#social 2017-10-20

2017-10-20 UTC
DenSchub, timbl, xmpp-social and timbl_ joined the channel
Gargron: for the Diaspora powered network, I created a "relay system". Supporting servers (diaspora, friendica, hubzilla) do a CC to the relay system for all public content (opt-in, ~50% nodes participating). The relay then forwards the payloads to anyone interested. Nodes mark their subscriptions via a special JSON endpoint. Nodes can participate to "all", "node admin set tags" or "node admin + user set
tags". The latter is especially useful since users define what content is pulled in.
this system has worked really well to allow people to subscribe to hashtags from nodes that wouldn't otherwise be connected. and especially useful for new nodes in the network. from the launch they have thousands of posts per day to interact with and find people to follow. this "social bootstrapping" imho is one of the most difficult things in running a decentralized node since you're pretty much alone to
start with. if you don't know anyone, you will get bored and turn the node off. having content is key.
the relay server is here: https://github.com/jaywink/social-relay .. though not much generic info there, that is pretty much it above, it's quite a simple system.
[jaywink] social-relay: Public post relay for the Diaspora federated social network protocol
what would be cool though would be to have some kind of index servers which would 1) take in content, 2) expose a search api. this would allow searching hashtagged content through any node without having to replicate it anywhere except the search nodes (which would obviously be a decentralized system itself)
the same index servers could store user identities to allow finding people, like nextcloud is doing with their lookup servers
if someone wants to build something like that I would certainly be interested in collaborating
timbl and timbl_ joined the channel
huh. Mastodon 2.0 is released
I suppose I'd better find some time to upgrade soon.
timbl and timbl_ joined the channel
@jasongorman @paulrussell There's ActivityPub https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ which is currently the primary federation layer for Mastodon and some others