#social 2018-06-04
2018-06-04 UTC
dansup I thought I could finish AP support this weekend, how naive. Responding to all the github issues/PRs has taken up a lot of time
dansup Registration is open for the next 10 mins, https://pixelfed.social/register
Guest84, timbl, xmpp-social, jankusanagi_, puckipedia and JanKusanagi joined the channel
cjslep, puckipedia, timbl, cwebber2 and JonasFranzDEV joined the channel
JonasFranzDEV cwebber2: Are you the ActivityPub co-editor who wrotes the comment about ActivityPub at Gitea?
JonasFranzDEV slaps cwebber2 around a bit with a large fishbot
JonasFranzDEV cwebber2: Do you think that it is a good idea to use the ActivityPub standard for creating a federation support for Gitea including: Joining organizations/teams on other Gitea instances, creating PRs at other gitea instances, replying to comments on issues on other gitea instances. How is authentication handled?
nightpool mayyyybe?
nightpool we've been talking about federation for gitlab and i think the #1 use-case to be solved is authentication and that's not something that's explicitly within AP's scope
nightpool was actually just about to ask in here if anyone had any experience with oauth for federated usecases and whether they thought it was a good match
nightpool cwebber2: not sure I see the compelling use-case for this vs. just handling ACLs locally
nightpool because 1 server always owns a single repo, right?
JonasFranzDEV Do I get this right? ocap-ld is an extension for json-ld handling access control? And yes, 1 server per repo.
nightpool aaronpk: would you recommend it for the "I dont want to create accounts on everyone's bespoke gitlab/gitea servers" usecase?
nightpool aaronpk: :o github-wise, how does that work?
nightpool ahhh right it's bridged
nightpool looks very fancy imo
nightpool what happens if you reply to that post without having auth'd a github account with the bridge?
nightpool hmm
JonasFranzDEV aaronpk: That's a great idea, could you please propose that at https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/27 since we haven't integrated an oauth provider either.
JonasFranzDEV aaronpk: Am I right that IndieWeb services also support standard oauth things?
nightpool "(requiring manual steps, like OpenID) to make it into mainstream.
nightpool this doesn't eliminate the manual step of providing your profile URL, right?
nightpool Unless i'm misunderstanding, how does it improve upon OpenID in that sense?
nightpool well i mean there's also web protocol handlers
nightpool the UX around those is kind of hard to nail though
nightpool i dunno, a slightly difficult flow aided by a browser extension is not the worst thing in the world.
nightpool most people don't own domains
nightpool sure, but it does require that you enter cybre.space/@nightpool everywhere.
nightpool yeah but what do you even put in there
nightpool how do users know if they even HAVE a indieauth capable account?
nightpool like, if I have a mastodon account and mastodon implements indieauth, and I go to someone's repo and try to comment, how do I know I can use my mastodon profile url?
nightpool what i'm saying is that it's pretty easy to say "Use your gitea profile url here" on a gitea server, but it's harder to say "use your gitlab/mastodon/gogs/etc"
nightpool needs a logo :P
nightpool although even that didn't help openid
nightpool hmm. i'm pretty sold though. is there a good test website for authenticating against? would enjoy implementing this in mastodon
JonasFranz joined the channel
aaronpk nightpool: no formal test suite, but there are plenty of things you can log in to to try it. https://indielogin.com is the latest one I'm working on. (it technically supports more than the IndieAuth spec but you can ignore the rest for now)

JanKusanagi joined the channel
aaronpk oh and https://quill.p3k.io is a micropub app that has good debugging during the login flow. it does expect to eventually find a micropub endpoint for you but you could fake that if you just wanted to test login

JonasFranz, cwebber2 and tantek joined the channel
tantek This tweet totally reminds me of our "must be testable in the test suite" requirement for features in our SocialWG specs: https://twitter.com/shadow/status/1001686735443628033

Loqi tantek: sandro left you a message 1 week, 4 days ago: yes the Fact Checking discussion is in a W3C CG, so it's public to anyone who can join a CG (nearly anyone), and scribed. https://credweb.org

timbl joined the channel
dansup trying to relicense under AGPL, just need 1 more contributor to agree. https://github.com/dansup/pixelfed/issues/143
tantek ajordan do you have any projects (including feature for your own site) you'd like to complete before IWS? I.e. add yourself to https://indieweb.org/2018/Guest_Book (see my entry for how I linked to what I'm trying to get done before IWS)