#social 2018-06-05
2018-06-05 UTC
tantek, up201705417, timbl, xmpp-social, yookoala, jankusanagi_ and Test joined the channel; yookoala left the channel
yookoala cwebber2: hello
JanKusanagi and jankusanagi_ joined the channel
nightpool meeting tomorrow!
nightpool Anything people would be interested in talking about that's not on the agenda?
nightpool dansup, would you be interested in talking about pixelfed at the SocialCG telecom tomorrow?
tantek, timbl and DJHenk joined the channel
dansup nightpool: Hi, thanks for the invite but I'm not sure I will be able to attend. That is 9am my time and I have been staying up until 4 or 5 am for the past week working on PixelFed. I would like to attend a future meeting once I get my sleeping schedule back to normal!
nightpool sounds good! they're every two weeks so there's plenty of time :D
nightpool How's the ActivityPub progress coming?
dansup nightpool: Its coming along slowly, I thought I would have more time to work on it but its been a lot of work to deal with all the Issues and PR's, also pushing bugfixes to pixelfed.social
dansup The outbox is almost done too, https://github.com/dansup/pixelfed/blob/dev/app/Transformer/ActivityPub/ProfileOutbox.php
nightpool cool!
nightpool what are you using for a worker backend? i know php apps have had some real problems with inefficient workers before
dansup nightpool: redis queues! https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/queues
DJHenk joined the channel
nightpool cool!
nightpool looks like a great library
dansup nightpool: yeah! These are all the jobs I have so far, trying to use Redis as much as possible. https://github.com/dansup/pixelfed/tree/dev/app/Jobs
JanKusanagi, jankusanagi_, vasilakisfil, kaniini and timbl joined the channel