#social 2015-05-13
2015-05-13 UTC
bengo, bblfish, tilgovi, Arnaud and elf-pavlik joined the channel
elf-pavlik rhiaro, re: "ActivityPump mostly uses endpoints (specific paths rather than discoverable I think)"

elf-pavlik has "inbox": "https://johnsmith.example.com/inbox.json",

elf-pavlik "outbox": "https://johnsmith.example.com/feed.json"

elf-pavlik which pretty much equals rel="ap:inbox" & rel="ap:outbox" just as rel="iw:micropub" & rel="iw:webmention"

elf-pavlik Tsyesika, why inbox.json and feed.json? I wonder if it comes from "let's clone twitter", and twitter currently using .json i their api 'endpoints'

elf-pavlik oshepherd, ^

bengo, bengo_, rhiaro and the_frey joined the channel
elf-pavlik HTML, JSON(-LD) ... one can use Content Negotiation https://github.com/w3c-social/social-arch/issues/4

elf-pavlik oshepherd, what do you think about creating ActivityPump vocab and JSON-LD context? https://github.com/w3c-social/activitypump/issues/30

elf-pavlik oshepherd, i would doubt that AS2 would define inbox and outbox properties

elf-pavlik another option would work in lines of trying to register them with IANA and microformats.org http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values

elf-pavlik you can find both webmention and micropub registered with microformats.org as link relations

the_frey_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik oshepherd, IMO outbox works more closely to micropub not feed

elf-pavlik can i post to other feeds by doing POST to outbox

elf-pavlik or i need multiple outboxes ?

elf-pavlik for read (GET)

elf-pavlik feed Gives the address of a syndication feed for the current document.

elf-pavlik doesn't sound like one would expect to POST to it and have ActivityPump specific side efects

elf-pavlik IMO if ActivityPump defines some specific resource it better define specific link relation like *micropub* and *webmention* do

elf-pavlik or just create namespace and define it a property

elf-pavlik issue-24

elf-pavlik oshepherd, Tsyesika, cwebber2 https://github.com/w3c-social/activitypump/issues/24#issuecomment-101578833

elf-pavlik afk

the_frey, elf-pavlik_, the_frey_, tsyesika and melvster1 joined the channel
melvster1 bblfish: I just talked to the world citizen folks they are thinking about adding webid, maybe SoLiD apps, and setting up a CIC in the UK ... one of them is a philosopher (David?) I think knows you?
melvster1 i dont know the last name
melvster1 based in london
melvster1 sounds like a pretty cool project they've been in wired and techcrunch already
melvster1 oh wait, maybe that's him
melvster1 what does he work on?
elf-pavlik melvster1, David Bovill? https://plus.google.com/114095154193052186932/posts

melvster1 elf-pavlik: could be!
melvster1 are you still in paris?
elf-pavlik nope, in Braunschweig. BTW i just switched my live site from webprofiled to plp-provider branch and started adding text/turtle :)

melvster1 elf-pavlik: great, does it validate?
elf-pavlik melvster1, i will test it with https://github.com/mmlab/TurtleValidator

elf-pavlik but still will need to take ~1h to finish it and deploy and now we have IG call

elf-pavlik melvster1, did you have chance to chat wit skddc about LDP / SoLiD ?

elf-pavlik Zakim, bye

skddc elf-pavlik: we had a chat, yes
skddc weird, i thought i'm raucao here too now
skddc oh well
elf-pavlik skddc, have you looked at 'unhosted' apps https://github.com/linkeddata/SoLiD#applications

melvster1 elf-pavlik: who is skddc?
skddc yes, but the demos all failed on me
skddc wait, maybe i didn't check them all
skddc melvster1: "<skddc> weird, i thought i'm raucao here too now"
skddc ;)
melvster1 ah ha
skddc yer, it's complicated
Loqi @skddc :: Hacking at #indiewebcamp https://twitter.com/skddc/status/597388890631053312/photo/1

skddc i'm in the process of switching handles, but it takes a few years :)
melvster1 sure im happy to answer any questions on SoLiD
elf-pavlik let's look at at least aligning data formats in remoteStorage modules and SoLiD apps?

skddc yes, that's the one thing i think makes sense
skddc the rest is pretty much whatever works
elf-pavlik :)

elf-pavlik skddc, do you also somehow follow or participate in https://www.w3.org/community/decsharing/ ?

skddc nobody's currently working on improving ld support or formats in rs.js/modules, so any input/ideas/proposals are greatly appreciated
skddc elf-pavlik: nope
skddc i really don't have much time for more working groups and projects
skddc i'm overloaded as it is
elf-pavlik yeah, we need to improve load balancing among us - 7bln crew members of Spaceship Earth :)

elf-pavlik we could start with contacs, remoteStorage uses vcard while SoLiD may currently focus on FOAF

elf-pavlik needs to jump on IG telecon in 20min ...

skddc sounds good
melvster1 +1 interop
melvster1 interop++
melvster1 thing is that interop is quite hard to test, ive found
skddc we use json schema
melvster1 bblfish: added you to the world citizen id project room, we're hoping to add webid
skddc i think that's a great way to share json data formats
melvster1 i think there's a focus on json ld here
melvster1 i tend to use turtle, but could be persuaded to work on json ld too
skddc melvster1: it's for describing the json ld format we'd share
melvster1 oh nice!
melvster1 skddc: but isnt there an element of json ld being self describing data?
melvster1 or a self documenting API
elf-pavlik melvster1, have you looked at http://json-schema.org/ ?

melvster1 only just now
elf-pavlik skddc, open badges folks try to work with both JSON-LD and JSON Schema https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-linked-json/2015Mar/0013.html

skddc interesting
elf-pavlik in one project i currently use http://jeremydorn.com/json-editor/ which also builds on JSON Schema

skddc nice! sth like that would make a great addition to a remotestorage browser
skddc so you can edit data in your storage without dealing with json
melvster1 we have one, warp
ben_thatmustbeme and elf-pavlik_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik_ melvster1, step1 done :) curl -L -H "Accept: text/turtle" https://wwelves.org/perpetual-tripper

melvster1 cool
elf-pavlik where can i generate valid WebID cert?

elf-pavlik http://webid.info/ -- not very helpfule

elf-pavlik melvster1, i dont see IndieAuth via https://indiecert.net on you homepage

elf-pavlik realizes that also lost it in today's update :D

melvster1 elf-pavlik: i use webid, indieauth doesnt work with http
elf-pavlik oh, now i remember :D

melvster1 indieauth should accept webid too
melvster1 why invent something new?
melvster1 but i dont think https only will take off
melvster1 growth doesnt come with heavy security
melvster1 time will tell
melvster1 security is good *after* you have gone through the growth phase
melvster1 that's how the web took off
melvster1 and facebook, and email, and the telephone and the post office etc. etc.
elf-pavlik ACTION: pelf document reasoning for requiring HTTPS (possibly coordinate it with harry)

bblfish joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: thus far in indieweb we have found it limiting to getting new users to require https

ben_thatmustbeme we recommend it and try to push toward migrating to https but don't require it

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, do people base their decision not to use https based on some recognized research on possible threats?

elf-pavlik i also hope that by the time specs we work on reach TR https://letsencrypt.org/ will work and other solutions will start appearing as well

bengo joined the channel
elf-pavlik afk - dinner

LCyrin, tilgovi, jasnell and bblfish joined the channel
bblfish, bengo, tilgovi, the_frey, jaywink, LCyrin, jasnell, KevinMarks and shepazu_ joined the channel