#social 2018-08-24
2018-08-24 UTC
timbl joined the channel
fiatjaf what about the webfinger stuff, should I implement that?
nightpool[m] I mean, it's up to you
fiatjaf what are the other things that are not in the spec but I must implement anyway?
nightpool[m] it depends on what's you're building and why
fiatjaf what purpose do these things solve?
fiatjaf it's confusing
fiatjaf I'm trying to understand first
nightpool[m] trying to understand what, specifically?
nightpool[m] There's nothing that you *must* implement. there are just reasons to implement different things.
fiatjaf ok, I get that
nightpool[m] so it's hard for me to give you a more direct answer without knowing your usecase
dansup fiatjaf: What are you building?
fiatjaf I don't know yet, I have many ideas and I'm trying to understand what is feasible
fiatjaf for example, a forum -- or a place where multiple forums could be created
fiatjaf and activitypub actors could comment
fiatjaf that's something I would like to create
fiatjaf I'm not sure if it is possible
nightpool[m] well, anything is possible. we have computers :P
fiatjaf you asked for a specific use case
nightpool[m] yeah and that's a good one!
fiatjaf now you're trolling me
nightpool[m] no, I was just pointing out that your usage of "possible" was confusing me
nightpool[m] sorry if that came off as overly flippant
fiatjaf :P
fiatjaf ok, so it's feasible
fiatjaf in that case, why would I want webfinger?
nightpool[m] so when you mean "possible" do you mean "is it theoretically possible to do this with ActivityPub" or "is it a good idea" or "is it possible to do this an have a meaningful level of compatibility with the network that already exists?"
nightpool[m] those all have different answers.
fiatjaf I mean theoretically possible
nightpool[m] okay I'm still confused then :(
nightpool[m] why wouldn't it be possible?
fiatjaf because activitypub is limited
nightpool[m] sure, but it's extensible
fiatjaf ok, I mean "theoretically possible to do this with ActivityPub"
fiatjaf but as a side note I want to know if this would have a meaningful level of compatibility with the network that already exists
dansup fiatjaf: someone is building a type of forum like reddit. https://mastodon.social/@prismo/100164341356492119
Loqi [Prismo △] #activitypub based Link Aggregation app is coming really soon! 🤠 https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/004/376/046/original/751727c9ce7ec570.png

nightpool[m] so I guess my first cut answer would be "yes, it's probably pretty easy to represent this with ActivityPub semantics"
dansup development seems stalled though
nightpool[m] depending on the specifics of how you want the federation to work you might find it more or less complicated
nightpool[m] but it's definitely possible
fiatjaf when you say federation you mean federation between multiple servers of my-forum-software or between my-forum-software and mastodon?
nightpool[m] the former
nightpool[m] federating between forum software and a microblogging software..... that's probably a trickier proposition
nightpool[m] what kind of ux were you imagining, on the mastodon side?
fiatjaf I was imagining people sending comments through normal "toots" targeted at the forum-topic@forum.software or something like that, but nobody wants that ux, right?
fiatjaf ok, let's discard that idea
fiatjaf so, what is the purpose of webfinger, in this case?
fiatjaf also, everybody is using http signatures, but if my-forum-software is only talking to other my-forum-software instances, then I can implement the federation as I please and don't use http signatures at all?
nightpool[m] webfinger allows you to have a plain text mapping between human-authorable mentions and Actor URIs
nightpool[m] without any extra markup or anything
fiatjaf who uses webfinger?
nightpool[m] mastodon, gnu social, pleroma (ish? they keep saying they don't require it but they definitely use it for authoring mentions)
nightpool[m] the microblogging services, mainly, because they inherit the twitter "plain text is better then rich text" design
fiatjaf when you mention @someone@some.where on a mastodon message the server queries some.where/.well-known/webfinger for 'someone' and gets back an url like some.where/user/someone
nightpool[m] yea
nightpool[m] twitters focus on plain text started because of SMS but stayed around because it made for easily understood system
fiatjaf then it queries some.where/user/someone to get an inbox and outbox url
nightpool[m] well to get the actor representation more generally
nightpool[m] but the inbox is the most important part, yes
fiatjaf and sends a CREATE action to the inbox url
dansup I should really finish the ActivityPub Guide
fiatjaf dansup, that would be great :P
nightpool[m] that's basically the long and short of it, yes
fiatjaf now a silly question:
fiatjaf do all these implementations store their data as activitystreams objects?
fiatjaf or do they store them in custom formats and build the activitystreams objects on request time?
nightpool[m] depends
fiatjaf it doesn't really matter?
dansup no it doesnt matter
dansup fiatjaf: what programming language are you using?
nightpool[m] pleroma theoretically does, although in practice they have to do a lot of reformatting before federating them
nightpool[m] mastodon doesn't store ActivityStreams objects at all
fiatjaf dansup, I was trying to use go, but go-fed compilation uses much more memory than I have -- also, I don't understand how it works
fiatjaf I guess I'll build my thing from scratch, that's why I'm worried about public keys and http signatures
fiatjaf :P
dansup I forked their PHP library for pixelfed :D
dansup tesla uses their ruby version of that package
fiatjaf do I have to create a public key for each user/actor on a server?
nightpool[m] up to you
fiatjaf what is the other option?
dansup fiatjaf: for S2S yes
fiatjaf what is S2S?
nightpool[m] there's nothing that specifies uniqueness dansup
dansup Server to Server federation, very few implementations support Client to Server
dansup nightpool[m]: yeah true
dansup nightpool[m]: does mastodon use a single key for each instance?
fiatjaf you mean I could just have one keypair
fiatjaf makes more sense
nightpool[m] dansup: not currently but there was a proposal to do it a while back
dansup yeah I never considered that. I generate one during user registration. https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/blob/dev/app/Observer/UserObserver.php#L23-L34
nightpool[m] the idea though is that if users have unique keys, they can back them up in case the server they're on goes down
dansup ah, yes that is cool. Is that part of the data-export?
fiatjaf what is the idea behind client-to-server protocol?
nightpool[m] tbd
dansup If users can export their private key, couldn't they forge sigs?
fiatjaf to have multiple client apps that are able to talk to multiple server apps?
nightpool[m] dansup: let's take this offline
nightpool[m] fiatjaf: yeah, exactly
nightpool[m] having intercompatible client apps opens up a huge amount of possibilities for variation on user experience
nightpool[m] just like email has a lot of different clients you can use for the same servers
fiatjaf but I fail to see a really compelling use case
nightpool[m] so do most implementors, currently
fiatjaf in my forum software case, for example, imagine someone has an account on pixelfed.place and it supports C2S
nightpool[m] but theoretically it would allow you to swap out the server completely, or migrate from server to server, without disrupting the user experience
dansup OAuth/APIs serve us better than C2S. The server handles a lot of things that a client would have too, and might not be possible.
nightpool[m] basically it puts the "application specific" logic into the client side, instead of the server.
dansup us == pixelfed
nightpool[m] so you'd have a "pixelfed" client that saw everything as a Instagram like stream of images, and discarded the stuff it didn't care about
nightpool[m] but you could use a "forum" client with the exact same user account on the exact same server, and see a "forum-like" view of the world
dansup I dont think any app developers want to re-implement AP support for a C2S app when they are already familiar with the mastodon api
fiatjaf that's only if they're implementing mastodon clones
fiatjaf I like the idea of C2S very much
dansup not really, pixelfed uses same api structure too
nightpool[m] ehhhh
nightpool[m] it's a complicated discussion
fiatjaf but how does C2S handles new types of objects and activities?
nightpool[m] the same as ActivityPub generally does
fiatjaf implementing C2S means the server reacts automatically to client requests?
fiatjaf I mean
fiatjaf imagine whatever.place implements C2S. I use a forum.app client to talk to my own inbox at whatever.place
fiatjaf because forum.app is a client that knows the type "Thread" I can create a thread on whatever.place
dansup fiatjaf: yes, and keep in mind almost no implementations support C2S yet. https://activitypub.rocks/implementation-report/
fiatjaf whatever.place is a microblogging server that doesn't understand threads at all, but it will relay my Thread object to forum.place anyway
dansup Its not a bad idea, its just not suitable for every implementation.
nightpool[m] yes, ideally, if whatever.place is a good c2s server, it doesn't matter
nightpool[m] it'll pass it through and do whatever delivery it needs to do based off of the standard audience and whatever, which should work just fine.
fiatjaf but for that to work whatever.place would have to store the activitystreams in full
nightpool[m] yes
fiatjaf cool
fiatjaf thank you very much for your patience
nightpool[m] no worries.
nightpool[m] kroeg (c#) is a full c2s/s2s server and client
nightpool[m] it's also being rewritten in rust, and I think at least the server federation is working.
xmpp-social, vasilakisfil and timbl joined the channel
saranix "http signatures avoid a "round-trip" problem, where sending a message requires a subsequent GET request to authenticate the activity" -- there is still a round-trip when you have to fetch a never-before-seen actor to get their key, depending on how they have their key, possibly even multiple requests ...
saranix ... it should also be noted that http-signatures are required if you want to do non-public statuses. because even with a get, that GET can't be authorized for access without a http-signature.
saranix s/statuses/'things'
nightpool[m] yes although there are less complicated solutions to that, like ephemeral Bearer tokens
nightpool[m] but like dansup said, any time you're convincing a foreign server to make a request, that's ddos vector
nightpool[m] *that's a
saranix nightpool[m]: ah yes that's an interesting workaround... I'll have to try that in one of my toy implementations one day
nightpool[m] ..... once per actor?
nightpool[m] ah, but i guess they're still a dos vulnerability, you mean.
nightpool[m] hmm. yeah. good to think about
nightpool[m] well, dansup brought it up.
nightpool[m] we don't use http signatures to avoid a dos vector, we use them for performance.
fiatjaf how should I go if I want to use types not defined by activitystreams?
fiatjaf or should I try to use the types already existing
fiatjaf slightly changing their meaning in my implementation
nightpool[m] fiatjaf: json-ld properties are just URIs
nightpool[m] so something like "Note" maps to `https://w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Note`
nightpool[m] through the definition at `https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams.jsonld`
nightpool[m] which is referenced by the @context at the beginning of the document
fiatjaf what you're saying is that I want a new type I just want to define it and make it available on some uri?
nightpool[m] making it available isn't required
nightpool[m] it just needs to be defined as a unique uri (so ideally one you have control over)
nightpool[m] now, for individual types, i think it depends on what things you want to define. "Note" is probably fine to use for a forum post
nightpool[m] for example
nightpool[m] it mostly depends on what you're trying to do with it. Most times there's no reason to define new types, you just want to add some properties to existing types. Other times, you might want to use something like Example 17 here: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#activities to define multiple types for an object
csarven fiatjaf: Good question! To add to nightpool[m] 's .. You should indeed try to reuse existing types if they sufficiently help you to describe what you want eg. Note would be fine, but if you *really* need something more specific, you can declare it like https://example.org/vocab#AsideNote . It is good practice to define what that is in the /vocab document so that others (people or applications) can 1) understand what that means 2) and make it reusable.

csarven Notice how the type oa:Motivation has "subClassOf": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept" at https://www.w3.org/ns/oa.jsonld .

vasilakisfil, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, timbl, fr33domlover and ajordan joined the channel
fiatjaf https://github.com/99designs/httpsignatures-go is crap, dansup.
fiatjaf csarven, perhaps someone has already defined the types I need and it's better if I reuse them instead of creating mine. how can I know that?
nightpool[m] https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/
nightpool[m] otherwise, we're working on standardizing extensions to activitystreams but the process isn't rock-solid yet
nightpool[m] there are other vocabularies out there but there's no compelling reason to use them in a federated web context IMO
nightpool[m] yeah sorry i meant federated social network
nightpool[m] like, if you were building a mainly-as2 piece of software, and wanted to add new features that thematically fit into as2-land, i think extending as2 is better then bolting on a hodgepodge of other vocabularies.
csarven The example I've put at https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#example-using-multiple-vocabularies goes beyond the basic interaction.

nightpool[m] for sure.
vasilakisfil joined the channel
fiatjaf so, if I'm implementing that json parsing all by myself and manually, will everything break?
fiatjaf I mean: do I have to consider all the attribute expansions json-ld supports?
nightpool[m] json-ld is a subset of json so there's no issue in literally parsing it
nightpool[m] interpreting it is a trickier proposition but you should be able to get away with mostly normal json stuff
nightpool[m] there are a few gotchas to watch out for but it's not too bad
fiatjaf yeah, but instead of getting an object like
{"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "type": "Create"} I may someday get a {"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#type": "Create"}
nightpool[m] well so ActivityStreams does try to handle some of this
fiatjaf how?
nightpool[m] stuff that's mentioned in the activitystreams context document must be compacted before sending it across the net
nightpool[m] so even though it's fine in pure json-ld, you'd never see https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Create in an as2-compliant document
fiatjaf oh, that's good to hear
fiatjaf but if I'm using a custom attribute I still may use it with or without @context and things can get confusing, right?
nightpool[m] yeah
nightpool[m] hasn't really been a problem for anyone so far but
fiatjaf these standards are too broad
fiatjaf perhaps they should be much more limiting
fiatjaf and force people to do the things in only one possible way
dansup heh
nightpool[m] I mean
nightpool[m] if you want to do things in the "one possible way", then you have a microblogging spec
nightpool[m] and no way to build, e.g., forums with it
nightpool[m] and of course if you find the uncertainty around pure json to be disturbing, you're welcome to compact the document into your context before accessing it
nightpool[m] it's a reasonably simple algorithm, I'm told
saranix likes this new nightpool
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