#social 2018-08-25
2018-08-25 UTC
fiatjaf I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend, nightpool[m]
nightpool[m] hmm?
nightpool[m] i'm not offended
fiatjaf it was just a cheap opinion, I appreciate the work you do on the standards.
nightpool[m] it's a pretty common opinion, i just find it a little confusing.
nightpool[m] because obviously there are always going to be extensions and incompatibilities
nightpool[m] running a network of federated systems is a political, not technical affair
timbl joined the channel
saranix holy mole. Hubzilla sends a gigantic fully expanded ld signed obj with every request, that includes a separately ld signed person/actor object complete with the public key
saranix a bit excessive
saranix to be clear. the actor is expanded *twice*. once for the activity, and once for the object inside. with pub key. with ld signature
nightpool[m] lol
saranix the payload is an order of magnitude larger than pleroma for the exact same message
saranix lol the actor even has extra fields like nomadicLocation list even if there is only 1 location
saranix s/fields/list of objects all expanded
saranix the link rel alternate text/html is kinda cool though
xmpp-social, KevinMarks_, vasilakisfil and KevinMarks joined the channel
fiatjaf why is json-ld signatures different from jws, jwk stuff?
fiatjaf wouldn't it be better to reuse the enormous amount of tooling that already exists for jws?
pdurbin joined the channel
fiatjaf is there a golang library that does ld-signatures?
KjetilK joined the channel
saranix fiatjaf: I remember reading the answer to precisely that question... I think maybe in the json-ld spec itself?
saranix err LDS spec
saranix anyways you don't need to worry about LDS... they don't really solve anything and thus no impl are really using them
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, timbl, cwebber2 and up201705417 joined the channel
fiatjaf saranix, that's good to hear, but why are people working on that spec, then?
saranix it came out of a different group (now called #ccg) for WebPayments. some AP folks feel it is useful for them to do relaying, but there are other simpler ways
fiatjaf saranix: what are these other ways?
nightpool[m] ... and some people do use it, so it's kind of misleading to say "no impl are really using them"
fiatjaf I've read somewhere that mastodon "canonicalizes" the entire object "using RDF" before signing stuff, is that http signatures? how does that canonicalization works?
nightpool[m] that's LDS
fiatjaf is mastodon using that? is it required to do that to federate with mastodon?
nightpool[m] no
nightpool[m] it's using it, but it's not required
nightpool[m] mastodon uses it to optionally forward replies to other interested servers
nightpool[m] for example, if I (on server A) reply to you on Server B, you might forward that to your followers on servers A and E, who might not know about me otherwise
fiatjaf so what happens if your reply comes without a signature?
nightpool[m] then it won't get forwarded
nightpool[m] and it will just go to the people you deliver it to
fiatjaf hmm
saranix fiatjaf: signed blobs like the salmon protocol can be used as an easier method, although no one is doing that so compatibility might be an issue, and you can always just avoid relaying altogether
fiatjaf this guide mentions http signatures: https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/06/how-to-implement-a-basic-activitypub-server/
nightpool[m] http signatures are required to federate with mastodon
fiatjaf but that's just for identifying the server that is delivering the server
fiatjaf ok
saranix you can tell the other party about the url, let them fetch the original, there are in fact 2 parties that know whether they are on a followers list, the follower and followee
fiatjaf but that doesn't mention how the signature is fetched
fiatjaf no
fiatjaf the public key
fiatjaf there's a public key id, but it resolves to the actor profile
nightpool[m] yes, the public key is part of the actor
nightpool[m] uploaded an image: image.png (140KB) <https://matrix.cybre.space/_matrix/media/v1/download/cybre.space/IppunLNRnIOIAXKuVdOOKfiA>
nightpool[m] do you see the publicKeyPem property there?
fiatjaf yes
nightpool[m] that's the public key
fiatjaf but how can I know it is on 'publicKey.publicKeyPem'?
nightpool[m] because that's the vocabulary we use for implementing http signatures ¯_(ツ)_/¯
fiatjaf oh, everybody?
nightpool[m] well i mean keep in mind that it would be just as valid to have your keyId be "https://example.com/my-key"
nightpool[m] sent a long message: nightpool[m]_2018-08-25_23:31:52.txt <https://matrix.cybre.space/_matrix/media/v1/download/cybre.space/MrhTRTpulULOgxiyqgELgqMl>
nightpool[m] but nobody does that as far as i'm aware
nightpool[m] oops that id would be`"https://example.com/my-key"`
fiatjaf the key id doesn't matter, then
nightpool[m] to match the keyId
nightpool[m] what do you mean?
fiatjaf the only thing that matters is the 'publicKey' field on the actor
nightpool[m] well, both of them have to match
nightpool[m] the keyId is where you find the key
nightpool[m] the `owner` or the `publicKey` field on the actor (because one is the inverse of the other) is where you find the actor for a specific key
fiatjaf in the mastodon example both the actor and the keyid uris point to the same resource
nightpool[m] no
nightpool[m] one points to `https://mastodon.social/users/gargron` and one points to `https://mastodon.social/users/gargron#main-key`
nightpool[m] same document, different resources
fiatjaf ok, but I do an HTTP GET to that and get the same thing back
nightpool[m] right, it's the same document
fiatjaf #main-key is just an useless string, right?
fiatjaf ok, suppose the key id is https://mastodon.social/key
nightpool[m] sure
fiatjaf then I must call that
nightpool[m] yep
fiatjaf and it must return a JSON document like
{"publicKey": {"publicKeyPem": "..."}}
nightpool[m] no no
nightpool[m] publicKey is a property on an actor
nightpool[m] `
{"publicKeyPem": "..."}
` is the actual key object#
fiatjaf so I call the keyid uri
fiatjaf if I get back an actor I look for "publicKey"
fiatjaf if I get back a key I look for "publicKeyPem"
nightpool[m] i mean, I guess
nightpool[m] you can also just look for the sub-document with the right id
fiatjaf what do you mean?
nightpool[m] well in one case you're looking for `
{"id": "https://my-example.com/actor#main-key"}`, and in the other you're looking for `{"id": "https://my-example.com/key"}
nightpool[m] that's unambiguous no matter what type of wrapper you get back
fiatjaf I still don't get it
nightpool[m] hmm
nightpool[m] let's step back to html documents
fiatjaf in the mastodon example the keyid would lead me to an actor profile
nightpool[m] if you type `https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#delivery`, it jumps you to the delivery section, right?
nightpool[m] *if you type into your browser
fiatjaf yes
nightpool[m] how does that work? Like, on a technical level
fiatjaf the browser reads the hash and looks for an html element with an id equal to that
nightpool[m] so it's the exact same thing with json-ld documents
nightpool[m] sent a long message: nightpool[m]_2018-08-25_23:43:36.txt <https://matrix.cybre.space/_matrix/media/v1/download/cybre.space/QLpKEJkOTMyhRJTqxYCQCIwl>
fiatjaf no, because on https://my-example.com/actor#main-key there isn't an attribute named "main-key"
nightpool[m] no, but there's an attribute named "https://my-example.com/actor#main-key"
nightpool[m] which is the same thing
nightpool[m] just with an absolute instead of relative URI
fiatjaf ok, so I must look into all objects inside each and every field of the json I get back
fiatjaf until I find one that has an id of "https://my-example.com/actor#main-key"
nightpool[m] If you want to do it that way, yes
fiatjaf what is a better way?
nightpool[m] that's the "better" way
nightpool[m] it's more general then expecting "either an actor or a key"
fiatjaf even if I get an object like
{"a": [{"x": [{"a": {"id": "https://my-example.com/actor#main-key"}}]}]}
fiatjaf is that how people are doing this?
fiatjaf they just go into all fields of the json recursively?
nightpool[m] i can only speak for mastodon
nightpool[m] which currently uses the "actor or key" approach, because mastodon isn't particularly worried about being Correct—we assume that it's pretty easy to fix our broken compatibility once someone makes us aware of it
fiatjaf why not just tell people to always return a key?
nightpool[m] well, it's more requests and documents to store
fiatjaf when we request an object A of any kind in any situation we may get back an object B which wraps object A and thus we have to search for A inside?
nightpool[m] in general, to my knowledge, json-ld resources may be embedded in some sort of overarching structure, yes.
nightpool[m] in practice the only real time this comes into play is when you both a) want to embed an object and b) want to refer to it separately
fiatjaf somebody should come up with a different standard, json-ld-direct
fiatjaf where you must use the full uris every time instead of @context
fiatjaf and you must always return the requested object and nothing more
nightpool[m] i mean, how else do you expect `#id` uris to work?
nightpool[m] they're literally called sub-resource identifiers
nightpool[m] wait i might be confusing that with something else