#social 2017-04-11
2017-04-11 UTC
wseltzer, timbl, KevinMarks and geppy joined the channel
# rhiaro WebSub is published https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/ \o/
# cwebber \o/
tantek joined the channel
# RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/04/11-social-irc
RRSAgent joined the channel
Zakim joined the channel
# cwebber present+
eprodrom joined the channel
# cwebber missed the last couple meetings so is going to stay out of the vote, since can't accurately review
# cwebber nonetheless I am present+ :)
# ben_thatmustbeme present+
# cwebber I can scribe for the non-AP parts
# cwebber oh ok!
# eprodrom TOPIC: approval of minutes
# tantek PROPOSED: approve minutes of https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-03-28-minutes and https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-04-04-minutes
# eprodrom +1
# eprodrom present+
# cwebber yup
# cwebber +0
# tantek RESOLVED: approve minutes of https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-03-28-minutes and https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-04-04-minutes
# eprodrom TOPIC: update on PRs
# eprodrom tantek: let's start with AS2
# eprodrom tantek: we have two new issues
# cwebber yes I can scribe
# cwebber scribenick: cwebber
# cwebber eprodrom: forgot I had actual speaking today. we have 2 new issues on AS2
# cwebber eprodrom: one is geojson one, interesting but may be an extension / namespace thing rather than change to as2
# cwebber eprodrom: also one on extending what the attribution mechanism is. I don't think either one is core
# cwebber eprodrom: geospatial stuff, we've all kind of gone with covering the top level of an object and then expect extensions to ...
# cwebber eprodrom: first is around extensions around geojson one, second is around attribution/licensing
# cwebber eprodrom: for second, Creative Commons already has a vocab, maybe show an example of using those
# cwebber notes +1 on using ccREL as extension
# cwebber eprodrom: my feeling is these are outside of the scope of AS2... if not outside of scope, good fit for extension
# cwebber q+
# eprodrom cwebber: +1 eprodrom. GeoJSON is a great example for an extension, ccREL has already done a lot of work handling licensing.
# eprodrom cwebber: if we've gone to the trouble of including extensions, these are good examples of using extensions.
# cwebber scribenick: cwebber
# cwebber tantek: ok, is there a place where we can have people look at a list of extensions we can encourage for reuse?
# cwebber eprodrom: I don't think we have a single place like that, could be a good wiki page. Now that I've said it, I wonder if that's a link we should include in the document
# cwebber rhiaro: is this the domain of the community group? we said extensions were part of CG's work
# cwebber rhiaro: as incubation
# cwebber eprodrom: I think so
# cwebber tantek: I think that's another good answer we can add to the issue
# cwebber tantek: encourage incubation of extensions to the CG
# cwebber tantek: sounds like we have some good responses, one of which is "great suggestion, would be great as an extension", second is to create a place perhaps on wiki where we can informally have a list of extensions or things underway
# cwebber tantek: and lastly to encourage list of folks to join the CG and incubate their extensions there
# cwebber tantek: outside of the GH issues for this spec
# eprodrom q+
# cwebber rhiaro: I'd say that we don't need to maintain a list of ongoing extensions, because that would go stale, and just say "the CG will provide it"
# cwebber eprodrom: what I wanted to ask is should we include that in the text of the document? maybe in the vocab document, say we have a community group that maintains extensions?
# cwebber sandro: you're certainly not imagining
# cwebber tantek: I remember you filing an issue
# eprodrom "Some popular extensions are included in the Activity Streams 2.0 namespace document, and can be reviewed at https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#extensions."
# eprodrom q+
# cwebber sandro: looking at spec, see geojson used as an example extension
# sandro Some popular extensions are included in the Activity Streams 2.0 namespace document, and can be reviewed at https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#extensions.
# cwebber eprodrom: if it's ok for our document process, I would love to add a sentence underneath there along the lines of "extensions for AS2 are done in CG" with a link
# cwebber eprodrom: could be a good way to provide that continuity
# cwebber sandro: one problem is if we change name of CG maybe link becomes stale...
# cwebber sandro: currently it doesn't link to the CG
# cwebber sandro: it says the same space may be used by extensions... [whole quote happens here]
# cwebber tantek: that seems like a reasonable small edit, to link to the specific CG since we have it
# cwebber tantek: seems reasonable based on previouss decisions
# cwebber sandro: in spec or in ?
# cwebber tantek: in the spec
# cwebber sandro: it's in the namespace doc right now, not the spec
# sandro Some popular extensions are included in the Activity Streams 2.0 namespace document, and can be reviewed at https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#extensions.
# cwebber sandro: but we can change the namespace doc whenever
# cwebber sandro: here's the line in the line: ^^^
# cwebber tantek: ok, seems like a reasonable proposal, we can leave it to the CG
# cwebber tantek: and if the CG terminates, we can say here's where to go from here
# cwebber tantek: so you're proposing a small edit to the NS document and small edit to the spec itself in the same place that refers to extensions and the CG?
# cwebber sandro: yes
# cwebber eprodrom: does that set us back another 2 months
# cwebber sandro: nope
# cwebber tantek: is that something we can do and still hit our PR on thurs?
# cwebber sandro: not sure if it will go in there, maybe if rhiaro has staged a version, but probably
# cwebber doesn't object
# cwebber supports even
# cwebber sandro: another possible thing to do would be at the top of the document, with github link and etc, have a link to extensions that pointed to ns document on extensions
# cwebber tantek: I'm going to suggest not doing that, and here's why
# cwebber uhoh I disconnected
# cwebber someone scribe
# eprodrom scribenick: eprodrom
# eprodrom tantek: sometimes people propose extensions without reading the spec
# cwebber is back
# cwebber scribenick: cwebber
# cwebber cwebber: +1
# eprodrom +1
# cwebber tantek: ok so we have only a couple editorial changes to as2, not sure if it will block PR or not but
# cwebber tantek: what are we waiting for PR on?
# cwebber sandro: amy submitted transition request on friday so we're waiting for ralph, expecting them to make the decision tomorrow? so we may transition on (friday?)
# cwebber or was it thursday
# cwebber tantek: I think that's all for as2
# cwebber tantek: let's move on to LDN
# eprodrom scribenick: eprodrom
# eprodrom TOPIC: LDN
# eprodrom rhiaro: we are getting reviews, no formal objections, some implementations
# eprodrom TOPIC: Micropub
# eprodrom tantek: Ralph filed a security issue
# eprodrom tantek: aaronpk provided text
# tantek PROPOSED Resolution of issue 89: https://github.com/w3c/Micropub/issues/89#issuecomment-292315067
# eprodrom Addition of https://micropub.net/draft/#external-content
# eprodrom +1
# eprodrom q+
# cwebber I'm still here
# eprodrom eprodrom: is there a document that we could refer to for security issues in sharing URLs?
# eprodrom tantek: none comes to mind
# cwebber give me one more minute
# cwebber sorry, brain kicking in
# cwebber it seems fine to me
# eprodrom TOPIC: WebSub CR
# eprodrom sandro: it's out this morning
# ben_thatmustbeme yay!
# eprodrom tantek: congrats to aaronpk and jullien
# eprodrom sandro: can you link the tweet
# tantek RESOLVED: Resolution of issue 89: https://github.com/w3c/Micropub/issues/89#issuecomment-292315067
# Loqi [@sandhawke] WebSub, the http Pub/Sub protocol formerly known as PubSubHubbub (PuSH) finally makes it to @W3C Candidate Rec! https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/
# eprodrom tantek: aaronpk has to stage new pr draft, ralph has to review the edit for micropub
# cwebber yes
# eprodrom scribenick: eprodrom
# eprodrom TOPIC: activitypub
# eprodrom tantek: how are we doing?
# eprodrom cwebber: changes to the spec are imminent
# eprodrom cwebber: we had an extra # char at the end of the profile, inconsistent with AS2
# eprodrom cwebber: OK since AS2 is authoritative
# eprodrom cwebber: issues filed since last night
# eprodrom cwebber: did not document side effects for the ignore verb; would be normative
# eprodrom cwebber: document Ignore as a MAY
# eprodrom q+
# eprodrom eprodrom: Mute and Block are important functions
# eprodrom cwebber: could we include it as a MAY?
# eprodrom tantek: that would be more conservative, include as an extension
# eprodrom cwebber: the commenter understands they're minor and last-minute
# eprodrom cwebber: https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/180 is more difficult
# eprodrom cwebber: we have some leftovers from pump.io
# eprodrom cwebber: icon is either a link or an URL
# eprodrom cwebber: what to do?
# eprodrom cwebber: we have suggested change text
# eprodrom cwebber: we could drop properties that are in AS2
# eprodrom q+
# eprodrom tantek: it looks like sandro is in favor of dropping dupes
# eprodrom tantek: my understanding is that's not a functional change
# eprodrom rhiaro: I think it's fine
# eprodrom q-
# eprodrom cwebber: this will shorten the doc anyway
# eprodrom q+
# eprodrom q-
# eprodrom cwebber: "name" is called out as nickname or full name
# eprodrom cwebber: I don't see any properties that are restricted or more explicit
strugee joined the channel
# eprodrom cwebber: should I keep the name one?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# eprodrom cwebber: should we keep the one "name" property definition?
# eprodrom cwebber: no other properties have been changed in AP
# eprodrom cwebber: with those edits done we should not have any normative changes
# eprodrom tantek: any other comments
# eprodrom cwebber: we reviewed with Ralph in email, he said it was OK
# eprodrom +1
# cwebber +1
# tantek PROPOSED: Publish updated AP CR draft with editorial fixes http://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-17-nov-11-apr
# cwebber +1
# tantek RESOLUTION: Publish updated AP CR draft with editorial fixes http://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-17-nov-11-apr
# tantek RESOLVED: Publish updated AP CR draft with editorial fixes http://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-17-nov-11-apr
# eprodrom tantek: any other updates on AP
# eprodrom cwebber: we have an implementation report template
# eprodrom cwebber: working on the test suite
# eprodrom cwebber: at worst 2 weeks
# eprodrom cwebber: may end up an interactive text adventure
# eprodrom cwebber: testing client-to-server (both sides), server-to-server
# eprodrom cwebber: might be really hard
# eprodrom q+
# eprodrom cwebber: implementations have been moving along
# eprodrom cwebber: mastodon has a couple of commits that AP will be coming
# eprodrom cwebber: AP might be a good next step because it has a test suite
# eprodrom aaronpk: i released the report before the test suite, so any reports had to be reverified
# eprodrom aaronpk: which was a hassle. So finish the test suite before getting implementation reports.
# eprodrom aaronpk: take a look at micropub.rocks
# eprodrom cwebber: strugee said they are hoping to get AP implementation in pump.io this month
# eprodrom tantek: before we close, apologies that we are over
# strugee cwebber: prospects look good to at least have it in progress, if not finished
# strugee in terms of the time I can allocate to it
# eprodrom tantek: next telcon date 4/25
# cwebber strugee, \o/
# eprodrom tantek: any objections?
# cwebber +1
# eprodrom +1
# eprodrom tantek: hopefully we'll have more PRs then
# cwebber thanks!
# eprodrom tantek++
# eprodrom cwebber, so, what I was going to ask is, once we get test suite and implementation report template up
# eprodrom ...we make a page on the wiki linking to issues for each fedsocweb app asking for implementation
# cwebber eprodrom: ah yeah
# eprodrom Diaspora, Elgg, GNU Social, Mastodon, pump.io, rstatus, GNU MediaGoblin, Owncloud maybe?
# ben_thatmustbeme sandro, go for it!
# cwebber eprodrom: yes sounds good
# eprodrom Friendica or whatever it's called now
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/11-social-minutes.html trackbot
# cwebber eprodrom, sounds good to me
# strugee eprodrom: add Redmatrix to the list which is kinda but not really the same as Friendica I think?
# eprodrom I think there might be some value in numbers
# cwebber eprodrom: going to finish laying down the scaffolding for writing the tests and send you an email, I should be able to get it to you tomorrow
# eprodrom strugee: exactly
# cwebber on how to get things up and running
# cwebber I think Redmatrix and Friendica are now independent
# cwebber but yeha
# strugee yeah they are
# cwebber eprodrom: I agree re: value in numbers
# strugee developed be the same people though
# cwebber well, founded by at least
# strugee unless something changed
# strugee ^^^ right
# cwebber they are different
# eprodrom cwebber, strugee ^^
# strugee thx eprodrom
# strugee https://github.com/pump-io/pump.io/issues/1241 is the pump.io issue
# strugee can't add it myself since I don't have a wiki account
# eprodrom strugee: how about that? https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/ActivityPub_network#pump.io
# eprodrom strugee: you should get a wiki account!
# strugee eprodrom: neat, thanks
# strugee eprodrom: last I checked it was limited to WG members?
# eprodrom https://www.w3.org/accounts/request
# eprodrom strugee: I don't think so?
# strugee > This wiki is restricted to members of one or several W3C groups.
# cwebber maybe time to start using the CG wiki already ;)
# strugee oh no I see
# eprodrom cwebber: do you know where the MediaGoblin issue is for AP support offhand?
# strugee neat
# eprodrom cwebber I don't see an issue at https://issues.mediagoblin.org/search?q=activitypub clearly labelled for implementation
# cwebber eprodrom: https://issues.mediagoblin.org/ticket/5503
# cwebber now there is one :)
# strugee eprodrom: account signup workd, thanks
# cwebber I think informally we've just agreed in meetings it was happening, etc
# cwebber but having the ticket open is good :)
# strugee tantek: yeah I just got one, the login page is mislabled
# eprodrom cwebber: should I open one?
# cwebber eprodrom: I just linked it
# strugee cwebber: you should update https://wiki.mediagoblin.org/GSOC_2017#Port_federation_code_to_ActivityPub too
# cwebber strugee: we didn't get any gsoc submissions for it this year anyway
# strugee ah
# strugee wilkie++
# cwebber probably for the best, it's probably something I should just do at this point
# eprodrom wilkie: !!!!
# tantek eprodrom don't hold back now https://twitter.com/evanpro/status/851155551325229058 ???
# strugee ^^^ SAME
# KevinMarks Well one of them is solvable using websub
# eprodrom tantek: you would be surprised how many nastygrams I've gotten about that
# strugee :/
# eprodrom Yeah
# eprodrom I think not
# eprodrom aaronpk: haw!
# eprodrom wilkie: it is so hard!
# eprodrom and you still can't do private distribution
# eprodrom agonizing
# eprodrom rhiaro: no, I need to make the change we approved today
# cwebber wilkie: :D
# eprodrom rhiaro: gimme a couple of minutes
# cwebber wilkie: did you see this thread?
# cwebber https://toot.cat/@cwebber/119921
# cwebber ( and previously https://mastodon.social/@VamptVo/921853 )
# cwebber wilkie: some very bare stuff here https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/tree/master/app/views/activitypub
# cwebber wilkie: \o/ \o/ \o/
# cwebber plz do
# strugee cwebber:
# strugee > just client-to-server, or just server-to-server.
# strugee I don't think so? not according to the spec
# cwebber strugee: yes, we were very careful to permit that
# strugee > All servers claiming conformance to this specification are required to implement the [c2s] protocol, and may optionally implement the [s2s].
# cwebber oh wait
# cwebber shit
# eprodrom I want to do API facades for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
# cwebber how did that happen
# eprodrom Although most of them have TOS problems with API facades
# cwebber I don't remember there being required to implement the c2s
# strugee cwebber: you can do it for all intents and purposes but _technically_ you're not conformant
# strugee sorry, thought that was intentional! otherwise I would've filed an issue :(
# cwebber I don't think I wrote that
# cwebber I wonder where it came from
# strugee tantek: presumably wrap silos' APIs in the AP API so conformant clients can talk to silos
# cwebber oh no
# strugee tantek: yea
# KevinMarks That issue likely needs breaking into pieces.
# KevinMarks The mastodon migration one, sorry
# cwebber tantek: somehow there's a requirement that servers must implement client to server
# cwebber if they're also to implement server to server
# cwebber I have no idea how that got in there
# cwebber in the specification profiles
# KevinMarks Can you git blame to see?
# eprodrom rhiaro: are you going to update the ns document with a link? If so, whither?
# eprodrom https://www.w3.org/community/swicg/
# eprodrom rhiaro: should it be a page specifically about AS2 extensions?
# cwebber oh wow
# cwebber tantek: nope
# cwebber this is from Owen Shepherd
# cwebber way back in the original document
# cwebber that's where it came from
# cwebber somehow I missed that in doing these edits
# cwebber criminy
# sandro I'm very surprised to see https://www.w3.org/community/activitypub/ from 2012. At least Evan is chair.
# eprodrom tantek: it should probably be closed
# eprodrom I think so yes
# sandro The group we want is https://www.w3.org/community/swicg/
# eprodrom tantek: there was an ostatus cg
# eprodrom There is not a wiki for the swicg though
# tantek yeah there it is https://www.w3.org/community/ostatus/
# rhiaro I added a link to the CG where the CG is mentioned https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#extensions
# tantek sandro, perhaps the descriptions of the old/closed CGs could be updated to point to https://www.w3.org/community/swicg/ ?
# cwebber rhiaro: tantek: https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/184
# cwebber maybe it's too late to deal with? :\
# cwebber it seems hard to change this non-normatively?
# cwebber shit
# cwebber I wish we had caught this before the meeting today
# eprodrom so, how about language like this: https://gist.github.com/evanp/0c4e269b7adadce8811015312326f8e1
# eprodrom rhiaro: ^^^ does that sound about right?
# strugee wilkie: pragmatically yes but technically no
# eprodrom Assuming that that empty wiki page will become something
# cwebber seems good
# eprodrom oh yeah
# eprodrom tantek: I just added a sentence
# strugee not the end of the world though
# strugee at least you can practically conform
# strugee enough for interoperability
# cwebber "you won't conform on that standpoint but the editors are fine with it" ;p
# strugee lol
# cwebber tantek: what I fear is that we're too late to be able to do another CR that has normative changes if we wait till the 25th?
# cwebber tantek: yeah I'll propose the edit right now
# cwebber tantek: rhiaro: eprodrom: strugee: wilkie: https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/184#issuecomment-293326115
# strugee cwebber: proposed a rewording but generally LGTM
# ben_thatmustbeme redmatrix (now hubzilla) i believe is still heavily like friendica's code base. last time i looked they will occasionally borrow port commits directly between them
# tantek sandro, more importantly, are you following the normative issue cwebber just discovered for AP? https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/184
# ben_thatmustbeme but that was some time ago
# ben_thatmustbeme (sorry, just reading back a bit now)
# eprodrom rhiaro: OK, I pushed the update
# tantek ALL: please comment / thumbs up/down on https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/184 so we can see where the group is
KevinMarks joined the channel
# tantek it's ok to be optimistic that we don't have any/many, but we should be clear about expectations, especially since we are still expecting more/new implementations from outside the group (which tend to be a particularly high source of such discoveries - devs less familiar with the spec and its evolution as it were)
# cwebber tantek: yeah, unfortunately AP is coming together right at the end of the (extended) clock
# cwebber sandro: if anything it makes certain things compliant that weren't yet, but doesn't make anything non-compliant that already was
# cwebber yeah one of the big initiatives of the group was to break up AP so that you could use things independently
# cwebber having that old phrasing was an oversight :\
# strugee tantek: maybe just CC oshepherd on GitHub and ask?
# cwebber tantek: I think Owen probably meant what it said
# cwebber Owen's been out of it for some time, the vision of AP as being a "do all of that stuff" comes from looking at Pump.IO
# cwebber but obviously since then we've put in a lot of effort... heck, that was even why rhiaro came out and stayed with me for a week
# cwebber so yes there's been a shift in intent
# cwebber thanks sandro
# strugee side note: fyi @all, filed https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/1557 to track AP support in Mastodon
# eprodrom strugee: can you update the wiki page?
# eprodrom strugee: I just added one for GNU Social https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/ActivityPub_network#GNU_Social
# strugee eprodrom: yeah, was about to do that and got distracted by the AP issue
# strugee thx for the link
# cwebber rhiaro: sandro: should we wait on this being reviewed by Ralph before we push the new CR anyway?
# cwebber since the issue seems to be coming to consensus
# strugee eprodrom: I can't log in. I think probably the wiki note about being restricted to WG members is accurate
# cwebber tantek: ah right, WG resolution before pushing a CR
# cwebber I guess taht's important ;)
# strugee sandro: it's strugee on there too
# strugee tantek: yep
# ben_thatmustbeme i thought they changed that, and it is limited to w3c members and IEs of any groups
# ben_thatmustbeme because the wiki got defaced so bad last year
# strugee login page says > This wiki is restricted to members of one or several W3C groups.
# strugee which sounds like it means WGs? idk
# strugee anyway didn't mean to derail the CR discussion
# strugee tantek: yeah I did
# strugee lol thanks Loqi
# strugee yah
# ben_thatmustbeme no, community groups are open access, the login isn't shared completely, i've managed to get desync between them
# ben_thatmustbeme some CGs have wikis that look like they were set up by request
# strugee sandro++
# ben_thatmustbeme indeed, i remember someone trying to get a hold of eprodrom recently to request access to the ostatus wiki
# eprodrom ben_thatmustbeme: I am pretty sure it was the Mastodon dude
# strugee ah yeah ben_thatmustbeme
# ben_thatmustbeme ahh, okay
# strugee eprodrom: I don't think so? because we were discussing Mastodon's use of OStatus and I was like "it's a bummer"
# strugee and from their reply it didn't seem like they were associated
# strugee maybe not though; I don't remember very well
# eprodrom I don't know
# strugee shrugs
# strugee if you got an email or something that's probably way more concrete than my vague memory
# eprodrom Yeah it was an email
# eprodrom I should dig it up
# eprodrom But it's not really that important
# ben_thatmustbeme <drymer> pumabot tell evanpro Hi, I'm drymer (you can pm me in this server) and I wanted to ask for access to https://www.w3.org/community/ostatus/. Not for me but for mmn-o or mattl, both gnu social developers and on this server, so you can also ping them. If there's any problem on doing it, please tell some of us.
# ben_thatmustbeme from #pump.io
# strugee ahhh
# strugee thx ben_thatmustbeme
# ben_thatmustbeme i pointed them to the SWICG, don't know if they every joined
# ben_thatmustbeme hah
# ben_thatmustbeme PC Load Letter?!
# eprodrom mattl: hey, check out https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social/issues/256
# eprodrom FEDMO
# eprodrom evan@prodromou.name
# eprodrom Unless it's too big for email
# ajordan cwebber: https://twitter.com/dustyweb/status/851847009392832512 - not sure why you said ".@strugee2" but it didn't work
# Loqi [@dustyweb] .@strugee2 filed a bug for ActivityPub support in Mastodon https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/1557 Would be really nice!
# ajordan hey, did y'all ever decide what to do wrt upcoming CRs and https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/184?
# Loqi Tantekelik made 2 edits to [[Socialwg/2017-04-11]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102369&oldid=102350
# Loqi Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-04-11]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102353&oldid=102352
# Loqi Aaronpk made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-04-11]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102367&oldid=102353
# Loqi Eprodrom made 6 edits to [[Socialwg/ActivityPub network]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102381&oldid=0
# cwebber nice convo happening already on the Mastodon issue
KevinMarks joined the channel
# eprodrom Yeah I saw
# eprodrom wilkie++
# eprodrom cwebber: are there other platforms that should be on https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/ActivityPub_network ?
# eprodrom ajordan: true that
# ajordan eprodrom: https://prism-break.org/en/all/#social-networks also has some others
# wilkie cwebber: https://activitypub.rocks/implementation-report/ this link is broken I think?
# eprodrom Great, thanks
# eprodrom I wonder if it makes sense for tent.io
# cwebber wilkie: wow nice job me
# cwebber wilkie: can you tell who's using quasiquote
# wilkie I was looking here https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/ActivityPub_network
# cwebber wilkie: fixed
# cwebber thanx
# eprodrom ajordan: I think tent is like, this is the protocol, and here is a reference implementation
# Loqi Eprodrom made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/ActivityPub network]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102383&oldid=102381
# cwebber wilkie: so yeah Pubstrate is up to spec, or should be
# cwebber wilkie: lunchtime brb
# eprodrom cwebber: is there a live pubstrate server somewhere?
# cwebber eprodrom: nooo
# cwebber eprodrom: shortly tho!
# ajordan eprodrom: according to https://tent.io/docs/ their API isn't stable
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme created the minutes, didn't review or edit, just posted it for now
# tantek next telcon agenda is up - please add / expand as needed! https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-04-25
# tantek sandro https://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/2017-04-11#t1491930653538 and next few lines
geppy joined the channel
# cwebber tantek: cool
# cwebber sandro: one question
# cwebber does joining the WG disqualify ajordan's implementations from counting as independent implementations :P
# cwebber for some reason I thought that was the current rule, that we needed implementations from outside the socialwg
# cwebber ajordan: you're as much an expert as Jessica and I were when we joined
# cwebber tantek: cool, I'm super +1 on ajordan joining then
# cwebber tantek: aha
# cwebber gotcha cool, thanks
# cwebber yeah
# cwebber tantek: it's weird, that also means that many of the participants like me *know* it's different than other groups, but have never experienced others, so
# ben_thatmustbeme lol
# cwebber rhiaro: I closed out 180 now
# cwebber rhiaro: wdyt?
# cwebber ajordan: ^^^
# cwebber rhiaro: http://dustycloud.org/misc/activitypub-cr-2017-04-11.html
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel