2017-07-04 UTC
xmpp-social and timbl joined the channel
# 16:16 puckipedia makes ActivityPub client for the SHA2017 badge
# 16:17 puckipedia kinda my own
# 16:18 puckipedia it runs on ugfx for primitives
# 16:19 cwebber2 I should test my emacs client against your server soon :)
# 16:19 cwebber2 nearly got all the client to server server tests done... finally ;p
# 16:19 puckipedia ... oh I keep breaking stuff it seems
# 16:21 puckipedia I somehwo broke the link to the status :<
# 16:25 puckipedia okay all the bugs fixed, had to push my local test code (which has a new hidden endpoint for the SHA2017 badges to easily authenticate)
# 16:51 rhiaro I'm all set to actually be on time to the meeting for a change, and am volunteering in advance to scribe \o/ It's been a while
# 16:53 Loqi rhiaro has 150 karma in this channel (268 overall)
# 16:53 rhiaro uuuugggghhhh. I scheduled my whole evening around this meeting.
# 16:54 rhiaro no guarantee I'll be on time next week though.
# 16:57 xmpp-social [ajordan] rhiaro: sorry to hear that :(
# 16:58 cwebber2 rhiaro: I feel pretty bad that you planned your whole meeting around this but I gotta say
# 16:58 cwebber2 watching this conversation unfold on irc was kind of like sitcom trope plot/gag
# 16:59 cwebber2 "I'm ready for the meeting! I'm here early! This time I'm gonna scribe! I set up my whole evening around it! LET'S DO THIS"
# 16:59 cwebber2 "oh sorry you didn't get the note, our international group got canceled this week due to a holiday in a country you don't live in"
# 17:03 rhiaro by "planned my evening" I mean I made a dinner reservation for 2030 and now I have to WAIT
# 17:03 aaronpk "didn't you see the notice? it's been on display in the middle of a locked wiki page stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'beware of the fail whale'"
# 17:04 rhiaro looks up Bosnian holidays in order to request future meeting cancellations
# 17:05 cwebber2 iirc church of the subgenius has some holidays we could schedule for, one of them celebrates Monty Python
# 17:06 xmpp-social [ajordan] SocialWG should have its own reality TV show
# 17:06 rhiaro aaronpk, we can incorporate this into our dystopian indieweb movie
# 17:07 aaronpk rhiaro: oh btw did i tell you that the guy who i want to write the screenplay of the movie actually wrote a second book about the indieweb?
# 17:07 rhiaro Comical interlude during end of civilisation as we know it: meeting is cancelled
# 17:08 xmpp-social [ajordan] There's a dystopian IndieWeb movie??
# 17:08 rhiaro We are doomed to an Orwellian surveillence society because the Social WG could not coordinate their schedules
# 17:09 aaronpk (also note he has a webmention endpoint on his site!)
# 17:09 aaronpk "Using her coding and hacking expertise, she decides to destroy Tomo by building a new social network that is completely distributed, compartmentalized, and unstoppable. If she succeeds, it will be the end of all centralized power in the Internet."
timbl, JanKusanagi and jankusanagi_ joined the channel
# 19:40 puckipedia hm. because of the whole 'having to undo a like' thing, it'd be nice if, when the client retrieves an object, the server could also tell 'this object has been liked by the actor with this object'
# 19:40 puckipedia tbh that'd be nice for showing "you liked this object" too
# 19:50 puckipedia I guess an endpoint url would be most fitting for that?
timbl and KjetilK joined the channel
# 21:56 puckipedia I prototyped a 'relevantObjects' endpoint (it should probably be relevantActivities), POST to it with id=[...], and it will get "relevant objects" (aka all activities with object set to that id and the actor being equal to the client's auth)
# 21:56 puckipedia so that'll be likes, announces, creates, updates, etc...
JanKusanagi and Loqi joined the channel