#cwebber2lain: for me, I have noscript on by default, especially in the wake of meltdown/spectre
#lainsure, if it falls out of your design, it's nice, but it seems like wasted time overall. you can't implement most functions that people expect of a social network without js.
#cwebber2lain: anyway, that's all to say that given that there's a machine-readable version of things that clients *can* render, I agree that it's not as-required as say, reading a normal blog, to have a non-js version, since you could read it in a variety of clients and js is just one
#cwebber2however, if someone puts in the work to make things renderable without js, I think that's very *nice*
#cwebber2goes to do morning routine before a call with a client
#csarvenre "sensible to require js" -- not necessarily IMO. All content should be retrievable via HTTP GET without having to rely on JS. Simple test is to see if a text-browser can provide all the bits necessary to make sense of what's going on. Hyperlinks for navigation.. just HTML out of the box will do. It is possible to have HTML form to do some aspects of "write", and if that can be done great.. then more fancy way of presenting/interacting with that can be
#xmpp-social[ajordan] Also friendly reminder that HTML is always waaaay faster than JS, simply because browser engines are much much better at (incremental) HTML parsing than you and I are
evanp, tantek, timbl, Chocobozzz, cdchapman, jankusanagi_ and mahmudov joined the channel
#cwebber2no matter how you feel about sex work, I think there's good reason to be troubled by that... or at least troubled by relying on things like Cloudflare
#Loqi[Switter] Regarding our recent outage. You can find an official statement below. The last documented time Cloudflare terminated services was when they terminated the account of a white supremacist website last year. We are waiting on answers.
#cwebber2I guess they did get served a notice but I suspect it was without a pre-warning at least
#lainthe page reads like they didn't get any time to react