#social 2018-03-01

2018-03-01 UTC
important research https://zenodo.org/record/1183269
jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi, bwn, drEquivalent, xmpp-social and h_ll_k_n joined the channel
excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
JanKusanagi, drEquivalent, tantek, jankusanagi_, bwn and h_ll_k_n joined the channel; RRSAgent left the channel
@timrdf @w3c https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/ is perhaps what you're trying to recall. We've considered provenance-pingback which was brought up by @gklyne : https://github.com/w3c/ldn/issues/21#issuecomment-232933842 . Also discussed at http://csarven.ca/linked-data-notifications
@opencholmes @pvangenuchten @hireuter @JMendesDeJesus @opengeospatial Yes! #PubSub is a capability that is too often missing in SDIs (identifying the changes is often a challenge for data providers, too). Not sure, it has to be a WFS 3 extension, though. Maybe more a guide how to use a #wfs together with https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/.
jankusanagi_, cdchapman, how, rigelk and JanKusanagi joined the channel
@timrdf @csarven @w3c #pr Are you thinking of LDN - https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/ ? Has small overlap with provenance pingback, but different focus.