#social 2017-10-19
2017-10-19 UTC
jaywink, jungkees, timbl, xmpp-social, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_, tantek and JanKusanagi joined the channel
Gargron is there any prior art on making hashtags in federated networks work like hashtags in centralized ones?
cwebber Gargron: what do you mean?
cwebber Gargron: like having a shared namespace?
cwebber Gargron: and searchability?
Gargron like... being able to browse them fully
cwebber I think GNU Social let you browse the hashtags of all the objects the server knows about, I assume Mastodon is the same
Gargron yes
Gargron but i want more
Gargron :T
sandro Not sure anyone's got the working. Options include: flooding, so the server really does know about it, assuming there's any connection via some user subscription to some other server; having a set of independent-from-each-other directories (search engines), the servers all report to and query for this stuff; using a DHT like Kademlia; ..
sandro All of this applies to general message searching as well, which I think is valuable, but I understand is a cultural issues for Mastodon. https://github.com/swicg/general/issues/3
Gargron i am interesting in this shadow-boost thing
Gargron *interested
puckipedia hm, could these posts be sent to an endpoint on the server-wide user thingy?
puckipedia also I'm thinking of an AP C2S extension that would allow users to be in control of their encryption keys etc
puckipedia basically, just before committing to the database and delivering, etc, the objects are returned to the client (with corresponding hashes, so clients can verify it or trust the server), and the client will then replay the request, but with the hashes attached
puckipedia also probably some kind of nonce, to allow for e.g. backdating published etc
aaronpk This is how I use superfeedr to run essentially a hashtag search but for my domain name and for “indieweb” https://aaronparecki.com/2016/02/20/5/global-webmentions