#social 2015-11-03
2015-11-03 UTC
jasnell, jasnell_ and JonathanC joined the channel
Loqi Rene-peinl made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2015-12-01]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86635&oldid=86534
bblfish, the_frey and jasnell joined the channel
melvster raucao: http://ircanywhere.com/
raucao melvster: we're using the irc npm module from them
ShaneHudson joined the channel
ShaneHudson joined the channel
Loqi Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-11-03]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86641&oldid=86631
Loqi Pelf made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-11-03]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86642&oldid=86641
elf-pavlik, jasnell, MarkS_, cwebber2, timbl, timbl_, bblfish, bblfish_, timbl__, bblfish__ and melvster joined the channel
shepazu, melvster and tilgovi joined the channel
Loqi Cwebber2 made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-11-03]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86645&oldid=86642
the_frey, eprodrom, tantek, Shane_, rene and hhalpin joined the channel
hhalpin waves
Loqi hhalpin: kevinmarks left you a message on 10/20 at 1:30pm: do you have the slides from https://youtu.be/BOLIuBr_2uM online? http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2015-10-20/line/1445373024315
hhalpin Note everyone, the webex password has changed
hhalpin due to MIT having issues with the password and so WebEx being misued.
RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/11/03-social-irc
Shane_ Made dinner, ready at 1 minute to the hour. That is good timing!
azaroth joined the channel
azaroth Present+ Rob_Sanderson
Shane_ present+
azaroth I think it's Rene
azaroth cwebber2++
rene present+
Shane_ I can scribe
eprodrom Sorry, is the code still SOCL?
Shane_ scribeNick: Shane_
Shane_ Hah
eprodrom present+ eprodrom
hhalpin Yep, I put in there just while people we're dialing in - will change it once we get everyone in.
Shane_ I normally need don't need a password but did this time
eprodrom Scanning now
ben_thatmustbeme present+ ben_thatmustbeme
eprodrom +1 looks complete
Arnaud RESOLVED: Approval of Minutes of 2015-10-20 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-10-20-minutes
Shane_ Arnaud: Quickly another reminder about face to face meeting, if you haven't done so please indicate your attendance.
Shane_ ... we will soon start working on logistics for the face to face
hhalpin_ joined the channel
Shane_ ... Tantek entertained a breakout session at TPAC, about 25 people or so at the session
Shane_ ...Not much to take away from the working group, but worth reading through the minutes
Shane_ tantek: The discussion was very lively and had interest for participation in the WG
Shane_ ...Photo there, you can see lots of people there. You can see Tim Berners-Lee attended, it was very animated
tantek rhiaro's minutes in IRC: http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2015-10-27#t1445996391422
Shane_ Arnaud: The primary goal was to advertise the WG and any new members so much the better
Shane_ ... Trying to streamline the discussion on the agenda
Shane_ ... Evan has voluntered to be a co-editor
Shane_ ... If anyone is concerned, let us know
azaroth +1 and Evan++
hhalpin_ +1
rene +1
Shane_ Evan: My only question is if there is any conflict with being a chair and co-editor?
hhalpin_ Its unusual but three chairs is also unusual.
Shane_ Arnaud: If you are willing to put in the time it takes, you are very welcome
eprodrom +1
eprodrom Thanks everyone
hhalpin_ I would suggest that if you feel there is a conflict of interest between the two roles, you simply tell the other chairs and editor.
Shane_ Arnaud: I sent an email about the agenda, there was a lot of different proposals regarding AS 2.0 and it would be time consuming to go through them one by one
jasnell in the batch of "proposed to accept", let's pull [Activity Streams 2.0] Proposal: Remove @context from all examples - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/233 (Ben) out separately.
azaroth +1 to separating 233, per email
hhalpin_ present+ hhalpin
Shane_ ... I took the liberty to bunch together some propsals, proposing to approve all as a batch
Shane_ ... If you have any concerns with any one proposal, say so. No need to justify now
Shane_ ... Please speak up, otherwise we will vote on the rest and hopefully agree these are the proposals, then focus on the others on a more systematic approach
ben_thatmustbeme q+ removal of @context example
ben_thatmustbeme sigh
ben_thatmustbeme q- removal of @context example
Shane_ Arnaud: There are proposals from a few people
ben_thatmustbeme that one has had a fair number of -1s
Shane_ Arnaud: Is there any request for removal from that batch?
azaroth +1
rene +1
Shane_ +1
ben_thatmustbeme wait, that list is missing 223
ben_thatmustbeme okay
ben_thatmustbeme wasn't sure the way it was nested
Shane_ Arnaud: Ben, we can look at that one next
eprodrom +1
tantek FYI I edited the minutes from 2 weeks ago to add a few more topic subheadings: https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?title=Socialwg%2F2015-10-20-minutes&diff=86648&oldid=86072
Arnaud [Activity Streams 2.0] Proposal: `mediaType` on Content objects - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/223#issuecomment-151176900 (James)
Loqi Hhalpin made 1 edit to [[Socialwg]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86647&oldid=86627
Loqi Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-10-20-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86648&oldid=86072
kevinmarks present+
kevinmarks was confused looking for a new dial-in code, when that didn't change
Shane_ jasnell: This proposal is from Elf, he may be able to explain it better. It is about whether we need object types for Blob, such as image data. We already have Image and Video but that is for describing metadata of the image. The proposal is about the actual data.
Shane_ Arnaud: Elf is not on today
Shane_ jasnell: Defer it until he is here
Shane_ Arnaud: Unless anyone else wants to speak up?
Shane_ jasnell: #229 should cover it, but will wait for Elf
Shane_ Arnaud: There is the @context, do we want to start with that one?
hhalpin_ kevinmarks, did you get in without a dial-in code?
kevinmarks just the 9 digit one
ben_thatmustbeme q+ to say that I'm okay to waiting for this on non-telcon time
Shane_ Arnaud: Happy to leave it to those who are involved in the discussion, if they would gain from using the teleconference time
kevinmarks POTS via google
Shane_ ben_thatmustbeme: I'm ok with not wasting time on it. Sounds like annotations group are going to go other direction on it
Shane_ tantek: The only thing I was going to add is since we have rob and ben on the phone it may be good to have the chance for them to discuss it
Shane_ Rob: The annotations group originally left them off to make samples clearer, we reversed it on the grounds of developers being likely to cut and paste and make sure their code produces code that looks like the samples. Which is not what we wanted to end up with
Shane_ ... We haven't yet published the reversal
Shane_ Arnaud: Ben, since the discussion is still going do you want to respond?
Shane_ Ben: I'm ok with leaving them there, there have been several -1s so I would be ok leaving them there
Shane_ ... James has said context is optional in the past, based on other arguments people say it must be there for JSON-LD
Shane_ Arnaud: There are people pushing for just JSON. We should not tie this question to the bigger issue
Shane_ ... We should separate the discussions
Arnaud PROPOSED: Keep @context from all examples - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/233 (Ben)
azaroth +1
rene +1
ben_thatmustbeme i can live with it
Shane_ +0 I have no reason not to, not a big fan though
azaroth q+ to clarify
Shane_ jasnell: The annotations working group have the option of requring JSON-LD things, in this WG we decided to say JSON as in charter but never required JSON-LD
Shane_ Oh whoops, it is ben then?
azaroth that was tantek :)
Shane_ oops, sorry!
rene looking at the current drafts it seems a lot like JSON-LD is the primary serialization the WG is looking at
Shane_ Arnaud: It was approved by the working group
Shane_ tantek: Then we have a difference between a couple of the chairs, we can discuss later
Arnaud RESOLVED: Keep @context from all examples - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/233 (Ben)
kevinmarks at the time we discussed JSON-LD we were told that @context was optional
Shane_ Arnaud: I can live with a 0 and so will call it resolved
azaroth q-
Arnaud Proposal: Remove "hreflang" - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/219
Shane_ Arnaud: A proposal to remove href lang
azaroth kevinmarks, cwebber2: +1 to clarifying. 1.2 of AS-core implies it's required, at least to me
Shane_ cwebber2: The object wasn't designed to have parity, the justification for removing it hasn't been made
kevinmarks right, cwebber2 - the implied @context was the way to map the JSON to JSON-LD for those who want it
Shane_ Arnaud: Ok, anyone wants to speak to the flip side?
azaroth q+ to agree with jasnell that it's useful
Shane_ Ben: I can't see how it is useful, yes it is in html but so is a lot of things. We should prove useful not what's not useful. You can't prove a negative
hhalpin_ I think you can prove a 'negative' if its not used by developers in the wild.
hhalpin_ That's an empirical question, but we're a bit early here.
hhalpin_ We could see if href was heavily used in Atom though.
hhalpin_ s/href/hreflang
Shane_ Ben: I didn't see anything very conclusive, I didn't see anything in the language spec/best practises spec that was published
azaroth q?
Shane_ Arnaud: Are you saying you don't buy it as being valid?
hhalpin_ q+
Shane_ Ben: Not really
Shane_ azaroth: We had the same use case with the same outcome, we useful DC language but the result is the same
Shane_ ... The language are not available by content negotiation
Shane_ ...The annotation might be the only source of language, you may not know which source to use
melvster tantek: JSON LD generic processing would require @context -- list of adopters: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Media_type_for_AS2#Iterop_Considerations_-_application.2Fld.2Bjson
kevinmarks +1 on deleting things not used in practice
Shane_ hhalpin_: Examples are easy to make. We may be premature in using hreflang, if there are elements that are not used once we go through them then they should be removed from the AS 2.0 spec or the vocab
Shane_ Arnaud: If there are certain features that no one wants to implement then we will delete them
hhalpin_ That being said, making the spec as simple as possible in the beginning (rather than as complex as possible, as we get with some specs) helps you get implementers for CR!
Arnaud Proposal: keep "hreflang" - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/219, revisit at CR
Shane_ Ben: I'm ok waiting till CR
azaroth q+ to suggest maintaining at-risk list
azaroth heh
azaroth q-
hhalpin_ Marking it 'at risk' makes sense
rene +0
Shane_ +1 to at risk
hhalpin_ +1
Arnaud PROPOSED: keep "hreflang" - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/219, marking it "AT RISK"
azaroth +1 to keep, at risk
Shane_ +1
Shane_ Arnaud: It allows you to drop things without cycling through the whole discussion again
Arnaud RESOLVED: keep "hreflang" - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/219, marking it "AT RISK"
Arnaud Proposal: Object partOf Collection - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/205
Shane_ Arnaud: We don't have Amy on the call today
Shane_ jasnell: Previously we had a memberOf property, that was removed as there wasn't any interest at the time. When we revisited the paging model, part of that was indicating the model of the current page.
Shane_ Arnaud: So it is two-fold, should we have this information back should we piggy back or bring old name back
kevinmarks how is this different from using categories/tags?
Shane_ jasnell: There are memberOf in other vocabs, so could use one of those as extension
azaroth q+
Shane_ Arnaud: It sounds like she wants the relationship but doesn't care about the name
Shane_ Rob: It would be valuable, regarding the memberOf and other vocabularies, my understanding is that AS has long since decided to create its own vocabulary regardless of other exisiting. So it shouldn't affect us here.
Shane_ ...With my annotations WG head on, this would be very useful to us
kevinmarks in AS1 it was implicit
eprodrom unfortunately I have to drop off
kevinmarks as there were many streams
eprodrom Will read the minutes
Shane_ Tantek: I was wondering if there is any precedant in AS 1 that could help our decision
Shane_ jasnell: Nope
rene if we reject the proposal with the reason that other vocabularies can be used, I would suggest to keep a hint somewhere in the spec how this specific case should be treated with an extension
azaroth -1 to tagging/categories
Shane_ jasnell: Folks can do it with tags and categories but this is more about the current properties
Shane_ Arnaud: There is no backwards compatibility, the question is do we add it or not
Shane_ ... It can be done as an extension and sounds like the annotations working group will do that
ben_thatmustbeme +1 to Defer for Amy
Arnaud Proposal: Type for object of an Offer - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/175 (Evan
Shane_ Arnaud: I don't want to close it without Amy being here. Let's move on
Shane_ Arnaud: I missed the fact Evan had dropped off. He has a bunch of issues
Shane_ Arnaud: Evan and Elf next week
Arnaud Media type discussions - https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/52
azaroth q+ to note discussion with IETF last week
Shane_ jasnell: The short summary is that currently the AS spec defines the slot, the argument is the build upon the JSON-LD type with a profile parametre
rene There seems no consensus on that we are actually building on JSON-LD
hhalpin_ +1 jasnell
Shane_ jasnell: We are not supporting all JSON-LD mechanisms, we are not requiring all implementers to use it. I think using JSON-LD is the correct way to do it. There is a discussion on going
jasnell I have offered the following compromise: https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/52#issuecomment-153404878
Shane_ Rob: At TPAC we had a discussion, at IETF meeting there has just been a discussion about having media types at the same weight as the regular media types
Shane_ ... If that was a concern then the annotations group will be pushing them on it, it should be possible
Shane_ ... We considered that we also have a bunch of restrictions, the profile was sufficent to add in the requirements in a machine processable and normative fashion. You must do JSON-LD and use this frame, can't say that normatively of course.
Shane_ ... Not to push this group one way or another, but worth considering
Shane_ cwebber2: I think this ties in partly with what tantek was discussing about requiring @context, we agreed that there would be an implied @context with JSON-LD under the hood.
Shane_ ... If someone with a scripting language is just hacking away, they will know it will be provided without having to worry about it. Keeping it simple.
azaroth q+ to ask if *every* schema should register a media type?
Shane_ ... It seems weird as the core doesn't do much without the core vocab, the way I understood before is that we would deliver it based on having a mime type. If there are other ways to express it, technically it was always possible.
Shane_ ...I think it is useful to have some way to say to teh users that there is a simple document, it is technically JSON-LD but no need to overcomplicate it
Shane_ jasnell: A valid AS 2.0 document is not a valid JSON-LD, it allows things to be used that are not valid. It does say there is additional processing required for some features
Shane_ ... Advertising that as a JSON-LD document is a bit of a lie, because it is not
Shane_ ... There is enough differences between the two that warrants AS having its own media type
Shane_ ... Okay we can address it with a profile but that is optional for implementors to support
Shane_ ... The JSON-LD spec only says what a implementation SHOULD do
MarkS_ joined the channel
hhalpin_ Also, rss and atom had their own media-types, so there is precedent
rene if it is true that a valid AS 2.0 document doesn't have to be a valid JSON-LD document, than the profile is no solution
Shane_ Arnaud: The JSON-LD portion appears to be controversal, some people want more linked data. This is loosing sight of the fact that the spec was written for two possible views of the world, not force one view on everybody
Shane_ ... The pressure I see on both sides are pushing for one view or another, the current draft is trying to carve a compromise
Shane_ ... It would be wise to bring up things if they are required to be tuned, try not to get into religious debate about linked data or not
rene I wonder whether it is necessary to allow AS 2.0 documents that look like JSON-LD but are not valid due to subtle differences
Shane_ Rob: Given was James' said, it seems justified that a different media type be used, but I would propose that any features that are not JSON-LD compatible will be called out so that people know what would be lost
rene +1 to rob
azaroth +1 to jasnell suggestion of equivalent profile
Shane_ jasnell: For leaving in the application activity + json activity type, but should treat with profile as being equivalent. If they don't care then it is fine.
azaroth Propose that profile doc might be good place for listing non-round-trippable content?
Shane_ Arnaud: We will not close this issue yet, hoping we are starting to see the light
ben_thatmustbeme perhaps a note of how to convert AS2 to JSON-LD ?
Shane_ ... There are two more items on the agenda, will use the last minute to let cwebber2 make an announcement
rene if there are two worlds, why not express that in using different media types?
tantek q+ to remind folks about IndieWebCamp MIT Nov 7-8! https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/MIT please sign-up on the Guest List if you want to come (no charge, no need to be member of WG) https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/MIT/Guest_List
Shane_ cwebber2: I have a very short announcement which is I just posted to the list an implementation of AS 2.0 that tries to implement as simplified so that it uses JSON-LD behind the hood
Zakim tantek, you wanted to remind folks about IndieWebCamp MIT Nov 7-8! https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/MIT please sign-up on the Guest List if you want to come (no charge, no need to be
Zakim ... member of WG) https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/MIT/Guest_List
Shane_ tantek: Just a quick announcement, this week coming up is IWC MIT 7th 8th all day, posted a URL into IRC. Can sign up by adding to wiki page, no charge. Welcome to bring any friends, don't need to be a member of WG
Shane_ Arnaud: Let's close on this, thank you all for joining
azaroth Thanks all!
Shane_ Arnaud: Evan should be chairing on Nov 10th
ben_thatmustbeme Shane++
Shane_ Sorry about the slight name mismatches heh
RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/03-social-minutes.html trackbot
azaroth Did you consider GeoJSON-LD ? https://github.com/geojson/geojson-ld
Shane_ Hah
aaronpk oh there's a whole giant thread about it https://github.com/geojson/geojson-ld/issues/32
Shane_ Took me long enough to write a JSON parser
azaroth cwebber2: hehe
Shane_ Are these minutes alright? Not done it in a while, so the process has changed a bit. https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-11-03-minutes
azaroth Yeah it's a -ld mapping, though I'm not sure how sgillies handled the list of lists issue
azaroth (sorry, was moving to my next meeting)
Shane_ *GEOJSON parser, not JSON!
rene I always thought using WKT would be a reasonable way to represent it in any data format
Loqi Shudson made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-11-03-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86649&oldid=0
Shane_ cwebber2: I really like it at a brief glance. So much easier to visualise with code than just data structures, though that might just be me!
cwebber2 tantek: btw, http://activipy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/about.html kind of speaks to the thing being said today on the call I THINK
cwebber2 > And simple is good, because let’s face it, most users of most web application APIs are like poor Billy Scripter, a kid who has some scripting language like Ruby or Python or Javascript and some JSON parser in a toolbox and that’s about it. Billy Scripter knows how to parse JSON pulled down from some endpoint, and that’s about all he knows how to do. Poor Billy Scripter! But it’s okay, because ActivityStreams is simple enough that
Loqi Shudson made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-11-03-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86650&oldid=86649
kevinmarks wilkie: indiewebcamp MIT is a weekend of hacking, you can remote attend
ShaneHudson joined the channel
tantek wilkie add yourself! https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/MIT/Guest_List#Remote_Participants
the_frey joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme cwebber2: right now it IS mf2 vocabular with a few minor changes since it literally just grabs the MF2 and converts it to a trimmed down JSON format, the @context i made just points to appropriate wiki pages for those values
tantek nice - definitely add yourself! https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/MIT/Guest_List#Remote_Participants
jasnell Updated working drafts based on today's decisions: http://jasnell.github.io/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/activitystreams-core/ and http://jasnell.github.io/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/activitystreams-vocabulary/
ben_thatmustbeme that was fast
ben_thatmustbeme jasnell++
the_frey and azaroth joined the channel
Loqi Aaronpk made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2015-11-10]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86652&oldid=0
azaroth, the_frey, the_frey_, jaywink, tantek and bblfish joined the channel
Loqi Mcarvalh made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/Media type for AS2]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86653&oldid=86624
bblfish and gm_kou joined the channel