#social 2018-08-16
2018-08-16 UTC
saranix kaniini: pleroma requires the content-length field to be signed on http sigs?
kaniini saranix no
kaniini you can sign anything you want, but date must be signed
kaniini we will soon also require digest be signed, but i haven't flipped the switch yet.
dansup thats it? just date?
saranix hrm
kaniini implementing digest can be tricky.
nightpool[m] aaronpk: digest isn't required because you're (presumably) already speaking to the host over https.
saranix kaniini: actor is set
nightpool[m] so the only person who could mutate/replay an https sig is the host itself. and as long as you sign host, they can only replay it against themselves
nightpool[m] in fact, signing digest is LESS secure under some threat models, since it's non-repudiable.
nightpool[m] http sigs is... pretty fucking simple
saranix kaniini: from that paste, everything from
{type:Create to the close of to=>[]}
saranix dang it
kaniini that's escaped though
kaniini i need the exact binary data
saranix well, cause it's debug info. Want the original?
kaniini yes
kaniini with http headers
saranix errr.. won't be able to do that
saranix how do you send a direct message in pleroma? I can reply to a direct message, and I see the little private icon in the feed, but I don't see anywhere to set it in the status box like mastodon has
saranix kaniini++
kaniini saranix have to enable that stuff
kaniini saranix priv/static/static/config.json
kaniini scopeOptionsEnabled = true
saranix so the site admin controls that?
saranix might be confusing for users
ajordan, timbl, xmpp-social, heluecht[m], jauntywunderkind[m] and kaniini joined the channel