feed https://indiewebcamp.com/h-feed#Brainstorming

elf-pavlik rel="feed" makes sense to me since one can link to any number of feeds this way, it still requires a way to tell difference between various feeds

elf-pavlik bblfish, what if i want to have channel for check-ins ? foaf:blog doesn't sound appropriate here

elf-pavlik channel / feed / stream - we need to work on aligning our terminologies

elf-pavlik "itemsType": ["activity"]

elf-pavlik similar approach would allow to create channel / feed / stream per type of items it includes

elf-pavlik CheckIn, Image, Photo etc.

elf-pavlik Note, Article ...

elf-pavlik SoLid talk about channel (from Cimba), IndieWeb about feed and ActivityStreams about stream

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: one suggested way was to have rel="feed" title="Photos only feed" href="...

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: the problem with that from the indieweb side is that you are then forcing implementors to have set storage groupings. (checkins/ photo/ event/ rsvp/ etc). aaronpk has been moving away from any type definitions in storage as there are many times things can be ambiguous (note with a location vs checking with text, or note with photo vs photo with comment, etc)

ben_thatmustbeme he has found it better for storage to not care about post types

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, each item can also have multiple types

melvster1 sioc : channel
melvster1 it's a container of posts
elf-pavlik melvster1, SIOC doesn't define channel property

melvster1 u sure?
elf-pavlik it does have feed http://rdfs.org/sioc/spec/#term_feed

elf-pavlik and follows :) http://rdfs.org/sioc/spec/#term_follows

melvster1 http://rdfs.org/sioc/types#ChatChanne
elf-pavlik melvster1, type not property/predicate

elf-pavlik aaronpk, great!

elf-pavlik we could see type as special case of tag

elf-pavlik "@type" == rdf:type which just means inclusion of a thing in a set things

melvster1 elf-pavlik: do you know the world citizen project?
elf-pavlik melvster1, i think i have heard about it, if not relevant to #social let's start private query?

elf-pavlik s/in a set things/in a set of things/

elf-pavlik aaronpk, does people use multiple types with microformats? e.g. class="h-card h-cite"

elf-pavlik one of the difference between channel and tag relates to what has authority to decide on membership/containment

elf-pavlik the channel dictate which items they include

elf-pavlik or items dictate in which channels they appear

elf-pavlik with ACL second may cause issues

melvster1 elf-pavlik:
melvster1 'Christopher Ellis: David and I are redoing the World Citizen prototype to include JSON-LD'
melvster1 they want to implement WebID too
elf-pavlik melvster1, cool!

melvster1 elf-pavlik: https://onename.com/ may also be persuaded to use webid
elf-pavlik re: "note with a location vs checking with text, or note with photo vs photo with comment"

elf-pavlik how do you use same photo in two separate notes?

elf-pavlik aaronpk, ben_thatmustbeme ^

melvster1 elf-pavlik: the biggest thing to understand re the issue you posted, is that in liked data some people think in triples and some people think in quads, if you think it triples the location matter, it's relatively centralized, if you think in quads the location matters a lot less, it's relatively decentralized ... both schools have followers
melvster1 indie web is centralized around your home page
melvster1 solid is location independent
elf-pavlik but if i want to comment on that photo, not on a note that uses that photo?

elf-pavlik more about media objects on https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/MediaObject

elf-pavlik i also think in direction of http://www.oembed.com rather than just <img> or <audio> tag

elf-pavlik but i can't get page which shows mentions of that image, since i always get binary in response

elf-pavlik adveritze - in HTTP headers?

elf-pavlik not really, i want to like a photo, not its particular resolution or .jpg .png .gif encoding

melvster1 yes
elf-pavlik while notes, articles want to show particular size + encoding

aaronpk here is one of my photos http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/05/12/1/beyondtellerrand

elf-pavlik it may work even more for vides since last time i check different browsers required different encodings to play

elf-pavlik Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

elf-pavlik Content-Type: image/jpeg

elf-pavlik how do you use http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/05/12/1/beyondtellerrand in another post ?

elf-pavlik let me find facebook example ...

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: i would say that this is why there is always a "note" or "photo post" with every photo, really the text of the photo is the subtitle

ben_thatmustbeme as to how I re-use photos. I haven't really every needed to

aaronpk here's an example of 4 of my own photos re-used in a post http://aaronparecki.com/collections/2014/08/14/1/

ben_thatmustbeme i may use photos in articles, but that is as HTML mark-up

elf-pavlik aaronpk, do you do thumbnails ?

elf-pavlik aaronpk++

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: that is not a photo re-used as a second post though. the comments and text with it are all stuck to the photo,

elf-pavlik I also notice lately that h-feed doesn't use explicit property to link to included items, instead relies on nesting in html

elf-pavlik how items can link to h-feeds which include them?

elf-pavlik but it it ends up in "children" when parsed

elf-pavlik so doesn't relate to h-feed via some defined property

elf-pavlik e.g. p-item

elf-pavlik having such property "p-foo" (or rel="foo") each entry could link to feeds which include it with rev="foo"

elf-pavlik i understand for now one would need to use *tag* and than have one feed per tag

elf-pavlik what if you 'tag' entries with URI of feed?

elf-pavlik just as taging photos with URIs of people's homepages

elf-pavlik p-category hack

elf-pavlik using single entry (including photo) in multiple feeds

elf-pavlik and have both way links feed to all its elements and each allemens to all feeds which include it

elf-pavlik why internal?

aaronpk http://aaronparecki.com/tag/indieweb and http://aaronparecki.com/tag/indiewebcamp show a lot of the same posts too

elf-pavlik one could consider all of above feeds which allow independent subscription

elf-pavlik u-category ? :)

elf-pavlik aaronpk++

elf-pavlik URL++

elf-pavlik doesn't u-category also keep value inside of element?

elf-pavlik does this make any sense? <a href="/tag/indieweb" class="u-category"><span class="p-name">#indieweb</span></a>

elf-pavlik <a href="/tag/indieweb" class="u-category p-name">#indieweb</a> ?

elf-pavlik thx :)

elf-pavlik i thought in direction of http://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld/#embedding

elf-pavlik <a href="/tag/indieweb" class="p-category h-feed">#indieweb</a> you proposed currently makes most sense to me, at least as far as i understand microformats markup and modeling

elf-pavlik by saying that feed doesn't use property to link to its elements, i mean lack of something in lines of rev="category" and instead using nesting in representation

elf-pavlik or special property "children" when parsing to json

elf-pavlik if p-element exist than parsed items would land in "element" array (not "children"

elf-pavlik also rev="element" would ~= rel="category" which in a way makes sense

elf-pavlik for now it stays specific to HTML representation and microformat json parsing (which introduces 'special' children)

elf-pavlik having property like *-element would make it work with JSON-LD, Turtle, RDFa etc. using IMO standard way of linking on a web

elf-pavlik prety much http://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-items (with IMO unfortunate 'special' plural name)

elf-pavlik afk

Arnaud and Arnaud1 joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme i already do that on my site, any category i put in automatically becomes its own feed

ben_thatmustbeme i need to be better about tagging everything though

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, can people find all those feeds by 'following nose' from your homepage?

ben_thatmustbeme they are all on my homepage, but i don't have anything to specify them as feeds

ben_thatmustbeme I also have other feeds per object type like "/note" and "/photo"

ben_thatmustbeme i'll have to add those to head

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, for feeds 'per object type' you could use simlar approach as ActivtyPump proposes with 'itemType' http://w3c-social.github.io/activitypump/#streams

elf-pavlik i experiment with marking it by what type of object given collection expects https://github.com/elf-pavlik/webprofiled/blob/master/test/fixtures/perpetual-tripper/index.json#L387-L402

elf-pavlik in HTML one could use RDFa for describing related feeds in similar way, not sure if Microformats could handle that

elf-pavlik on the other hand, instead of embedding information about the feed, adding just link with rel="feed" allows discovery of it and consumer can fetch them to get more information

ben_thatmustbeme thats more what i could think of

elf-pavlik s/about the feed/about feeds/

ben_thatmustbeme forcing item types can get messy and you have to deal with how to handle someone changing the type of an entry

elf-pavlik i don't say forcing, but if one uses it can take advantage of it

ben_thatmustbeme that why i said, i can just add those links to my head. rel="feed" title="Photos Only" href="/photo"

elf-pavlik this doesn't have machine readable information about "@type": "Photo"

elf-pavlik only rel="feed"

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: exactly

ben_thatmustbeme i don't think there is much use case for that outside of possibly a photo-only feed

elf-pavlik still feed could have something like "itemType": "Photo" or "elementType": "Photo"

elf-pavlik check-in

elf-pavlik RSVP

elf-pavlik Like

elf-pavlik Eat

elf-pavlik ...

ben_thatmustbeme it would be much simpler to fetch a full feed and strip out things you don't care about

elf-pavlik those options don't exclude each other

elf-pavlik each item can appear in any number of feeds!

ben_thatmustbeme correct, but you are adding markup needlessly

elf-pavlik what markup? just optional property that specifies type of included elements

ben_thatmustbeme the only additional markup i see any need for is perhaps a fullfeed

ben_thatmustbeme correct, because i might say anything at /posts only includes "notes" but then at a later date, i change it

ben_thatmustbeme now i break other's code because they are not doing the testing for entry types they should have been doing in the first place

elf-pavlik let's continue after WG telecon, i need to get pick up food from https://foodsharing.de

ben_thatmustbeme post types can change as people decide to modify their code

ben_thatmustbeme okay

elf-pavlik once again, one can *choose* to publish feeds/streams restricting types of things they accept but doesn't have to

elf-pavlik if someone wants to publish mixed feeds no one will stop this person from doing so

elf-pavlik but then someone needs to come up with more ways to distinguish feeds/streams/channels

elf-pavlik and yes, title / label also can work as another, complementary way

elf-pavlik afk

melvster, harry, jaywink and tilgovi joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fben.thatmustbe.me%2F I added rel="feed" to all my feed links

eprodrom joined the channel
eprodrom Ugh
eprodrom The woodshop in the loft next door to my office just started using their bandsaw
eprodrom I've got headphones and we have a sound-proof meeting room in progress
eprodrom So it should be OK
eprodrom wilkie: We moved in here on Feb1
Zakim joined the channel
eprodrom There we go
elf-pavlik Zakim, which conferences?

elf-pavlik Zakim, what conferences?

eprodrom elf-pavlik, please let me start the meeting
elf-pavlik eprodrom, i didn't start anything

eprodrom I'm aware of that
elf-pavlik but now Zakim will announce when we can start dialing in

eprodrom I'm just asking that when the time comes to start, you don't fire off a bunch of trackbot/Zakim commands
elf-pavlik eprodrom, wilco!

jasnell joined the channel
elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme++ 'follow your nose' http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2015-05-12/line/1431447430732

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: kylewm is already is parsing those lists out in his reader and you can subscribe to any specific feed now

elf-pavlik kylewm++

Loqi Eprodrom made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-05-12]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84089&oldid=84086

eprodrom Arnaud, I think our schedule is a little off
eprodrom trackbot, start meeting
RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/12-social-irc

eprodrom cwebber2, I added it
elf-pavlik Zakim, code?

elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, mute me

ben_thatmustbeme what the?

ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, mute me

elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

elf-pavlik Zakim, ??P6 is me

elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?

ben_thatmustbeme we can hear the woodshop

elf-pavlik sounds ok now

eprodrom Zakim, who is on the call?
eprodrom scribenick: rhiaro
ben_thatmustbeme scribe: rhiaro

ben_thatmustbeme I think everyone has had 2 weeks now

tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme I hink we can approve the minutes

eprodrom PROPOSED: approve minutes of 2015-04-28 telecon
eprodrom +1
elf-pavlik +1

elf-pavlik SoLiD :D

eprodrom RESOLVED: approve minutes of 2015-04-28 telecon
ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, who is on the call?

eprodrom PROPOSED: approve minutes of 2015-05-04 telecon
elf-pavlik +1

eprodrom eprodrom: +1
ben_thatmustbeme eprodrom, FYI tantek isn't on the call, only on via IRC... he didn't hear any of that

eprodrom tantek, feel free to participate via IRC but jump on q if you want everyone to pay attention otherwise it's backchannel
eprodrom RESOLVED: approve minutes of 2015-05-04 telecon
eprodrom RESOLVED: approve minutes of 2015-05-04 F2F2
eprodrom RESOLVED: approve minutes of 2015-05-04 F2F
ben_thatmustbeme have fun fixing that rhiaro :P

Loqi Eprodrom made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-05-12]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84090&oldid=84089

eprodrom tantek, are you able to chair next week?
eprodrom We'll figure that out
elf-pavlik q+ to mention finishing action-14 with sandro

eprodrom ack elf-pavlik
elf-pavlik action-14

elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

eprodrom ack jasnell
elf-pavlik jasnell, let's discuss it after telecon?

elf-pavlik q+ re: using lates editor draft via rawgit

eprodrom ACTION jasnell work with Sandro and Elf Pavlik to set up new context URI
trackbot Error finding 'jasnell'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Social/track/users>.

eprodrom ACTION jsnell work with Sandro and Elf Pavlik to set up new context URI
elf-pavlik q?

elf-pavlik q=

elf-pavlik q-

elf-pavlik +1

elf-pavlik q+ re: IG and user stories

Loqi Eprodrom made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-05-12]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84091&oldid=84090

eprodrom ack elf-pavlik
ben_thatmustbeme Zakim q-q+

ben_thatmustbeme q-q+

eprodrom q?
elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

eprodrom q?
eprodrom q?
eprodrom ack aaronpk
eprodrom q?
eprodrom PROPOSED: accept all user stories that are entirely positive or positive/neutral as official user stories
elf-pavlik eprodrom, let's start with all positive and next telecon we can try adding those with netural

eprodrom PROPOSED: accept all user stories that are entirely positive as official user stories
elf-pavlik +1

eprodrom tantek, strong disagreement there
elf-pavlik 7 stories + SWAT0

eprodrom q?
elf-pavlik q+ re: resovling ambiguities

elf-pavlik aaronpk, please use https://github.com/w3c-social/social-ucr/issues

elf-pavlik q-

eprodrom ack bblfish
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

eprodrom q?
elf-pavlik reminder PROPOSED: accept all user stories that are entirely positive as official user stories

eprodrom ack ben_thatmustbeme
elf-pavlik sounds good!

ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, mute me

eprodrom +1
elf-pavlik +1

elf-pavlik reminder PROPOSED: accept all user stories that are entirely positive as official user stories

eprodrom PROPOSED: accept all user stories that are entirely positive as official user stories
elf-pavlik q+ to remind clarification workflow

eprodrom ack elf-pavlik
elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

eprodrom tantek, can you join the queue if this is normative discussion?
eprodrom Or just backchannel?
elf-pavlik q?

eprodrom q?
eprodrom Again, I'll assume that if you're not on the queue, typing in IRC is just backchannel
eprodrom ack tantek
ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, unmute me

elf-pavlik +1 tantek

ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, mute me

elf-pavlik tantek i plan to take exacly such approach :) https://github.com/elf-pavlik/hypermedia-examples/tree/master/user-stories/offering-asparagus

eprodrom tantek, That's a discussion for next week, unless you wantt to explicitly say that these aren't in bounds at all
eprodrom tantek, they are all written up
eprodrom And all got +1s and some 0s
eprodrom q?
ben_thatmustbeme RESOLVED: accept all user stories that are entirely positive as official user stories

eprodrom ack aaronpk
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

elf-pavlik +1 aaronpk

elf-pavlik q+

elf-pavlik q-

elf-pavlik tantek, aaronpk you can simply warn people that you will -1 stories which don't have implementation walk through

eprodrom harry, ?
ben_thatmustbeme note btw, that 0s did not represent don't care much of the time.... they would often have commentary explaining it

ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, who is on the call?

eprodrom q?
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's making noise?

elf-pavlik Zakim, mute harry

eprodrom ack cwebber2
eprodrom ack cwebber
elf-pavlik Zakim, who's on the call?

ben_thatmustbeme yes

eprodrom ack cwebber
elf-pavlik q+

ben_thatmustbeme i would agree with tantek, start with sepearte versions. maybe keep an idea toward future convergance

eprodrom q?
eprodrom ack bblfish
tantek joined the channel
eprodrom q?
eprodrom ack elf-pavlik
elf-pavlik harry go first!

ben_thatmustbeme i think i lost audio

elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

elf-pavlik q+

eprodrom q?
eprodrom q?
ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, mute me

eprodrom ack elf-pavlik
elf-pavlik Zakim, mute me

eprodrom q?
eprodrom ack bblfish
ben_thatmustbeme Zakim, who is on the call?

elf-pavlik +1 harry

eprodrom PROPOSED: aaronpk, Tsyesika, and sandro to work with rhiaro to develop a convergence document
elf-pavlik +1

elf-pavlik SoLiD :D

eprodrom PROPOSED: aaronpk, Tsyesika, and sandro to work with rhiaro to develop a convergence document with first draft by 9 June
elf-pavlik +1

elf-pavlik Bearer token

elf-pavlik follow your nose

elf-pavlik etlc.

eprodrom +1
ben_thatmustbeme tantek, that was discussed. this doesn't prevent seperate spec dev.

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme++

eprodrom tantek, can you take the floor and make this case
eprodrom ack tantek
eprodrom tantek, counterproposal?
eprodrom tantek, can you phrase it as a proposal?
ben_thatmustbeme I think it is useful to list out the places where we are making convergance, thats is really all we are talking about

elf-pavlik we can +1 both, they don't exclude each other

elf-pavlik +1 both

eprodrom -1 to tantek, +1 to jasnell
ben_thatmustbeme this is getting really abiguous

eprodrom RESOLVED: let's not worry on exactly how many documents are actually written and focus on just getthing *something* written
elf-pavlik +1 rhiaro

aaronpk !meme just keep shipping shipping shipping [http://www.cinemablend.com/images/news_img/38938/Finding_Dory_38938.jpg]

ben_thatmustbeme thats the oddest resolution i have seen

eprodrom Yeah, I don't feel like it says much
elf-pavlik ciao all o/ thanks eprodrom for chairing and rhiaro for scribing

jasnell joined the channel
eprodrom cwebber2, I'll do it
eprodrom trackbot, end meeting
RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/12-social-minutes.html trackbot

harry joined the channel
eprodrom cwebber2: pong
eprodrom What's up
LCyrin joined the channel
eprodrom Ah, right
eprodrom Yes, Tsyesika had talked about doing a common implementation
eprodrom We threw up the idea of starting something that could work with in-memory storage that we could test against
eprodrom So I started https://github.com/w3c-social/activitypump-server
eprodrom yeah, I thought it'd be fun to work on new language
eprodrom cwebber2, that sounds great but
eprodrom ohno
eprodrom Sure
eprodrom But I was hoping not to over-architect
eprodrom And just make a sample server that does the minimum possible
eprodrom Ummm, I dunno
eprodrom I'm not even sure what that would mean
eprodrom I'm not really married to Go but I thought it would be a good carrot to get us to work on something
eprodrom No, that's fine
eprodrom If doing something in Python means we get this done then fine
eprodrom I guess what I'd like to avoid is doing anything production ready
eprodrom Because then the temptation is to make it work too well
eprodrom Something that's about the level of a mock is where I was shooting
eprodrom Does that sound like the right first step?
eprodrom Tsyesika, does an API mock in Python sound good to you?
eprodrom Or would you like to work on Racket, ES6, Go or Rust?
eprodrom cwebber2: ideally I'd like something with no difficult dependencies or setup
eprodrom Something that works in just a few modules would be nice too
eprodrom Right
eprodrom That's where the temptation gets high
eprodrom Like, "We've done all this work on the prototype, let's not throw it away..."
eprodrom Instead of, like, "Here's a throwaway ~2K loc that responds more or less what we say to do in the spec that you can use to test clients"
eprodrom Tsyesika, ah, that was entirely not my goal
eprodrom When I have a project that's not core to my main work, I like to try new languages to sweeten the task
eprodrom Like, "I don't like having to do this but at least I get to practice using a new language"
hhalpin joined the channel
cwebber2 I could probably toss together a very quick python scaffold for this that doesn't have a heavy framework behind it, if you want to do the "avoiding temptation to be an implementation we'll use". But then again, even using Django for the mock does mean that it's something that to a wide audience has a level of familiarity

eprodrom awesome
eprodrom OK, so, mock server in Python using flask?
eprodrom Good here
eprodrom I don't know flask so I'm getting my temptation bundling in here
eprodrom cwebber2, can you just overwrite the code in the activitypump-server repo?
eprodrom Since I wrote up a lot of issues
eprodrom And it's not easy to move them over
eprodrom Awesome
eprodrom Just wallop the Go stuff and start the Flask thing
eprodrom If you can configure it for memory-only storage so I don't have to set up a Riak instance or whatever I'd prefer that
eprodrom +1 to hashmap
eprodrom I'm happy starting with some fake accounts in that hashmap
eprodrom Right
eprodrom OK, no rush obvs
eprodrom Maybe wait till after you release
eprodrom Absolutely
eprodrom Do I need to do anything to give you access to that repo?
eprodrom Cool
eprodrom Send an email if it's neede
eprodrom needed
eprodrom ha ha
eprodrom all the flask examples are microblogging servers
harry joined the channel
eprodrom A lot of the front-end ones do TODO lists
eprodrom It's like the hello-world of Javascript frameworks
bblfish, harry, tilgovi and bengo joined the channel
bengo Does anyone know of a background link describing the intention of "as:browserContext" mentioned in here? http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/WD-activitystreams-vocabulary-20150129/#non-normative-ontology-definition
Loqi bengo: elf-pavlik left you a message on 4/11 at 11:55pm: :+1: http://bengo.is/notes/20150411-reply.html http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2015-04-11/line/1428821701531

bengo !tell elf-pavlik :)
jasnell, bengo and bblfish joined the channel