#LoqiI added a countdown scheduled for 2017-04-18 3:01pm GMT+0000 (#6000)
#ben_thatmustbeme1 year until hey its been a year since this timer started
#LoqiI added a countdown scheduled for 2018-04-18 2:28pm GMT+0000 (#6001)
#rhiarowonders if we'll still be around for that one
#ajordan!tell eprodromou hey while you're here: up to you, but you might want to consider unwatching pump-io/pump.io. that way you'll only get notifications when we need you and I @mention you
#ajordaneprodrom: > hey while you're here: up to you, but you might want to consider unwatching pump-io/pump.io. that way you'll only get notifications when we need you and I @mention you
#aaronpkcwebber: a new tutorial for activitypub, i threw it together after sketching it out on paper. i was thinking about adding something like this to the introduction to the activitypub document
#aaronpkeprodrom: i need an update on why we have a meeting today, since we had a scheduled meeting next week
#aaronpk... i understand there is a crucial deadline for activitypub?
#aaronpksandro: i wouldn't characterize it as quite that urgent. but it seems like activity is picking up on activitypub and we have a lot to do.
#aaronpk... i sent an email that there's a process loophole that gives us more time than we thought. we just have to get to PR by the charter, not REC by the charter.
#aaronpk... so we have until May 13th to make any normative changes if we really push the line.
#aaronpk... but given we have all this external interest, it seems like keeping the discussion going quickly is good. like if it turns out mastodon says you really need to make this change then we need to know this as soon as possible
#aaronpkeprodrom: the thing i want to avoid is doing a deep dive on the tutorial for examle and then we have 5 minutes to do the important things
#aaronpk... do we have a vote we need to take by the end of the day?
#aaronpkcwebber: we had an open item to include an introduction with clear diagrams and examples. i had sketched out on paper how to make it clear what's happening with the inbox and outbox. i turned that into the ascii art tutorial.
#aaronpk... a lot of people responded positively especially in the ostatus sphere
#aaronpk... i'd encourage people to read it and see what they think. one of the pieces of feedback we got before was "oh this seems like a lot" but now with the tutorial it's more "this is pretty straightforward"
#aaronpkeprodrom: i've seen tutorials as separate documents. is it normal to have a tutorial in a spec document?
#aaronpksandro: if it goes through every feature then it makes sense separate, but this seems more like a hello world so it's fine in the spec
#aaronpkeprodrom: the only thing i'm worried about putting such a large text in the spec is it asks for some definitions, but that's probably okay. getting the text right is non-normative so we don't have to worry about getting it perfect the first time out.
#aaronpkcwebber: there's been a lot of discussion. the most interesting is probably with mastodon.
#aaronpk... there's been a lot of questions, the leader seems supportive of exploring things. people seem to want activitypub because they want a better private distribution support.
#aaronpk... evanminto is making progress on it. we've got open issues elsewhere like diaspora, but that seems more like conversation right now. tho one person seems to think diaspora might move forward with it.
#aaronpk... other projects like postActiv and gnusocial are considering it. postActiv has someone assigned to it.
#aaronpk.... for pump.io, they plan to do a branch soon as a feature branch but won't merge it until PR
#aaronpkeprodrom: there is a page which links to all the known open issues on different projects
#aaronpk... we are talking about getting implmeentations of server-to-server and client-to-server as separate things. mastodon was only interested in server-to-server for example.
#aaronpkeprodrom: sounds like a lot of activity. pushing it through from open issues to online implementations will be the big move over the next few weeks.
#aaronpkcwebber: i know i said i'd have it earlier. it took me a while toget the interface stuff done, and have some initial test done, but i need to document it so you don't go insane looking at the code
#aaronpk... i'm feeling very optimistic about it. by next week we should have a much more exciting update.
#aaronpkcwebber: evan would you want to schedule time this week to do an overview of the code? or just email
#aaronpkeprodrom: yeah i'm happy to sit down and talk about it
#aaronpkeprodrom: i volunteered to help out with the test code, if anyone else wants to help then you're welcome to come otherwise it's not a helpful meeting to be at
#aaronpk... hilariously we've clobbered the namespace. we use "likes" to be what pump.io calls "favorites"
#aaronpk... i think what we need to do is add these two properties "shares" and "likes" and possibly rename the "actors" collection to "favorites" to avoid a naming collision
#ajordanI believe favorites and likes are the same thing in pump.io? eprodrom?
#aaronpk... there's a way to link to the collection with the number and url for the collection
#aaronpk... the big thing is getting the number out
#aaronpk... there's synchronization issues when you include numbers like this across boundaries, but i think that's a reasonable mechanism
#aaronpkcwebber: i think one advantage of using the collection is it could be someone included just the number but hopefully they included all the objects as well
#aaronpk... you can't really trust a number you get across a federated boundary anyway
#aaronpk... i think it's useful to have it be a number and also a collection
#aaronpksandro: i was worried about the security there. if you get all the objects, you can dereference as many as you like, and see that they check out. if you get a number, you can't verify it, an attractive nuicance.
#aaronpkcwebber: that's why having it be a collection with a number as a cache is the best route
#aaronpksandro: what would you do with the number? if you display it, then you've propagated the attractive nuisance to the user.
#ajordancell service just came back, just dialed in
#aaronpkcwebber: all the federated implementations have that problem anyway. you either trust that number or you don't
#aaronpksandro: we should at least say something in the security considerations.
#aaronpk... is there also some sort of security checks you should or must do before passing the number on?
#aaronpkcwebber: i'm hesitant to suggest that because i don't think we'd get that completely right
#aaronpkrhiaro: i wanted to comment on renaming the collection
#aaronpk... favorites bugs me because there are two spellings of it
#aaronpk... could we call it something more precise like "things liked"?
#aaronpkcwebber: we could call it 'liked' instead of 'likes'
#aaronpkeprodrom: 'likes' is a link to a collection of objects this actor has liked
#aaronpkcwebber: okay i think that will be a normative change so we've already entered that territory.
#aaronpkcwebber: i wanted amy's feedback on this. we mention that you can discover an actor's profile at one point in the exit criteria and then it's never mentioned again.
#aaronpk... shoudl we allow the profile to be used as an actor. it allows people to have multiple identities.
#aaronpk... it seems like we're using it because it got into activitystreams and i'm not a fan of how it got there either. so unless there's a clear use case we need this then i feel very -1 on this
#aaronpk... but i agree if we start doing the thing where the implementation needs to traverse and find the relationship between it and the actor then it will add more complexity
#aaronpk... i'm okay with including it but i dont feel strongly about it
#rhiaroTalkinga bout different personas was the use case. Not something I think should be in the spec.
#rhiaroI don't want to add ANY of this stuff to the spec.
#aaronpkeprodrom: once we're talking about different identities, like evan as w3c chair, or evan as fuzzy.io ceo, or evan as father of children, those are all different aspects to my personality. i think diaspora calls that aspects event.
#aaronpk... what we do for that is lists in pump.io and direct things to different follower lists
#aaronpk... to drop all the language about the profile object. since activitypub says these are generally activitystreams actor types then it's expected you're probably producing one of the existing ones. if someone wants to go crazy they can.
#aaronpkeprodrom: i feel like this is important but complex. if an implementation has a Profile as one of the things that has inbox/outbox etc then that's up to the implementation
#aaronpkeprodrom: adding a privacy note to the security considerations is probably important.
#aaronpksandro: so far this has been too loosey-goosey to know what the argument is. so maybe we can look at this as what will the test suite have different based on the resolution of this
#ajordanso we talkd earlier about treating Profiles as Actors so they didn't share inboxes or anything, but assuming that wasn't the case there's this issue of identity correlation based on inbox URLs
#aaronpkcwebber: i don't think the test suite would do anything differently
#ben_thatmustbemeis getting freaked out by the use of "Loosey Goosey" multiple times within a minute
#aaronpk... in this mastodon thread, sandro pointed out that we can use the acct uri, it could create problems by using both a mixture of https and acct URIs
#aaronpk... so my suggestion is to add an informative section as follows
#aaronpk... you'd end up saying okay if you have a post that uses a webfinger ID in the UI somewhere, you look up the webfinger ID and look up their https address to send it via activitypub
#aaronpk... the other thing is you have an actor's profile, how do you look up what the webfinger ID is. my suggestion is you take the "preferred username" slot and append @ the domain name
#aaronpk... however there's a possibly problem. there's the possibility that preferredusername is not unique
#aaronpk... eprodrom do you have comments on this?
#wilkiedo we have a wiki for activity pub for cwebber and my own notes on the webfinger/identity legacy stuff? because it should go there, not in the spec itself, I'd think
#KevinMarks+1 for Wiki about webfinger replacement
#aaronpksandro: if it's going to affect the test suite, change implementations, or make someone mad, then bring it to the group. otherwise you don't need to.
#wilkiewe don't need to *replace* webfinger, I mean... that's a little bit extreme
#aaronpk... whenever we say "inboxes must accept post request" we caveat that with "federated implementations" because some implementations may not accept post requsts and still be valid
#aaronpkcwebber: there's some ambiguity around what ambiguity means. it sounds fine but it makes it sound like the only way to do delivery is HTTP post
#aaronpk.. but there's an obvious exception which is that you don't have to do this if you're on the same server
#aaronpk... so i don't want to make it sound like iuf you're on the same server you have to do a POST to yourself
#aaronpkcwebber: this person has experience around distributed database things. they suggested including revision IDs to avoid accidentally clobbering things
#aaronpkeprodrom: you know there's an updated timestamp on activities, so the ID plus the updated timestamp should be unique enough to say what revision it is
#aaronpksandro: is this supposed to be aligned in any way with HTTP? if you're doing a GET or PUT then HTTP has last-modified and etags which are all for revision control
#aaronpk... it would be nice if this is using URIs for things then to just use those
#aaronpkeprodrom: there isn't really anything keeping it from being aligned. i think "update" ends up being the same as "last-modified" header. etag would map to this revision ID idea.
#aaronpkcwebber: one reason to explore this in future efforts... as for adding anything new, we should wait for the future
#aaronpksandro: one simple thing we could do is to say that the time counter MUST increment. you try to make it an accurate time, but you at least never use the same timestamp twice.
#aaronpkcwebber: if you imagine you're using any of these social networks, you might have your stream of posts and a different 1-1 conversation thread with someone
#aaronpk... the commenter said they want the private message flagged differently and not just the things streaming through the inbox
#aaronpk... there were a number of directions to go with this, a "priority" flag property
#wilkieI don't think you need to spec how the revision or tag is generated, just that it may be used to reject updates
#aaronpkcwebber: i have a hard time thinking that we're going to make any sensible change to the spec within the timeframe we have
#aaronpk... but we're seeing that they're insistent we hvae some sort of flag, otherwise they will use an extension
#aaronpk... my feeling is to do this as an extension
#wilkieI don't understand the distinction they want and how audience tracking doesn't just solve this
#wilkiewhat is the difference between a message sent to only you and an important message sent to only you
#rhiaroI don't really understand why clients can't figure this out from the addressing and any other context they want to take into account
#rhiaroand different clients might handle it differently which is fine..
#wilkieclients will either ignore some measure of priority or publishers will abuse it
#aaronpkajordan: it's not clear when you should put individual people in the "to" field, so maybe that's where theconfusion is coming from
#rhiaro"Clients are responsible for addressing new Activites appropriately. To some extent, this is dependent upon the particular client implementation, but clients must be aware that the server will only forward new Activities to addressees in the to, bto, cc, bcc, and audience fields."
#aaronpk... if you're trying to implement a feature that says this is a direct message, then you can say it's a direct message if there is only you in the "to" field
#rhiaroit actually says you must dereference addressed collections and individually address everything doesn't it? so maybe that's the problem..
#aaronpkcwebber: one more thought on this. my impression is that one thing pump.io has that activitypub doesn't have is the differentiation between a major feed and minor feed.
#aaronpk... it coudl be reasonable to say to the inbox give me all the stuff that's directed just to me
#aaronpkrhiaro: there's a section about client addressing in the spec. whenever you find obects attached to an activity you shoudl follow these links and dereference the collections and put them in the "to" field
#Loqiaaronpk has 74 karma in this channel (1287 overall)
#cwebbereprodrom: when would be a good time to do the you and I talking about the AP test suitte stuff?
#ajordaneprodrom: not sure if you missed my note right before the call. realized right after I sent it I should've waited
#ajordan<ajordan> hey while you're here: up to you, but you might want to consider unwatching pump-io/pump.io. that way you'll only get notifications when we need you and I @mention you
#aaronpkoops where did that tool go for converting minutes?
#wilkiedo you think there might be any other things worth noting about using activitypub on top of existing ostatus stuff that might be worth noting in one place
#wilkietrue... ostatus + other non-AS2-based systems
#wilkieI'm thinking people will run into "what is the equivalent to X" type of thing and it might be nice to have that on a similar page instead of revisiting "where does this go" later on
#ajordanjust to point out we can always rename wiki pages later
#ajordanI think the link you just posted is a great URL for now cwebber
#ajordanit also doesn't appear to be that important whether or not it's an "official" extnsion or just a "guide"
#ajordanit'll only be relvant for a short period of time anyway; thinking hard about it feels like bkeshedding. we can always make it an "official" extension later