#social 2018-04-21
2018-04-21 UTC
cdchapman joined the channel
dansup I've tried to work with Maiyannah but then she responds with stuff like this https://community.highlandarrow.com/notice/2774255
dansup Negativity like that doesnt help, if there is a valid technical problem between gnu social and mastodon she should help fix that instead of just blaming it on mastodon
cwebber2 joined the channel
fr33domlover dansup, that's sad
dansup yeah
fr33domlover Both GNU Social and Mastodon support OStatus thought afaik?
fr33domlover (And GNU Social could start supporting ActivityPub maybe, idk)
lain i was rather amazed that you're actually working on that, dansup
dansup fr33domlover: I'm actually working on an activitypub plugin for gnusocial
lain would be nice to have a future for GS servers that isn't just "move to a different system"
dansup lain: thanks, you are the pleroma dev right?
lain yeah
dansup you've done a lot of great work, creating a gnu social like site from scratch is no easy task
lain seems to be an epidemic :)
xmpp-social joined the channel
fr33domlover dansup, that's cool! would be nice for gnu social to join the activitypub fediverse
fr33domlover Hi lain
lain hi:)
fr33domlover is implemting ActivityPub for a web app he's writing in Haskell
dansup fr33domlover: nice
dansup I can't believe the response I got from a single status, https://mastodon.social/@dansup/99877423794532057
dansup Its an ambitious project I started last sunday, and I'm just getting to the federation stuff like salmon and activitypub
lain you're still doing ostatus?
fr33domlover lain, pleroma looks awesome!
lain thanks, fr33domlover :)
dansup lain: yes
lain that's ambitious :)
dansup I will only consume objects with images
dansup the ostatus support might be another week, AS2 is complicated enough
lain ostatus is annoying
lain because you need two redundant federating mechanisms, websub and salmon
dansup yeah, but I'm pretty familiar with gnusocial so I can use that as somewhat of an inspiration lol
dansup yeah
lain please don't!!
lain i've seen the code :)
dansup well, mastodon too. They all really depend on AS1 or AS2/AP
dansup openid and other stuff that it supports isnt really needed imo
dansup gnusocial that is
fr33domlover lain, did you design the UI by yourself? for pleroma
lain mostly, it was 70% a clone of qvitter, but it shares no code
lain although now i don't work much on the frontend, mostly other people do
fr33domlover lain, having contributors is wonderful! i have a little big problem with UI stuff, I barely know css
fr33domlover I haven't made any mockups of the visual layout, but even if I did, I wouldn't know how to properly implement them with css :p
lain similar for me, but modern flexbox isn't too bad
fr33domlover hmm i guess i'll need to learn it
fr33domlover https://dev.seek-together.space/s/fr33domlover/r/vervis
fr33domlover This is the result of me knowing little about css and page layout :p
fr33domlover I've been doing tons in the backend and just throwing info into the html :p
fr33domlover I'm wondering at which point I should switch my focus to frontend
fr33domlover Or alternative perhaps some nice person would decide to help, idk, can't rely on that of course
erincandescent <cwebber2> I forget which but some of the CAs allow corporate environments to purchase a "service" where they will allow you to MITM sites on a corporate network <-- some used to but doing this is grounds for immediate chucking out of the Mozilla and Google root programs these days
ma1uta joined the channel
ma1uta hello all
ma1uta I have questions about ActivityPub
ma1uta As I understand the https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/ is a basic definitions. Then the https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/ based on the vocabulary and defines streams and the https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub defines client-server and server-server communications using the streams and vocabulary. Is it correct?
liclac, cdchapman, dlongley and vasilakisfil joined the channel
ma1uta Thanks. Another question: in the Activitypub each user has the inbox and the outbox. How can I find urls of this inbox and outbox?
lain they're in the json you get from the user id
ma1uta So, for example, if I have a server https://example.net and an actor @alice I can retrieve the json via get request to https://example.net/@alice and find the inbox, outbox addresses and other datas. Is it correct?
lain well
lain not necessarily
lain theres no guaranteed mapping from @alice to the url, you need to know the actual ID, which is an url
lain but once you have that, you can find the outbox and inbox as you said
ma1uta I see. Actor id is the url to retrieve actor's data.
lain yes
ma1uta Thanks
erincandescent Gargron: Hey, I just noticed that for the PropertyValue thing you're putting "schema": "http://schema.org#" in your context; for Schema it should be "http://schema.org/"
erincandescent Gargron: Yeah Schema.org is weird
cwebber2 https://github.com/Plume-org/Plume "Federated blog engine (Medium but with ActivityPub) "

fr33domlover cwebber2, how do you keep finding more and more of these projects? :)
fr33domlover cwebber2, oh that's awesome!
lain :)
lain i gotta say, these "blog over AP" things are kinda funny
lain given that ostatus was essentially a repurposing of already existing blog technology
fr33domlover Well we do need these blogs over AP now :)
fr33domlover Mastodon limiting to 500 chars makes lots of stuff impossible
fr33domlover I want to be able to publish poems and stories and long thoughts etc.
fr33domlover Without having to store them separately on my website etc.
lain you can just change that in the mastodon code, many instances do
fr33domlover lain, sure I mean if you want to find an instance to use
fr33domlover Idk if there's a way to list instances by character limit ^_^
lain ah, good point
fr33domlover is writing a new song and wondering if someday he'll be uploading recordings to peertube
lain we have 5000 by default in pleroma, mainly so you never need to split a post (for the few times you'll want to post something long) but still have some meaningful limit.
fr33domlover That's nice
fr33domlover checks the length of a short story he wrote, it's 14kb (and english so should be roughly 14k charaters)
fr33domlover Personally often I want to publish something like this:
fr33domlover - plain text I write like a story or poem
fr33domlover - Photo of a hand written version
fr33domlover - Video/audio of me reading it
fr33domlover And I just want an easy way to publish these things together in one place
fr33domlover What it takes is an ActivityPub server that supports long enough posts and uploading of images, video and audio (possibly the way peertube does)
cdchapman joined the channel
fr33domlover It's not a bad thing to have both cwebber2
fr33domlover I wonder what the uses may be
fr33domlover cwebber2, what got chopped off? btw you live in wisconsin right?
fr33domlover cwebber2, oh where are you moving? if I may ask :)
fr33domlover cwebber2, I often talk to people from the US and most of them are from the coasts, when I ask why live on such expensive areas, and would they try other places for a less tight wallet, they often say most of the area between the costs is much less open minded, traditionak etc nice to visit but not to live in it. So I wonder how much of it is true and what it's like to live in those areas
fr33domlover cwebber2, how has it been for you?
fr33domlover cwebber2, that's nice! :) what do you think the difference is, why do coastal people think it's not a good place to live
dansup Any idea how to generate a "magic-public-key" ?
fr33domlover dansup, abra cadabra probably judging by the name ^_^
fr33domlover (otherwise idk)
dansup need to figure out how mastodon generates this, https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/42bcbd36b72c7ddc5ae1ecced09614863ca382bd/app/serializers/webfinger_serializer.rb#L22
erincandescent cwebber2: I always intended to use Article as a rendering hint to not reserve an avatar gutter and maybe also switch to a Serif font :p
erincandescent dansup: shouldn't that just be for OStatus?
dansup Yes, I'm trying to get OStatus support working too
erincandescent dansup: anyway it seems to be https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/42bcbd36b72c7ddc5ae1ecced09614863ca382bd/app/models/account.rb#L187
erincandescent So its just bits of an RSA key
dansup oh interesting, thanks!
mahmudov joined the channel
dansup ok, maybe I will hold off on OStatus support for now
fr33domlover, fr33domlover1 and cdchapman joined the channel
puckipedia <erincandescent> cwebber2: I always intended to use Article as a rendering hint to not reserve an avatar gutter and maybe also switch to a Serif font :p <- yeah, I kinda do that. Also I think a differnece would be more rich text?
erincandescent I mean both are fundamentally HTML but probably
puckipedia of course, but I mean, if we look at Mastodon and GNU social etc, those have pretty strict values for inside `Note`s
cdchapman, bwn and fr33domlover joined the channel
dansup Really awesome to see three different federated sharing platforms projects that all use different languages
dansup Elixir, Python and PHP :D