dansuphey evanp, big fan of your work on statusnet and pump! I've recently been working on new patches for GNU social (including ActivityPub support), and tinkering with stuff like https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social/issues/308
Loqi[Gargron] In that case maybe you don't want polls, maybe you want to use Strawpoll... Either that or ActivityPub needs a way to display answer counts without listing individual answers. Tbh, imagine a typical poll on Twitter, it can get thousands of replies. T...
Loqi[cwebber] Maybe each answer that shows up in the poll could itself be an AS2 collection which can give its totalItems, but which can (optionally, if non-anonymous) also expose its items (which are the actual response objects) in case anyone wants to "audit" it...
Loqi[Vendan] (I'm the author of the repo in question)
Note that this repo has been sidelined, as I have fundamental issues with the protocol SSB is built on. Unless there's changes to how the messages are signed and verified, I'm not planning on putting any seri...
Loqi[zeveb] I know that I sound like a broken record, but this is exactly the issue which canonical S-expressions were designed for, and which SPKI wrestled with & solved twenty years ago.
The SPKI version of a message would look something like (I've removed...
cwebber2I forget which but some of the CAs allow corporate environments to purchase a "service" where they will allow you to MITM sites on a corporate network
cwebber2yes Christopher Allen told me something like "we tried to warn Netscape about all the problems that would happen if they went with a CA model but they were like, this is easy to ship, so let's roll it out"
aaronpkI haven't been paying enough attention to conferences ahead of time to actually go to much this year. Hopefully next year I can do more since I can plan ahead now
cdchapman, jankusanagi_, fr33domlover, JanKusanagi and bwn joined the channel