2017-06-15 UTC
tsyesika_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:52 ajordan like, when you read() (or whatever) more data from the stream it traverses the collection pages?
# 00:53 ajordan or in Node.js terms when the backpressure on the read stream is low, it traverses the pages? idk if this is how other stream implementations work tho
timbl and jankusanagi_ joined the channel
# 03:52 cwebber2 ajordan: I don't know anything about node's streams. Basically streams here mean a lazily evaluated list
# 03:52 cwebber2 there are two stream apis I wrote, one that traverses pages of the activitystreams collection
# 03:52 cwebber2 the other one traverses items, secretly using teh page stream behind the scenes
# 03:53 cwebber2 since streams are memoized the results of traversing are automatically cached as part of the datastructure
# 06:05 ajordan (I figured most people here wouldn't know Node streams :D)
# 06:07 ajordan so it's not a "stream" in the sense that it's not strictly ordered then, because you should be able to retrieve list items in any order you want, right? and the AS2 collection's pags will be traversed as an implementation detail?
# 06:07 ajordan not trying to nitpick your terminology/implementation obviously, just curious about the design :)
cristomc, timbl and timbl_ joined the channel
KevinMarks and thebaer joined the channel
# 16:05 cwebber2 sandro: looks like we got another W3C member as part of the WG
# 16:05 cwebber2 sandro: tsyesika_ is officially in as an Igalia representative :)
# 16:06 Loqi tsyesika has 16 karma in this channel (18 overall)
# 16:10 Loqi tsyesika has 17 karma in this channel (19 overall)
thebaer, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, timbl, cristomc and JanKusanagi joined the channel