2015-10-26 UTC
annbass, annbass_ and shepazu joined the channel
# rhiaro_ For anyone interested in web annotations, join #annotations and read this morning's backlog
shepazu joined the channel
# rhiaro_ TIL one can provide feedback on the annotations specs by annotating them... awesome :)
peacekeeper, annbass, shepazu, bblfish and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# annbass rhiaro, csarven, and bigbluehat and I are all sitting in Annotations WG meeting right now
# rhiaro_ #annotation will be talking about relation to social tomorrow afternoon (JST)
# annbass yes, indeed, you guys should join #annotation tomorrow afternoon, Japan time
# annbass they are keen on Activity Streams for various purposes
# rhiaro_ as well as aligning with what we do for federation (eg. how to tell someone you've left an annotation on their document)
JonathanC, JonathanJ3, Arnaud, nicolagreco, annbass, the_frey, ShaneHudson, peacekeeper, elf-pavlik, Arnaud1, bblfish, jasnell and jasnell_ joined the channel
the_frey, jasnell, jasnell_, bblfish, kevinmarks, jaywink, Arnaud1, Arnaud, tilgovi, oshepherd, shepazu and peacekeeper joined the channel