#Loqi[nightpool] Me and @Gargron and a couple other developers had a chat on Saturday, and we decided that this is currently the highest priority enhancement for us as a project. We hope to have at least partial fixes for this emerge soon, things that address some of...
xmpp-social, cdchapman, bengo and JanKusanagi joined the channel
#cwebber2you can hover over the names on the left for the description
#cwebber2I wonder if you actually do have both of those but they were just added later so
#puckipediaI check if the attributedTo/actor of the object is equal to the actor for Update (and only local objects), and I trim down incoming objects to only their Origin (when pushed, I might not do this if you manually GET it, this is a bug)
#cwebber2puckipedia: you also check http signatures iirc right?
#puckipediayes. one small exception, because I don't have json-ld signatures: if you POST to the sharedInbox, the post has an http signature, *but* doesn't equal the actor in the object, it will remove its knowledge of the incoming object and only use the ID
#puckipediathis is for Mastodon's federated replies
#rhiaroeprodrom: was there any discussion by any Members who showed up about either of the specs that we're working on right now?
jankusanagi_ joined the channel
#rhiarocwebber2: there were some people from the TAG who were interested in this stuff
#rhiaro... There were two separate meetings! I'm mixing them up
#rhiaro... We had a conversation where the TAG showed up and I'm tryign to remember everything that happened there. We spent more time talking about .. we also had somebody from bridgy (snarfed Ryan Barrett)
#rhiaro... that's where most of the conversation about the anti abuse tooling happened
#tantekeprodrom, there were questions about like should brands/companies just install and launch their own Mastodon instances? and we discussed the Monoculture problem
#rhiaro... The TAG didn't know mastodon were using our protocol
#tantek(like if everyone "just runs Mastodon", then AP becomes the Mastodon API instead of an open standard)
#rhiaro... The majority of the conversation was anti abuse tooling
#tantekunfortunately had a conflict this morning, meeting at work
#rhiaro... people are concerned about making sure it keeps working
#tanteksmall (very small) little launch today at work
#rhiaroeprodrom: Talking about tooling, you mean like spam filters? Or is it more like stuff that's built into particular networks like silencing and so on?
#rhiarocwebber2: people are interested in all of that across the board
#rhiaro... there's the general feeling that we have to explore a number of different approaches and it's not clear which arethe most accessible or that we might need a combination ot really get the job done
#Loqi[nightpool] Me and @Gargron and a couple other developers had a chat on Saturday, and we decided that this is currently the highest priority enhancement for us as a project. We hope to have at least partial fixes for this emerge soon, things that address some of...
#rhiaro... and is increasing because it looks like this is going to be the next major topic in mastodon
#rhiaro... it sounds like the question is is the verifiability of http with extra parameters in websub sufficient that we don't need to make this a MUST
#rhiarotantek: we have quite a few number as the result of comments on websub
#rhiaro... I think we need to promptly have answeres to those that the group resolves on, either resulting in no changes or editorial changes, assuming there isn't an actual implementation problem
#rhiaroeprodrom: we agreed earlier that aaron and julien are going to look through these, identify ones that don't require WG input and then we will next tuesday have another meeting where we'll vote on the rest of them
#rhiarosandro: can we plan for next week being 90 mins?
#ajordan_I can't do longer than 60 minutes as usual but by all means go for it
#rhiarotantek: Second thing.. because we're trying to wrap up our normative documents and there's a lot of activity going on, and stuff beyond in the CG
#rhiaro... there are a lot of implementations that interoperate in ways that we ight not have fully covered
#rhiaro... I think there's opportunity here if interest to close out the year with a few informative notes that are kind of capturing the state of interop of extensions or additons to existing specs
#rhiaro... just want to put it out as something to think about
#rhiaro... Thinking about treating PTD that way because it's evolving
#cwebber2eprodrom: one thing the CG is discussing is what's missing, maybe we can talk about what can be done there and move to a note, or move that work to the CG
#cwebber2eprodrom: my first response is if we need to do that we'll do an extension vocabulary... I'm pretty suprised we have stuff in pump.io that didn't make it into as2 but sometimes that happens
#cwebber2ajordan_: I have no data on what verbs people are actually using, so I don't know if there's data out there for it
#cwebber2ajordan_: my assumpiton is a lot of verbs were dropped due to low evidence of implementation
#cwebber2eprodrom: why don't you and I talk about this, if parts of pump.io don't have a match we'll do an extension vocab
#cwebber2we have an extension mechanism in as2 too
#cwebber2ajordan_: I was just consulting as1 stats
#cwebber2sandro: I encourage you put them in the as2 namespace, that's what the CG is meant to do
#cwebber2eprodrom: I don't think there's time for next week
#cwebber2sandro: I don't think there's time pressure
#cwebber2eprodrom: you had asked me about this earlier ajordan_, we'll deal with it soon
#ZakimAs of this point the attendees have been tantek, cwebber, npdoty, annbass, hadleybeeman, snarfed, torgo, rhiaro, ajordan, eprodrom, aaronpk, bengo, sandro
#eprodromI had to set up my own OpenStreetMap API server because apparently things like "searching by name" are too gruesome for the public API servers
#puckipediabut stuff like replies being an inline collection, object not having an ID, and the activity not being a proper ID are things that my server won't support