#social 2015-10-27
2015-10-27 UTC
bblfish, jasnell, Arnaud1, tantek, tilgovi, nicolagreco, bblfish_, annbass, Arnaud, peacekeeper, shevski, annbass_ and JonathanC joined the channel
annbass and tantek joined the channel
bblfish, annbass, annbass_, tantek, shevski, JonathanC, ShaneHudson, the_frey, jasnell, nicolagreco, bblfish_ and elf-pavlik joined the channel
jasnell, peacekeeper, bblfish_, bblfish, nicolagreco, jasnell_ and jaywink joined the channel
taisuke_ joined the channel
nicolagreco and jasnell joined the channel
jasnell joined the channel
peacekeeper, tilgovi and jasnell joined the channel
jasnell, nicolagreco, tantek, Arnaud, shepazu, annbass and oshepherd joined the channel