#rhiaroIn a cafe, evesdropping on some people talking about apps for integrated social interactions across different systems. Wondering if I should go tell them about standards.
#rhiaroBut also they want to use data they are collecting on people for *something* possibly to do with politics, so I also want to ask them about their ethics
#rhiaroAlso also the start of the conversation was about how they solved the problem of loneliness, with the pitch that ~"the more time people spend sucked into social media, they less they are meeting offline", WITH AN APP
#cwebber2jasnell_: filling out the implementation reports. So, there's this line:
#cwebber2> For each core class your application implements, note which properties of the class it uses. Here, "implements" means that your application uses the property directly; just passing through unrecognized properties doesn't count as an "implementation".