#Loqi[@Hellchick] For those of you who work in social media, I need to share the story of my friend who died, and I didn't know because algorithms.
#saranixGargron: I probably am underestimating the benefit, but I know I'm not underestimating the difficulty of getting it right. I'm not arguing in favor, just saying that sometimes good enough is good enough, and not everything has to be military grade
#cwebber2eprodrom: I'd like to take a few minutes to talk about the main subject of our discussion today which is our note-track documents which we need to approve/disapprove for publication
#aaronpkhas a bottle in the fridge but is fighting off a cold and should not partake
#cwebber2eprodrom: before we do those I'd like to cover our Rec-track documents and make sure the ones that have not gone out all the way..
#cwebber2eprodrom: sandro, anything else to do for websub to go through?
#cwebber2sandro: afaik everything's good, trying to get confirmation
#cwebber2sandro: we're well past the deadline so we're just waiting
#cwebber2eprodrom: I'm not sure if I'm overstating it too much, but of what I think this group has done I think it's the broadest value, something to be proud of
#ben_thatmustbemecwebber2: no new issues, no new news, i don't think there is anything to report or discuss, i think its just waiting on steps to REC status
#ben_thatmustbemetantek: does anyone in the group think we should REQUEST an extensions on the PR vote deadline. and often that type of request is accepted
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: no updates on JF2, no new issues, no changes since last week... just waiting for people to read it through and see if there are any problems
#cwebber2eprodrom: there's definitely a slog to get through some of the comments... long multi-paragraph convos. from a process POV if we publish JF2 as a note today, how will the issues be addressed / get resolved?
#cwebber2eprodrom: that's asking sandro more than that
#cwebber2tantek: good question, that's why we talked about maintenance last time
#ajordanah and I've just realized I never responded to the normative one :/
#cwebber2sandro: I was going to ask eprodrom to clarify, what seems unclear?
#cwebber2eprodrom: if we publish as a note, does that mean we won't resolve these issues? or will we say "ben can resolve issues and make editorial changes over some time period
#cwebber2tantek: what we could do is resolve to do is assuming we publish it as a note today, we can resolve to allow editor to make editorial changes and update the note
#cwebber2sandro: we can make requests to publish until the WG is closed
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: going through issues now, to see which ones have been resolved
#ajordanben_thatmustbeme: my finals are done Thursday so I can try to send some PRs, *maybe* before then but definitely after
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: some of them, esp the longer ones from AJ need to be split out into separate issues, some of them have been handled as well
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: I don't see any changes other than minor issues but I think we should split out the minor issues into new issues
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: most of them are working with ajordan I think
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: the only one I can see that would be normative is we discussed with references you have an embedded object beneath the main object you can maybe reference directly in the main object
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: so you can say here it is but I can't guarantee it's correct
#ben_thatmustbememy head is so cloudy right now, still getting over sickness
#cwebber2ajordan: seems like what we're really discussing here is whether or not the spec can be more uniform or whether we want to have... it's really a minor nit, it doesn't matter a ton
#cwebber2ajordan: historically I'm not sure we've ever decided to break implementations, whatever
#ajordanben_thatmustbeme: hope you feel better. I'm just getting sick myself :/
#cwebber2tantek: alright, a couple of options, we could reject the request saying it would break existing implementations, or propose ???
#cwebber2ben_thatmustbeme: my preference is to reject it to say it'll break code
#tantekPROPOSED: Allow editor to make non-normative changes to jf2 per issues, and with reviewer aaronpk approval (in issues), publish updated jf2 NOTEs until group close.
#tantekRESOLVED: Allow editor to make non-normative changes to jf2 per issues, and with reviewer aaronpk approval (in issues), publish updated jf2 NOTEs until group close.
#cwebber2tantek: so I have updated PTD with resolutions to issues I thought were appropriate for the general scope of changes the group has been moving forward with
#Loqi[rhiaro] #9 Use AS2 specific language for post types
#cwebber2tantek: there are a handful of issues waiting for commenter, some have been postponed / edited
#cwebber2eprodrom: a lot of them seem future development of PTD, do any seem normative for this version of PTD
#cwebber2tantek: probably the biggest normative changes are one change to add event type discovery because we had numerous implementations of that, and the other normative change is I added the as2 equivalents table
#cwebber2tantek: documenting how to convert to AS2
#cwebber2tantek: that's probably the biggest normative change requested per issue 9 and 15... was waiting for list of events
#ben_thatmustbemePROPOSED: Allow editor to make non-normative changes to PTD per issues, and with reviewer ben_thatmustbeme approval (in issues), publish updated PTD NOTEs until group close.
#eprodromRESOLVED: Allow editor to make non-normative changes to PTD per issues, and with reviewer ben_thatmustbeme approval (in issues), publish updated PTD NOTEs until group close.
#cwebber2aaronpk: a few issues filed, reviewed document, they're addressed... good news is there's activity on it and it's better than it was 2 weeks ago
#cwebber2eprodrom: glad to see there's been discussion/review of indieauth, seeing a number of issues/resolutions makes me more confidence in it as a note
#cwebber2eprodrom: anything that might keep this from being published?
#cwebber2aaronpk: I believe everything in here have been implemented
#cwebber2eprodrom: some placeholders for test suite etc, but that's probably fine for note track?
#ajordananyway I went looking for a gif of Leslie Knope saying "I have so many thoughts of feelings right now" but I couldn't find one, so oh well I guess?
#cwebber2timeline is... well it was put to Jan 2nd, but we realized in this meeting that the holidays and a bunch of other activity kind of drowned AP's PR vote out
#Loqi[tantek] #1448 bug: respec artificially inflates heading level for no reason
#tantekgosh markdown defaults are so dumb. if I put an <h3> in the middle of some text inline, do you really think I want it to be an actual element? no. so markdown makes me pollute my readable plain text with backtick noise ``` ``` because it's too dumb to do the right thing