#social 2015-05-14
2015-05-14 UTC
bengo and jasnell joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: obviously its better to use https for security reasons. People have mostly not wanted to require https because new users find it difficult to set up their own ssl cert, or just don't want to spend any money

jasnell, bblfish, bengo, tilgovi, KevinMarks, the_frey, bret, kylewm, shepazu, rhiaro, raucao, the_frey_, melvster1, elf-pavlik, wilkie, rhiaro_, jaywink and stevenroose joined the channel
elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, re: "new users find it difficult to set up their own ssl cert, or just don't want to spend any money", as I said by the time specs we work on here will reach status of W3C TR, https://letsencrypt.org should work and more similar solutions start to appear

elf-pavlik anyways

elf-pavlik action-64

elf-pavlik oshepherd, http://foo.me != https://foo.me and if people start using http: URIs for their identity, switching them to https: later might come with some challenges

the_frey joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme we've found in practice its better to treat https:// == http:// or at least provide a notification of the change and upgrade their account on said system

ben_thatmustbeme technically facebook.com/me and facebook.com/ME are different, but always treated the same. most web servers force case incensitivity. Don't get me wrong i would prefer https:// everywhere

elf-pavlik IMO using https://foo.name/bar and http://foo.name/bar for different resources also doesn't really make much sense

ben_thatmustbeme it doesn't. its technically possible, but seems rather foolish, far to many applications assume them to be the same

gx joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme we have started to suggest people warn those logging in without https and recommend they upgrade, but we don't require it

ben_thatmustbeme I could see requiring it for private messaging though.

elf-pavlik using HTTP with IndieAuth sounds like pretty bad idea, especially currently with rather centralized indieauth.com, i think on hot spots someone could rather easily explit redirects and spoof ...

elf-pavlik better leaves it to security experts to deal with it..

elf-pavlik afk for ~2h

ben_thatmustbeme tries to think through indieauth for a sec. well there are 2 layers to it. I doubt anyone would be running their server on a local wifi. if you are trying to log in to a site with HTTPS via indie-auth a person would have to be sniffing traffic between the servers (you never load your own site directly)

ben_thatmustbeme if you are logging in to a system without https.... all you post is your URL, that redirects you to https on indieauth, where you have actually auth, but the redirect links back to your site are able to be sniffed and thus gain access

jasnell joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme its not giving away ability to log in generically, but you could steal a single log in, which depending on how much access is give, that could be bad, yeah

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, can you elaborate on "how much access" part?

elf-pavlik will need to run in 15min but will check logs later

elf-pavlik if i run micropub client, can i have any restrictions on what i can post to people's micropub endpoints of for how long i can write to them?

elf-pavlik action-62

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik, that depends entirely on their implementation. I expire tokens for my micropub endpoint after a month going unused. I was talking more about auth vs getting a token

ben_thatmustbeme for micropub i would definitely strongly recommend https

elf-pavlik needs to catch up on authentication vs. authorization in IndieAuth

ben_thatmustbeme although its possible even when its only auth to just rewrite their original request to ask for post access

ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: its pretty simple, if there is a scope defined after authentication, then it goes on to the token endpoint to get an auth token for that scope

ben_thatmustbeme you see the scope requested on indieauth when logging in, it clearly says what scopes it is asking for. but I'm sure many people will ignore that

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, where i can sign in to see request of access for certain scope?

ben_thatmustbeme any micropub endpoint

ben_thatmustbeme s/endpoint/client

elf-pavlik "No Auth Endpoint Found"

ben_thatmustbeme just type in my URL

elf-pavlik https://monocle.p3k.io/ logs me in but i don't see it asking for scope

elf-pavlik post

elf-pavlik edit

elf-pavlik delete

ben_thatmustbeme ahh, yeah, i need to recheck that. i believe i limit to no dirs

elf-pavlik remoteStorage does scopes per 'module'

elf-pavlik contacts, todos etc.

ben_thatmustbeme i added edit and delete. i believe its something that would have to be standardized

ben_thatmustbeme as your site has to know what the hell 'edit' means

elf-pavlik so app for events don't messes with contacts etc.

ben_thatmustbeme I started to play with that actually, https://ben.thatmustbe.me/manage/contacts?url=tantek.com

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme++

elf-pavlik okie doke, got to run :)

ben_thatmustbeme i think that seems pretty reasonable post, contacts, etc

elf-pavlik todos

elf-pavlik calendar

elf-pavlik wishlist

elf-pavlik etc.

elf-pavlik maps

ben_thatmustbeme definitely something that would have to be thought through. I don't think i'd want one for every post type 'post', 'checkin', etc

elf-pavlik needs to check how Android defines access categories

elf-pavlik IMO IndieWeb seems very blogger centric while i see social going much broader than posting notes

elf-pavlik afk

ben_thatmustbeme i'd say thats a fair evaluation. Its mostly where the simplest starting point is.

aaronpk, bengo, tilgovi, elf-pavlik_, the_frey and LCyrin joined the channel
LCyrin hey wilkie
LCyrin wilkie, what do you use for image uploads on rstatus
bengo joined the channel
elf-pavlik raucao, have you looked at https://demo.cozycloud.cc/#home ?

elf-pavlik it uses vCard and iCalendar (also CardDAV and CalDAV), both vCard and iCalendasr have RDF definitions published by W3C

elf-pavlik we could focus on getting those working across remoteStorage, CozyCloud and Social Data we work with here

elf-pavlik SoLiD also has contact manager and meeting scheduler apps https://github.com/linkeddata/SoLiD#applications

raucao sounds good
bengo nice share
bengo What is the point of the as:Article objectType that just extends as:Content but doesn't encourage any new properties?
bengo The only qualifier for that subset of as:Content is 'multi-paragraph'. Does that mean if I'm accepting user input, I should call one-paragraph Content as:Content and everything else as:Article (or extension)?
bengo (same for as:Note, which is non-normatively ""A Short note, typically less than a single paragraph. A \"tweet\" is an example, or a \"status update\""@en ."
bengo joined the channel
elf-pavlik jasnell, maybe you can answer bengo's questions? ^

KevinMarks joined the channel
bengo kinda seems like a 'no right answers' sort of thing. I'm implementing now and may just make everything Content
bengo or our own extensions
bengo Does that mean if I'm accepting user input, I should call one-paragraph Content as:Content and everything else as:Article (or extension)?
bblfish joined the channel
bengo Got it, thanks for the context :)
bengo @jasnell It'd be awesome if someday the utility of this lib was eventually baked into browsers. https://github.com/jasnell/linkeddata-vocabs
bengo That way every lib that needs to say "Is this LD object a subclass of as:Content" wouldn't need to bundle it itself
bengo *browser lib
bengo e.g. yesterday I tried to browserify/uglify/gz https://www.npmjs.com/package/activitystrea.ms and it was 88k gripped https://cloudup.com/cI5DiuvvCea
bengo not that that was necessarily because of linkeddata-vocabs, but every byte saved is nice!
almereyda joined the channel
elf-pavlik issue-12

bengo thanks @elf-pavlik
bengo Or maybe a good browser feature is a json-ld expansion feature that automatically knows about type inferences from w3c-published ontologies like AS/Annotation
LCyrin and bblfish joined the channel
elf-pavlik action-43

elf-pavlik going to sleep :)

Arnaud joined the channel
bengo aaronpk not tight now afaict
bengo http://linkeddatafragments.org/ would be a good pattern to support for it
bengo Anyone ever implemented AS2 for 'flag as spam' or 'flag as inappropriate'?
bengo How do you model the difference?
bengo Discrete subclassOf as:Flag?
bengo or target: property of as:Flag instance?
bengo joined the channel
bengo nvm the wiki answers "The Flag activity is generalized here without specifying detail about *why* the content was flagged. Subclasses of the Flag activity can be used to provide more detail... e.g.
bengo :FlagAsAbusive a as:Activity ;
bengo rdfs:subClassOf as:Flag ."
bengo For now I will do
bengo * as:Flag
bengo - lf:Flag
bengo - lf:FlagSpam
bengo - lf:FlagOffensive
bengo - lf:Disagree
bengo - lf:OffTopic
bengo ooh
bengo interesting
bengo hard for me to think about what the independent semantics of lf:Spam would be there
bengo e.g. how to interpret [as:Content, lf:Spam]
bengo According to http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/WD-activitystreams-vocabulary-20150129/#dfn-mention, the as:Mention ObjectType is owl:subclassOf as:Link
bengo however: as:Link a owl:Class ;
bengo owl:disjointWith as:Object ;
bengo Wouldn't that mean that as:Mention is not an as:Object. And then it's weird that it's listed under "Object Types"?
bengo it is the only "Object Type" that extends as:Link
bengo thx
melvster1 joined the channel
melvster1 elf-pavlik: so does your webid work?
bengo, tilgovi and Arnaud1 joined the channel