#social 2018-02-27

2018-02-27 UTC
I hope we talk about the decentralized dating topic that got bumped from last meeting
gobengo-irc-bot joined the channel
DenSchub: btw I thought your blogpost was thoughtful... I started to compose a reply but didn't really get around to finishing it
DenSchub: I don't agree with a lot of the points though
though I thought they were nicely said :)
gobengo-irc-bot joined the channel
it's fine if people don't agree! looking forward to your reply :)
the only reason i got annoyed at the twitter thingy was because they used my post as a justification to insult others, and uh, that's not how i roll.
i don't expect everyone to agree with me
gobengo-irc-bot joined the channel
DenSchub: I hear you
and I appreciate that :)
gobengo-irc-bot joined the channel
i really enjoyed https://dustycloud.org/blog/on-standards-divisions-collaboration/, btw. but sadly, i did only read it after i finished my post, otherwise, i would have included it :/
i liked the post too, but found that a few of the points clashed with my current understanding of how activitypub works, but not nearly experienced enough to know whether i misunderstood your post, activitypub, or neither, or both
so also looking forward to the reply :)
i'll likely update the post with a link to both the standards post and the reply when they are finished
it's probably a good idea to provide some further reading for people who come across the post :)
DenSchub: I haven't gotten very far but there is a typo in the preface s/believes/beliefs
oh no :)
gobengo-irc-bot joined the channel
fixed it! if you find more, you are welcome to open a pull request against https://github.com/denschub/schubio/blob/master/_posts/2018-02-01-activitypub-one-protocol-to-rule-them-all.md O:-)
gobengo-irc-bot joined the channel
I kind of like the whole URL as actor object thing, it could easily be memorable as https://yourname.blog/ which a lot of people do, but the problem then is having an ID as your root when you may also want to have a "homepage" or landing page type thing and then you still have to implement the inbox/outbox off of that, and the whole thing where no matter where you stick those suburls (inboxes,etc.) it's ugly IMHO. Bigger problem than the names I'm saying
I think I can already guess at least some of what cwebber will say :-)
bengo, xmpp-social and cdchapman joined the channel