#social 2017-12-20
2017-12-20 UTC
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, tantek and rowan joined the channel
xmpp-social, cdchapman, rowan, sknebel, JanKusanagi, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, jankusanagi_, dlongley and banjofox joined the channel
# cwebber2 next SocialCG meeting in just over an hour! https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-12-20
# banjofox hi everyone
eprodrom joined the channel
# eprodrom hey all
eprodrom_ and rowan joined the channel
# banjofox hah XD
# banjofox XD
# rowan hey y'all i don't mean to very interrupt your meeting but: what is the socialcg?
# rowan cwebber2: yeah that's why i figured i could ask :)
# rowan oh cool.
# rowan thanks!
# rowan haha ok
# eprodrom cwebber2: I'm trying to install a mumble client
# eprodrom That's fine with me
# eprodrom :thumbsup:
# rowan suuuure yeah
# cwebber2 meeting details, aside from time, are here: https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-12-20
# cwebber2 rowan: signup for a user here: https://www.w3.org/accounts/request then hit the "join this group" button on https://www.w3.org/community/socialcg/
# rowan i did that bit, working on the mumble bit now
# banjofox o.X
# banjofox sorry I just found myself upto my elbows in something else XD
# banjofox well shit... now that i KNOW mumble clients exist for Android I feel -obligated- to log in :P
# banjofox #Nopressure
KevinMarks and rowan joined the channel
# banjofox oh right... I was doing that mumble thing...
# banjofox cwebber2: do I need an account for Mumble? >.>
# banjofox >,>
# banjofox I got the Plumble thing on my phone now XD
# cwebber2 instructions are here https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-12-20
# banjofox Huzzah for bypassing own infosec tools! ... I mean... following exact company policies >.>
# eprodrom scribenick: eprodrom
# eprodrom Did we start?
# eprodrom cwebber2: since there are a lot of new people, we'll do introductions
# eprodrom cwebber2: I am co-chair
# eprodrom cwebber2: aaronpk is co-chair but sick
# eprodrom cwebber2: I am also co-editor of ActivityPub
# eprodrom BanjoFox: Independent infosec researcher
# eprodrom BanjoFox: started aardwolf
# eprodrom BanjoFox: aardwolf = federated Facebook
# eprodrom BanjoFox: Rust, ActivityPub
# eprodrom cwebber2, you can just scribe that as "hi I'm Evan"
# cwebber2 eprodrom: I'm Evan Prodromou, I'm original developer of StatusNet, Pump.io, one of the original authors of OStatus, one of the co-editors of ActivityStreams, and am co-author of ActivityPub. I've also been co-chair of the Social Web Working Group, which was kind of the predecessor to this group and the specs we're working on here
# eprodrom scribenick: eprodrom
# eprodrom melody: Main interest is in anti-harassment and anti-abuse
# eprodrom melody: here because I'm evaluating whether to use AP and whether it will meet needs
# eprodrom melody, that is FASCINATING
# eprodrom rowan: working on AP implementation, Smilodon server
# eprodrom q+
# eprodrom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatherium <-- my fave
# eprodrom cwebber2: TOPIC SocialWG update
# eprodrom cwebber2: AP is up for REC, needs votes
# eprodrom cwebber2: WebSub will also go to REC
# eprodrom Notes: PTD, JF2, IndieAuth, Social Web Protocols
RRSAgent joined the channel
# RRSAgent logging to https://www.w3.org/2017/12/20-social-irc
Zakim joined the channel
# eprodrom present+
# melody present+
# rowan present+
# eprodrom http://slides.com/evanpro/tags-pub
# banjofox Back at my desk for a few minutes :D
# cwebber2 eprodrom: hashtags, which are a pretty common model used on social networks, are a light categorization tool that allow us to track conversations outside our social graph. You can follow a person's post, but hashtags are useful as a general namespace, and it's very author-driven hashtag process
# cwebber2 eprodrom: this is how 90% of them work on the federated social web... the advantages are it's easy and it's distributed. the problem is that it's very fragmented... the serendipity of global conversations doesn't happen because conversations are focused around server rather than social network
# cwebber2 eprodrom: any time they receive it they may reshare it, so if you're interested in #metoo or #blacklivesmatter or #rust, you can follow that hashtag, so you can get updates on a hashtag even if you don't follow that person directly because the hashtag shares that directly. so only thing devs have to do is also address the hashtag object. So when you have to: Public, you'd also ad to: hashtag.pub/...the-tag
# cwebber2 eprodrom: seems to work nicely, seems to work, but does it cause a centralization issue? how can we mitigate the centralization? the main way we do that is by having a back plane of redistributing tag objects. So the trick here is that the tags.pub server is an AS2 object like any object. it also has inbox/outbox/followers/following, and just as any hashtag can reshare any object, the server itself can reshare public content
# banjofox I don't have any questions ;)
# eprodrom Thanks!
# eprodrom cwebber2: Any interesting design challenges while going through this?
# cwebber2 eprodrom: there were a couple of things that were difficult.. getting this design down in a way that made sense was interesting, once I realized that any object on the AP network can be a first class citizen, it makes a lot of other patterns really interesting... being able to do this pattern between servers is really cool, and it works right out of ActivityPub. that's been a tricky part
# cwebber2 eprodrom: so that's the other part of it... we're at an early time with AS2 and AP, and a lot of the infrastructure we need isn't quite there yet. So a lot of the implementors in 2018 I think that'll be a lot of it... is there an AS2 library in Go? is there an AP server/framework in Ruby? A lot of us will be building those things up in 2018 and that'll make building easier in 2019
# eprodrom cwebber2: languages are listed at the bottom
# eprodrom cwebber2: it's not a complete answer, since people aren't ready to do IRs if they don't have everything ready
# eprodrom q+
# melody q+
# cwebber2 eprodrom: I was going to suggest maybe have something on activitypub.rocks that's a "here's your links to libraries in different languages"... that would be a quick way to get people started, and that page could also link to "here are the languages we don't have an impleemntation of... if you want to do a PHP based system would be huge, or a drupal system or a wordpress system... those would be a big help, and flagging them out would be
# eprodrom BanjoFox: I'm primarily interested in how we build things out with Rust
# eprodrom Unfortunately I need to leave...
# eprodrom Thanks all!
# eprodrom I'll be here in 2 weeks. This is where the fun is.
# eprodrom cwebber2: if I were to write up a Getting Started page, how would I get it added to activitypub.rocks ?
# cwebber2 eprodrom, it's here https://gitlab.com/dustyweb/activitypub.rocks
# RRSAgent I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2017/12/20-social-minutes.html trackbot
RRSAgent left the channel
# banjofox XD
Zakim left the channel
cdchapman joined the channel
# puckipedia https://vulpine.club/users/kellerfuchs/statuses/99207707751666402 this is exactly what I tested already haha
# Loqi [Kabuki Fox & security theater] @cwebber @banjofox Eh, I still haven't done /anything/. *needs to poke @puckipedia about evil evil ideas re: multi-tenancy and cost-efficient instances.*
cdchapman and banjofox joined the channel
# puckipedia boop
# saranix bzzt
# banjofox blorp
# banjofox so yeah... apparently my project is a real thing now LOL ... we even have a (Jekyl-powered) landing page !
# banjofox now If only I could remember what I was supposed to do at $daygig today... LOL
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, rowan and cdchapman joined the channel
# xmpp-social [ajordan] Oh hey I meant to say this earlier but so sorry I missed the telecon
# xmpp-social [ajordan] I too am sick and I have a final exam tomorrow so I elected to continue sleeping
# xmpp-social [ajordan] I'm really bummed I missed Evan's presentation though, I was really looking forward to it :(
# puckipedia cwebber2: ping?
# puckipedia mmm, nvm
# puckipedia I found a mastodon bug and had to test it against someone
# puckipedia foudn someone else instead :P
# puckipedia it's a security vuln even lol
# puckipedia yeah, going to send Gargron a DM
# xmpp-social [ajordan] Aaawkward
# puckipedia waiting for a screenshot
# puckipedia (as I'm not running Mastodon myself)
# puckipedia https://i.imgur.com/lEbg6rJ.png
# puckipedia return of the spinny text
KevinMarks joined the channel
# puckipedia I have dubbed it "return of the spinny text"