#social 2018-06-07
2018-06-07 UTC
tantek joined the channel
@dustyweb ↩️ Working Groups are only chartered for a certain amount of time (and we were given several extensions). Yes, we finished quite a bit (ActivityPub, MicroPub, Webmention, Linked Data Notifications, and some more), incubation of new things is happening in the Social Community Group (twitter.com/_/status/1004522612305866753)
@dustyweb ↩️ @dirk_s @SocialWebWG Source: I am ActivityPub co-editor and am SocialCG co-chair ;) (twitter.com/_/status/1004522701774577664)
Loqi cwebber2: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 3 minutes ago: Are you one of the owners of https://github.com/orgs/git-federation org? Can you add me to it so I can request Bridgy Oauth permissions? (so I can federate to that org's repo :) )

tantek also funny that there are no public members: https://github.com/orgs/git-federation/people

dansup lol
cwebber2, tantek and yookoala joined the channel
yookoala Is there any middle ground between issue owner owns the issue and the repository owner owns it? Is it unreasonable to have both owning the issue and can both close it down?
yookoala Another approach. How about, say, the issue is owned by the repository owner / repository actor. And the issue author can request changing / closing it?
yookoala Leaving the origin git service handling the permission issue.
yookoala Started a discusison here: https://github.com/git-federation/gitpub/issues/11
timbl joined the channel
yookoala That is a nice analogy.
dansup I like how Github was acquired just a few months after ActivityPub gaining Recommended Status, thanks Microsoft!
mayel, xmpp-social and yookoala joined the channel
yookoala Nice timing XD.
dansup GDPR was perfect timing for PixelFed too :D https://mastodon.social/@dansup/99918184470313166
yookoala tantek: One thought. The issue / PR owns by its creator and thus can be closed by them. But since the repository owner / modorator owns the right to administrat there, they have rights to decide whether it is displayed there, right.
yookoala tantek: So the issue creator can close the post on his end by a "remove" request (which the upstream server should honor). While the repository owner / modorator can close the post by hidding it, right?
yookoala dansup: Indeed lol.
dansup Btw I started a gh clone a few months ago and it would be easy to add AP support to it. https://mastodon.social/@dansup/100134637851969731
yookoala dansup: Didn't know there is a federated service like Instagram. Will take a look. Thanks for you work.
dansup yookoala: I'm still working on AP support, but the alpha instance is online. https://pixelfed.social/dansup
yookoala dansup: That would be cool.
dansup Federated git looks like its in good hands already, I would probably focus on something else after pixelfed
dansup I imagine federated file sharing as imgur, soundcloud and youtube all in one. That is my next big goal. https://mastodon.social/@dansup/100134642381701688
dansup or project
dansup Urlcloud just needs a bit of AP work :) https://mastodon.social/@dansup/100134790492776420
yookoala Federated file sharing sounds like a cool idea. But I think you'd have to face the hard problem about permissions granting.
yookoala A file sharing service without permission control would basically be, well, normal hostings.
dansup what do you mean by permission control?
yookoala Say I were to share a file online (with tools like GDrive or OwnCloud), I'd want to limit the kind of users to access by files / folders.
dansup yookoala: this is not like that
yookoala OK.
yookoala So is it more like a distributed CDN service?
dansup actually, let me rephrase that.
yookoala K
dansup With urlcloud, you will be able to set the visibility of a single file or a whole directory to public / local instance only / followers only / following only / private. Every file would default to private unless you opt to share. If you set a file from private to public or local instance only, you cannot fully delete it
yookoala So if I opt to share a file on myshare.org with Alice at foobar.com, she'll get a copy there. And therefore it is not garuntee that I can revoke my share, right?
dansup AP can only send deletes to users your account knows.
dansup i mean technically you could send the delete to every instance sharedInbox I think, but I dont think other instances would honor that depending on the context
yookoala Much like the current situation on Mastodon.
yookoala But that's how things are if you join a federation.
yookoala Protocol do not garuntee controls. It only gives you a way to request for controls.
dansup yeah
dansup I'm discussing ephemeral video support, aka IG stories for pixelfed with the zinat developer. We decided an automated delete 24 hours after its created would be the best method.
dansup since they would only be sent to followers
yookoala Sounds about right.
yookoala Its even shorter for Snapchat.
yookoala XD
dansup It will be up to the user. 1 hr intervals, max 24
dansup And only 1 story a day, per user
dansup Snap invented stories. Insta borrows from snap, dansup borrows from Insta. :)
yookoala Wouldn't that be a kick on the butt? 1 story per day for an individual user.
dansup yookoala: that is the default, its up to the admin instance, but it would have to depend on the duration of existing stories right, they can't overlap
dansup instance admin*
yookoala I have not been an instagram user since before it was acquired. But there are ppl really addicted ot it.
yookoala So every account can have only 1 photo showing at any given time, right?
dansup what do you mean?
dansup this is how it looks, https://pixelfed.social/dansup
yookoala "depend on the duration of existing stories right, they can't overlap"?
dansup a story could consist of many videos or posts, like IG
dansup and a story does not affect the timelines or user profile
dansup a story is like a special dm
yookoala So, the duration of the video depends on the settings of stories durations.
yookoala (Duration of the video keeping)
dansup yookoala: there is a 5min story limit, you can set the TTL for a min of 1 or 24 hours. The ttl will affect the amount of storys you can make
yookoala See.
dansup The overlap was TTL not story length
jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi, dlongley, Foxboron, yookoala and tantek joined the channel
aaronpk if you see a colorful ring around my profile picture on my site, you can click it and it'll show you the sequence of all the images and videos that are currently posted to my story https://aaronparecki.com/

yookoala joined the channel; yookoala left the channel
jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi, DJHenk and tantek_ joined the channel
cwebber2 https://mastodon.social/@prismo AP based link aggregator?

cwebber2 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub#Implementations I finally put up the implementations list here

timbl, distopico and cwebber2 joined the channel
nightpool how do I set an avatar for https://chat.indieweb.org/social ?
xmpp-social [ajordan] https://www.w3.org/wiki/IRC-people
nightpool ah, inchresting.
nightpool i can't edit that page :D
cwebber2 joined the channel
xmpp-social [ajordan] Put it here and someone can do it for you?
nightpool it's not a huge issue
nightpool was just wondering if there was anything simple I could yank as a nice-to-have for the matrix bridge
cwebber2 joined the channel
nightpool i honestly find it pretty hard to follow text chat conversations where noone has avatars :P
technomancy nick coloring is a must