#social 2017-08-05
2017-08-05 UTC
JanKusanagi, xmpp-social, tantek, jankusanagi_, timbl and tOkeshu joined the channel
tOkeshu hi
tOkeshu I'm looking at http signed messages
tOkeshu and I lack some crypto knowledge, if anyone could help me that would be nice :)
tOkeshu in the spec here https://web-payments.org/specs/source/http-signatures/ there is rsa-sha256 mentionned
tOkeshu but it seems there is more to it that just rsa and sha256?
tOkeshu does anyone know what is the proper way to sign something with rsa-sha256 ?
saranix it's as simple as calling openssl_sign() from most languages
saranix the "difficult" part of http sigs is the canonicalization of the headers. But it's a lot easier than the canonicalization of a lot of other algos
tOkeshu saranix: canonicalization? you mean translating header to lowercase, etc. ?
saranix yes
tOkeshu saranix: thanks for the tip, I did not think OpenSSL would allow me to do that, I was looking at more low level libraries
tOkeshu key* not keep
tOkeshu however, I can't seem to have the correct result: I look at https://web-payments.org/specs/source/http-signatures/#default-test specifically and I use the given keep and try to sign with PyOpenSSL but the result is different for Signature
saranix I get a different value too. strange...
saranix do you get jKyvPcxB4JbmYY4mByyBY7cZfNl4OW9HpFQlG7N4YcJPteKTu4MWCLyk+gIr0wDgqtLWf9NLpMAMimdfsH7FSWGfbMFSrsVTHNTk0rK3usrfFnti1dxsM4jl0kYJCKTGI/UWkqiaxwNiKqGcdlEDrTcUhhsFsOIo8VhddmZTZ8w= ?
tOkeshu yes
saranix :-D
tOkeshu maybe they signed it with the public key (is such thing possible?)
saranix maybe there's a bug in the spec. Or maybe there's something missing from the description "The string to sign would be:" (which I would argue is a bug in the spec)
tOkeshu ok then
saranix it would be pretty embarrasing if your example is wrong... you'd think they'd double-check that
tOkeshu I agree
tOkeshu now what bothers me a bit is the algorithm attribute
tOkeshu are we expected to allow any algoritm?
saranix hmm... I tried the "Basic Test" just for kicks and also wrong sig. That is quite concerning...
saranix From what I can tell there are 2 algos specified, hmac, and rsa-sha256 (I think rsa-sha1 and rsa-sha512 are also valid varients)
saranix but you don't have to support algos you don't know
saranix I'd say most people probably use rsa-sha256
saranix For Basic Test I get: HUxc9BS3P/kPhSmJo+0pQ4IsCo007vkv6bUm4Qehrx+B1Eo4Mq5/6KylET72ZpMUS80XvjlOPjKzxfeTQj4DiKbAzwJAb4HX3qX6obQTa00/qPDXlMepD2JtTw33yNnm/0xV7fQuvILN/ys+378Ysi082+4xBQFwvhNvSoVsGv4=
saranix for All Headers Test I get: Ef7MlxLXoBovhil3AlyjtBwAL9g4TN3tibLj7uuNB3CROat/9KaeQ4hW2NiJ+pZ6HQEOx9vYZAyi+7cmIkmJszJCut5kQLAwuX+Ms/mUFvpKlSo9StS2bMXDBNjOh4Auj774GFj4gwjS+3NhFeoqyr/MuN6HsEnkvn6zdgfE2i0=
tOkeshu same here
saranix well that's good I guess
tOkeshu another thing that I don't get is, how are clients and servers supposed to discover the keys
tOkeshu I the specific case of signed http messages, I guess this is out of the spec. But then what about ActivityPub?
saranix For ActivityPub, you use the publicKeyPem attribute on the actor object, or, alternately, the publicKey object parameter
tOkeshu I don't see that anywhere in the spec :/
saranix it's not in ActivityPub. Should be. https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/203
saranix As you can tell from the issue comments there's still some unsettled things around this issue.
saranix how did you find out about httpsigs?
tOkeshu well it is mentionned in the AP spec
tOkeshu there https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#authorization-lds
saranix it actually points to https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#provideClientKey
saranix eww
saranix that's an ugly way
saranix I like publicKeyPem better
tOkeshu what I don't grasp though, is that, for me, this mechanism was supposed to verify s2s exchanges (to avoid posting data on the behalf of someone without authorization), so I don't understand why it has to be in the actor object
saranix tOkeshu: you stepped on a landmine :-) That's a hot topic around here... the server isn't it's own entity yet it's trusted to hold keys
tOkeshu haha damn
saranix I'd be happy for you to join my small faction in support of better semantics :-)
tOkeshu I mean there is more to it than I thought. Do http sig actually works for enforcing that a server is publishing content only on the behalf of it's own users and not others?
saranix tOkeshu: yeah that's pretty much it. Considering https is a thing, it doesn't really add much
saranix tOkeshu: it does allow multiple applications on a single origin though
saranix ... which I think is the intention
saranix jaywink: what do you mean it won't work?
saranix jaywink: I think puckipedia has a proof-of-concept
tOkeshu you mean half finished
tOkeshu :D
saranix I haven't gotten around to mine yet. I haven't a clue when I will either...
saranix I like ld-sigs over salmon because of the potential for non-exploding objects
tOkeshu I'm still confused how any of that can sort out forget activities from legit ones tbh :/
tOkeshu forged*
saranix tOkeshu: if you've got social app at http://mysite.example/social, and somewiki at http://mysite.example/somewiki, http sigs basically doesn't allow somewiki to pretend to be social's users and vice-versa
saranix jaywink: I'm not happy about fetching every sub-object either. It's explosive datarhea
tOkeshu saranix: how is that? is it assuming the keys are already exchanged?
saranix tOkeshu: well the actor's key would have to be published under the same tree, because the same softwares would have control over that tree
tOkeshu saranix: can we take it step by step?
tOkeshu I am mysite.evil.com
tOkeshu I want to post something on the behalf of mysite.example
tOkeshu I push an activity to mysite.something.de
tOkeshu the signature can still be valid right?
saranix yes that's another feature...
saranix but I think because of the way the AP spec works, most people will still end up just fetching https://mysite.example/post/uuid anyway
saranix you have to if it's a subobject... unless you move up from http-sigs to either ld-sigs or magic-env sigs
tOkeshu what about a like? A like is in the form of
{"type": "Like", "actor": "http://mysite.example", "object": "http://mysite.something.de", "id": "mysite.evil.com"}
tOkeshu in this case I try to pretend something was liked by actor. The activity is still dereferencable from mysite.evil.com
saranix yeah, authentication is really it's primary use
tOkeshu jaywink: but the "original" is available on mysite.evil.com. So you would get the same object anyway.
tOkeshu there is just a missmatch between the actor's origin and the activity's origin
tOkeshu which I guess, should be the same? always?
saranix tOkeshu: as I said, feature. That's so you can post on a forum or in a friend's collection elsewhere
saranix ideally, you'd still want the canonical to be your own origin though, just so you can keep your document safe from site closures
saranix http-sigs won't allow that though because http-sigs is ephemeral. You are signing the headers of a particular http transaction
saranix you need ld-sigs or better for that
tOkeshu hmmm ok
tOkeshu jaywink: I don't get your point
tOkeshu anyway, I guess since this part of the spec is a bit dangling, I should probably not implement that right now
tOkeshu if anyone is curious, my implementation is writing in django there: https://github.com/tOkeshu/activitypub-example
tOkeshu it's more of a prototype server for tests than anything else to be honest
tOkeshu (I plan to write a more concrete implementation for a clone of mastodon, in django too)
saranix yay! congrats tOkeshu
tOkeshu saranix: I don't why you're congratulate me but thanks :D
tOkeshu (arf sorry, my english is terrible today)
saranix tOkeshu: for writing a test impl. it's a milestone :-)
saranix but back to what jaywink said, the point of http-sigs is for private auth. So, for example http://bob.example can fetch a http://sue.example/posts/for-bob-only-1234 by authenticating as Bob.
tOkeshu I see!
tOkeshu saranix: wait, how do you know it's bob in the signature? or do you map implicitely the post with bob's key?
JanKusanagi joined the channel
saranix tOkeshu: bob's activitypub sends a http signed get request for the post, sue's server authorizes it because it's visible to "http://bob.example" (an actor object) which has bob's key attached to it
saranix tOkeshu: similarly, bob's activitypub could POST an
{type:Add, object:bobs_thing, target:sues_collection}
, and if sue allows bob to do this the server authenticates the POSTtOkeshu joined the channel