#social 2015-10-29
2015-10-29 UTC
annbass, tilgovi, tantek, bblfish, hellojintae, MarkS, knagano, Arnaud, timbl and jasnell joined the channel
bblfish, danbri, knagano, hellojintae, rossen, m4nu, MarkS, jasnell, shepazu, Arnaud, timbl, tantek, annbass, annbass_ and azaroth joined the channel
bblfish, knagano, tantek, annbass, danbri, jasnell, MarkS, the_frey, annbass_, ShaneHudson, tsyesika, tilgovi, timbl, hellojintae, hellojin_, shevski, Arnaud, jasnell_, m4nu, azaroth, JonathanC, Arnaud1, the_frey_, jasnel___, knagano_ and shepazu joined the channel