#rhiaro_We're about to have a social breakout session at TPAC
#rhiaro_I'm going to be scribing in here, for those interested
pJeong joined the channel
#rhiaro_tantek: Welcome to the social web breakout session!
#rhiaro_... I'm Tantek Celik, one of the co-chairs. Arnaud le Hors is also here as a co-chair
#rhiaro_... We've been working on this very hard problem which is the social web
#rhiaro_... First, here's a real world example of the TPAC page - notice the very first encouragement of participation is here called 'social', little twitter logo, hashtag tpac2015
csarven joined the channel
#rhiaro_... So here's a question. Twitter, a member of w3c, not present at this week's meeting, not here today, but w3c is promoting them as very first method of participation on the tpac page. What's wrong with this picture?
#rhiaro_... That's the magnitude of the problem we're trying to address
#rhiaro_... The problem goes all the way to the top of w3c
#rhiaro_tantek: the very first encouragement that tpac is giving to attendees to participate is twitter. WHat does that mean to you?
#rhiaro_csarven: it's a question of.. you can pick one or you can pick a giant list of ways in which you can participate, twitter just happens to be one of them
#rhiaro_... obviously doesn't fit well from the perspective of the social web wg, but to me it's just one of many channels
#rhiaro_... of course it's a silo and so on, but i'm not sure if that necessarily has to be the main point of discussion
#rhiaro_jeff junglecode.net: it seems like the network effects of these social sites is what makes them viable
#rhiaro_... you go because your friends are already there
#rhiaro_... so for the social web wg to be viable, you need to get those network effects
#rhiaro_... I'm curious if the goal of the group is to make it so that is possible to achieve those network effects without being twitter
#rhiaro_tantek: that's a great wayt o fram ethe question
#rhiaro_deiu: I think one of the reasons why they put that there is because twitter is a popular means for peopel to share messages, events, stuff that happens
#rhiaro_... the hashtag is actually the imprtant part
#rhiaro_... it's not necessarily the social network, but the common label that we use to speak in a particular context
#rhiaro_... this is the key part that w3c wanted to use, the reason they wanted to use twitter and the hashtag
#rhiaro_... gives people a way to discover information even if they don't necessarily follow everyoen that participates in this event
#rhiaro_tantek: so hashtag is a keyword to let people discover things
#rhiaro_... Imagine you are in 1995 in an IETF meeting
#rhiaro_... There's an agenda, instead of reading a webpage you see an email about it
#rhiaro_... In that email, there's a box that says 'social' that says 'use the aol keyword to post on aol' for this event. What would you say to that?
#rhiaro_... My assertion is that the w3c posting this in 2015 about twitter is no different from ietf posting this in 1995
#rhiaro_... I know where you're going because you have countries like austira who prohibit in schools to organise themselves in facebookgroups because they don't want to force people to have a fb account
#rhiaro_... because you need an account to interact
#rhiaro_tantek: so if twitter was a walled garden with no public access then it would be different
#rhiaro_David Clarke: I'm on the i18n wg, and it occurs to me that depending on what country you're in twitter may not be an available route to access that information
#rhiaro_... although you're talkinga bout proprietary walled gardens, we also have politcal walled gardens
#rhiaro_... that type of thing breaks up the communications
#annbasswonders if there are minutes up until now?
#rhiaro_... in the past I've tried to use various social media in other countries, and there's literally a firewall
#rhiaro_... whereas if I got to an ordinary website I've actually got the access
rossen_ joined the channel
#rhiaro_... so it strikes me that if you want worldwide social you need to actually look at how you make that, but equally keep it politically safe
deiu joined the channel
#rhiaro_tantek: it sounds like you're bursting the bubble that all my friends are on there
#rhiaro_David Clarke: I know there are countries I've been in where I couldn't see twitter, or had to go through a proxy beyond the standard tech ability of many other people
#rhiaro_... So maybe we don' thave the univeral feed that you think we do have
#rhiaro_... Two points about that box. I think the reason that w3c an dmost of the membership think sit's okay, is many of us read twitter as throwaway data (whether that's okay or not is another question)
#rhiaro_deiu: in an attempt to stop this speculation about the reason whyt hat text is there, becasue frankly, I don't know who put it there and it's not constructive to figure out why it's there
#rhiaro_... we need these foundational definitions of technologies to be available to build on
#rhiaro_... but we need more participants in the wg to get there
#rhiaro_... we think we should start with something simple so we can get something defined and out the door and build on that, but the more participants that help us lay the foundation the better it will be to build on
#rhiaro_manu: I'm completely unaware of where you are right now, could we have a 5 minute where is the socialwg right now?
#rhiaro_shevski: I'm Irina. I have a project to promote decentralised technologies and bring communities together
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#rhiaro_... One thing I've found is so many projects, we have a list of over 200 open source projects, over 10 of them are protocols that are working to try and address this problem
#rhiaro_... like ira said, look we have 200 projects, I see egov, neighbourhoods organising themselves, they have no way to connect to each other because the building blocks are not there
#rhiaro_... we need to talk about the building blogs
#rhiaro_... We have several documents we're working on
#rhiaro_... ACtivityStreams is our most mature working draft
#rhiaro_... we have 3 deliverables, social syntax, an api for clients and servers to communicate that information, and the third area is a federation protocol for servers to pass the social information among themselves
#rhiaro_... In the first area, we have a document that we're moving forward with
#rhiaro_... In the second, we have inputs from existing communities that have working building blocks
#rhiaro_... in social api and federation, we have working building blocks that are being contributed
#rhiaro_... there's a lot of hope there, we just have to get the work done and produce the respected w3c drafts to keep moving forward with that
#rhiaro_annbass: there are three technical communities in the wg
#rhiaro_tantek: I don't think the boundaries are that sharply drawn
#rhiaro_... there are people with lots of different backgrounds
#rigodanbri: that is one of the questions that has to be answered
#Zakimm4nu, you wanted to ask about where the Social Web WG is currently wrt. work products. and to ask "what are the most compelling business models?" and to mention why he isn't
#rhiaro_... to CR and how many implementors do you have?
#rigodanbri: certainly ID has a split between host and account (Identity)
#rhiaro_tantek: timeline, charter expries end of 2016
#rhiaro_... we had a bunch of different aspirational schedule deadliens based on no particular concrete evidence, so all those dates from the charter have been thrown out of the window
#rhiaro_... So we don' thave a specific timeline now that's based in any kind of fact
#rhiaro_m4nau: but the hope is that as2 is the one in front and probably going to be the first one?
#rhiaro_tantek: probably, but there are enough open issues I can't dependably make that statement
#rhiaro_m4nu: mention that fb and twitter aren't here and aren't interested
#rhiaro_... if an organisation is going to... and I completely get that this is best fo rthe web... but it's very hard for companies to participate if there are not compelling business models to do so
#rhiaro_... has part of your work been selling these business models to companies?
#rhiaro_annbass: we have not, we need expertise to do that
#rhiaro_tantek: arnaud, from IBM who are building products to make money from social web..?
#rhiaro_arnaud: there are different constraints in the wg and people with different interests. People like tantek who chairs indiewebcamp, who are trying to build this open network outside of silos
#rhiaro_... IBM are interested in the social interaction that integrate with enterprise applications
#aaronpkwhoa whoa whoa there is no "chair" of indiewebcamp ;)
#rhiaro_... Obviously there's a social element that comes into place in enterprise
#rhiaro_... We see the same applications that apppear in all different tools
#rhiaro_... We need standards protocols to do this integration
#rhiaro_annbass: example in Boeing, we're seeing social activities like pstoing, sharing, equivalent of liking, in many different vendors products coming into boeing
#rhiaro_... We don't want our people to ahve to replicate their profile in 50 different places, we want a central profile that will be used in others
#rhiaro_... For big companies,t hat's where the openness of these technologies would be valuable
#rhiaro_... Most companies are doing nothing with social yet
#rigodanbri: question is whether they already opted for email address format. Currently looking it up
#rhiaro_... Certain suppliers are trying to sell to us. We're building our own.
#rhiaro_... From a US perspective, I don't know abou tother countries, by the way, we have no participation from non-american companies in the socialwg
shevski joined the channel
#rhiaro_... we need people from other countries so that we don't... I don't know really what goes on in china, japan, india, russia
#Zakimsees shevski, deiu, timbl, m4nu on the speaker queue
#rhiaro_annbass: I'm always fascinated by the work of the i18n group, and accessibility of course, this kind of work needs to be reviewed for accommodation of all of those considerations
#deiutantek, I don't think you can use that article in a "normative" way. It's just someone's experience
#rhiaro_... What I'm interested in from other countries is, people eeverywhere no matter who you are want to be social, there are different modes of cultural interaction from different flavours
#rhiaro_... I don't want this to have an american flavour to it
#rhiaro_... I wanted to pick up on a few things that manu said and ann
#rhiaro_... I don't know about you, but I send a lot of emails
#rhiaro_... a lot of a lot of peoples jobs is sending emails
#rhiaro_... the reasons it's so ubiquitous and important si because it's an open standard
#rhiaro_... but nobody makes money off email. There are so many companies and industrues that use communication channels that they're not making money off
#rhiaro_... They're the ones who need open standards for social
#rhiaro_... As we're living in a more global, remote working world, those are the people who need open standards and don't want walled gardens
#rhiaro_... That's why facebook and twitter aren't really the people
#rhiaro_... Their business model is the comms channel
#rhiaro_... but there are so many companies who aren't
#rhiaro_... and it *is* their business model to have solutions that are interoperable
#Zakimm4nu, you wanted to mention why he doesn't feel comfortable with participating in Social Web WG (group seems philosophically conflicted) and to ask about where we are on portable
#Zakim... identifiers, digital signatures on social messages, public key infrastructure for the Web
#rhiaro_... One, we're very busy. Our business is not in social web, but we're interested, but our focus is elsewhere
#rhiaro_... Hwoever, if it were not somewhere else, it feels like the wg is philosophically conflicted
#rhiaro_... some members from indieweb, some people pushing linked data, and another group that's kind of the web developer let's get it done json without thinking about semantics
#rhiaro_... when you look at those three operating in one wg
#rhiaro_... a positive way to look at is there's a great amount of discussion
#rhiaro_... really figuring out how to build the right thing
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#rhiaro_... the negative thing is that it can be poisnous to the group becasue you try to make everyone happy and end up with this frankenstein at the end
#rhiaro_... current as2 spec, tries to do json-ld but also stay away from it. See stuff that's trying to be very web develope rget it done, but could potentially fall short with the linked data stuff down the line
#danbri(there's also an 'Enterprise' aspect to the WG?)
#rhiaro_... It's not clear to us what ... it feels schitzophrenic
#rhiaro_... There's digital signatures, so how do you verify where something came from, without having to go through a large organisation
#rhiaro_... how do we put the trust into the social web layer
#rhiaro_... there are componants there that we are working onin payments and credentials that are built on top of linked data, and if things were to go to the linked data route
#rhiaro_... the goal is to get all the approaches that people have working on today's web interoperable
#rhiaro_... big challenge when people have already shipped things that work differently
#rhiaro_... that's our optimistic view that people have shipped stuff, and we can figure out how to make it all work without having to mandate a particular platform
#rhiaro_... if linked data works for you great, but for many others it's a showstopper
#rhiaro_... and developers who want a simple pile of json like existing apis give
#rhiaro_... so we're trying to find an intersection
#rhiaro_timbl: manu, you're shipping stuff, you must have an idea of what you'll makein the future, is it appropraite for you to give you a list of the building blocks?
#annbassq+ to say we are concerned about all of this, but also are worried to start "small"
#Zakimsees rigo, deiu, annbass on the speaker queue
#rhiaro_... will assure the person you're logging on to that the government has judged you worth, so that gets you access to a bunch of support from different organisations
#rhiaro_... so it's interesting to see how credentials... we have to look at functionality, and what people need to build
#rhiaro_... this group needs to have it in their head how these building blocks will fit together
#rhiaro_m4nu: I think socialwg is too early in the process. I know there are peopel deploying stuff, but when it comes to putting things to rec track, none of the wgs or igs say we really need stuff like linked data signatures, rdf datasets YET
#rhiaro_... hopefully if social web says we need these building blocks we can get those out
#rhiaro_tantek: so far I don't know of anyone who has said they need these building blocks
#rhiaro_... if you can put forward a use case that definitively sets for the need for this building block
#rhiaro_... so far we have use cases and implementations that haven't demonstrated a need
jasnell joined the channel
#rhiaro_timbl: you haven't done anything at that level of security
#David_clarkeq+ personal silos... I divide between w3c myself and employment. all me but different personal silos?
#ZakimDavid_clarke, you typed too many words without commas; I suspect you forgot to start with 'to ...'
#rhiaro_... we're using signed rdf for example as part of the (?) test suite
#rhiaro_... using built in crypto functions, that allows you to login to something at w3c by offering a digitally signed statement that you worked for a company that was signed by the member services person at the time
#Zakimsees rigo, deiu, annbass on the speaker queue
#rhiaro_annbass: we know there's concerns about security and identity, but we've taken it off the table at the beginning, to try to start small and accomplish something
#rhiaro_m4nu: and there's another group working on that
#rhiaro_timbl: didn't do anything like vouching that someobdy is a member of a particular group
#rhiaro_annbass: we said from the beginning we can't deal with all of human activity, so we have to begin somewhere
#rhiaro_timbl: meanwhile it's useful for people like manu..
#rhiaro_annbass: we have another list for things to people to add to for future consideration
#rhiaro_tantek: that's why this is an open call, to contribute use cases
#rhiaro_timbl: the palce to go when you're writing code is how do these things fit together
#rhiaro_... so access control is one of the tings that you need. If credentials are part of the world, you expec tot have a UI that says allow people in according to what credentials they have
#rhiaro_... that's how the api pieces fit together
#rhiaro_... if you don't have that sort of integration we're not going to be able to leverage off the power of each of the pieces
#rhiaro_tantek: twitter 2006 did not imagine twitter 2015 when they shipped
#rhiaro_tantek: it's going to be a challenge, maybe in the wg we don't have enough participants who care about those cases, it didn't get written up as one of the 99 use cases
#rhiaro_... we're not saying we don't want to hear it, we do, so please capture those use scases
#rhiaro_... the wg is run by the members, that's how we make changes
#rhiaro_annbass: turns out humans are darn complicated
#rhiaro_rigo: interesting discussion, if you're really interested in this you should join the group on hardware security, that's where you integrate these identity systems
#rhiaro_... we were on twitter, they kicked us out, we were on facebook, they kicked us out, then we reaslised were the social network, so we made our own where they couldn't kick us out
#rhiaro_... I got the kids off facebook to try to get them into a community before they move out
#rhiaro_... but it failed because the networking effects are too strong
#rhiaro_rigo: I want to send, like email, a simple message from my pump.io to the pump.io of the other guy and say send message to him with these properties
#wydongabout social network, the most important is the relationship between people. what kinds of relationship, who is connected via the relationship, how user interact according to relationship.
#rhiaro_... I couldn't care less how he wants this to be displayed
#rhiaro_tantek: that's the split between the syntax and the social api
#rhiaro_... interesting, I know people who are in mensa who don't let anyone else know apart ffrom other mensans
#rhiaro_... My identity .. i'm not as closed as that individual.. my identity for doing the mensa stuff is completely entirely separate from my professional life
#rhiaro_... althoug they're all me, we've got to go and say how do I set the boundaries on how far a given identity goes
#rhiaro_... the user interface, once you've logged in and am doing stuff, should the site be framed in a particular colour at all times to say you're talking with your mensa hat on, to make sure you don't say things to people with that hat that would be inappropriate
#Shane_I agree, though it sounds like it just got too much for him? Just a few days ago he sent the emails trying to get everyone working together better (one reason why I've so far kind of been watching from the sidelines to be honest)
rossen_, tilgovi, danbri, shepazu, hellojin_, timbl, gm_kou and tantek joined the channel
#bigbluehatlast I talked to some of the folks involved, they're interested in upgrading to 2.0 once that's done
#kevinmarksreads scrollback -be prepared for lagged responses
#kevinmarksa ncie thing about hashtagsis that they are inherently non-site specific, because they aren't namespaced
#kevinmarksso if you say 'use #tpac2015' that isn't recommending a silo, it's subtly pointing out their essentially parochial nature
tantek joined the channel
#kevinmarksthis isn't just for geeks anymore; I went to a friends' daighter's wedding, and we were told the hashtag to use; the wedding planners job now includes 'unique enough hashtag that any given silo won't be full of noise'
#kevinmarkswhich is a wonderful empirical demonstration of the fallacy of namespaces
#tantekyes I think in talking with the Annotation WG folks we can improve AS2 in this regard, by moving anything/everything JSONLD specific to an appendix
#tantekand dropping @context etc. from all the JSON examples in the AS2 spec
#tantekthe smaller the examples and the simpler the AS2 spec, the more appealing it will be to more developers
#tantekrhiaro: did you capture the "Social Web" session minutes somewhere?
#elf-pavlik<x-foo> also doesn't seem to work well there
#elf-pavlikmore people develop custom components than web browsers or printers
#elf-pavlik"An app is using an <x-foo> component and wants to switch to a different component, also named <x-foo>, without upgrading their entire codebase all at once."
#elf-pavlikwill someone use those class names to integrate data from multiple independent sources ?
#elf-pavlikintegrate also includes capacity to query it locally afterwards
#elf-pavlikfor example "My friends who live in Paris and offer hosting a guest"
#elf-pavlikwhile without extensions I will get "My friends who live in Paris" part, for "offer hosting a guest" it will require commonly used extension
#elf-pavlikBTW did someone going to next F2F needs to find a friend (or friend of a friend) to host them in SF?
#elf-pavlikmaybe someone just needs to write non IWC specific version which also addresses group collaboration
#elf-pavlikfrom what I see so far IndieWeb seems to neglect any need for group collaboration technologies, relying itself heavily on good old IRC, MediaWiki and .... Github, Slack, ???
#elf-pavlikwhile i understand focus on making a twitter clone, i really hope that we will not limit usefulness of technologies standarized here to just such limited use case
#elf-pavlikand provide clear extensibility mechanism which encourages innovation
#tantekelf-pavlik: no, focus is on people scratching their own itches
#tanteka lot of us do want to use our own sites directly instead of Twitter yes
#tantekbut that's a side effect of an emerging scratching your itches pattern
#tantekif distributed issues are your itch, you should post them on your own site, and POSSE them to github
#jasnellThere are a large number of AS 2.0 related proposals on next weeks agenda (https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-11-03#Agenda). To help expedite discussion, it would be great if everyone could read up on the proposals before the call
#aaronpkcan we knock any of those out before the call?
#jasnellben_thatmustbeme: -1, bringing the item up on the call has been the only reliable way of actually getting people to look at the issues and consider them
#jasnellmost participants in the WG don't seem to bother actively tracking either the github or w3c issue trackers and only seem to respond when the items are discussed on the call