#social 2015-05-15

2015-05-15 UTC
bengo, jasnell, bblfish, Arnaud, LCyrin, the_frey and stevenroose joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme, can i use multiple micropub endpoints? https://github.com/aaronpk/Micropub/issues/6#issuecomment-102372958
correct, micropub assumes your site has only one endpoint. That said there is nothing stopping your site from doing whatever it wants with the data it receives, including passing it to other micropub endoints
i could see someone making a service quite easily that just gives you a unique micropub endpoint and then lets you add as many target endpoints as you want and set a few simple rules to decide what data goes where
that gets around any messiness of having to generate auth tokens for every seperate service
could even write the rules to allow sending a post with category X to send to multiple sites. Which i think might be a great way for me to post photos of my daughters to their own websites as well as mine.... hmmm
although i suppose at that point it makes more sense as syndicate-to
does someone do syndicate-to another micropub endpoint ?
jasnell joined the channel
aaronpk, hi, did you upload somewhere group photo from F2F in Paris?
how do you connect a Profile witn an Object it describes?
in reverse direction, how object can link to profiles which describe them?
i could create profile for an Event, which would attribute it to me but still needs way to link to "@type": "Event" object ...
@rhiaro :: .@DrDanielASmith Not to worry, spent all day compiling a succinct and coherent summary of the key arguments. #issue57 https://twitter.com/rhiaro/status/546822137387159552/photo/1
melvster, stevenroose and the_frey_ joined the channel
elf: that's not yet defined.
open to suggestions
jaywink, elf-pavlik_, jasnell, tilgovi, shepazu_, bengo, Arnaud, bblfish, LCyrin, stevenroose, almereyda and rhiaro joined the channel