#social 2018-09-12
2018-09-12 UTC
cdchapman, xmpp-social and vasilakisfil joined the channel
# heluecht[m] Concerning the digest I noticed yesterday during my tests that either the RFC example is wrong or Mastodon and Pleroma had implemented it wrong.
# heluecht[m] In the RFC the sha256 digest is a base64 of a sha256 checksum - See here: "Example of Instance Digest for SHA-256:
# heluecht[m] But on Pleroma and Mastodon this is a base64 of a binary sha256 checksum, for example "SHA-256=w9O33P2TYlVzDKtSc6unax+T31hH4QyQqB/vGelFB6w="
# heluecht[m] You surely notice the lewngth differences. Question is if both is okay.
vasilakisfil joined the channel
# nightpool[m] huh
# nightpool[m] i guess we should support both cases but as far as I can tell, that example is just wrong
# puckipedia <heluecht[m]> Concerning the digest I noticed yesterday during my tests that either the RFC example is wrong or Mastodon and Pleroma had implemented it wrong. <- wait what ehm
# puckipedia it's in the errata lol
# heluecht[m] RFCs are never corrected?
# heluecht[m] I fiddled around with this for some time yesterday until I looked into the code from Hubzilla to see the difference.
# puckipedia good question. no idea.
# nightpool[m] apparently
alejandro joined the channel
# puckipedia bleps
tantek and vasilakisfil joined the channel
# nightpool[m] I'm at work now
# nightpool[m] I'll be able to take a look in ~7 hours
# cwebber2 we're going to try to get resolution on https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/479 today
eprodrom joined the channel
# eprodrom I think Sandro said he was going to join
# eprodrom present+
# puckipedia present+
# eprodrom scribenick: eprodrom
# eprodrom scribe: eprodrom
# eprodrom cwebber2: Agree that vocabulary discussion has dragged, will be good to close it up
# eprodrom cwebber2: pulling in more implementers would be great
# eprodrom cwebber2: triaging and resolving AP issues will help also
# eprodrom cwebber2: that gets a +1 from me
# puckipedia +1 from me as well
# eprodrom PROPOSAL: reschedule teleconferences to monthly meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month
# puckipedia +1
# eprodrom +1
# eprodrom RESOLVED: reschedule teleconferences to monthly meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month
up201705417 joined the channel
vt joined the channel
# cwebber2 eprodrom: ideally what we'd like to do is to say "use that single string for AS2" and I realize that's an ideal... but the more we approach to saying move widely used prefixes into the context itself, the easier it becomes for everyone to make good as2 documents, and it cuts down on accidents. I think it's helpful, the more we can do to ?? our document, the easier it is for publishers to use AS2
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# cwebber2 eprodrom: I'd take the security namespace as a good example, it's widely used for AP but we all have to find it and include it and etc... would be very nice for it to just be included in the AS2 context document. Can we agree on this mechanism for including external namespaces and have the argument about whether to use external namespaces or augment as2 namespaces as a separate discussion?
vasilakisfil joined the channel
# eprodrom PROPOSAL: Accept https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/wiki/Extension-process as extension process for AS2
# eprodrom -1
# eprodrom Rounding down!
bengo joined the channel
# bengo +1
# puckipedia -1 for now, we should most definitely figure out how to do this and maybe just try it out first, before having a proper process
# bengo I don't think you can hear me. Sandro, do you have an issue filed?
# bengo about your concerns?
# puckipedia bengo: noone can hear you
# puckipedia you're not talking at all
# eprodrom q+
# puckipedia q+
# bengo sandro btw I am soooo sympathetic to the fact you didn't see it till later. <3
# cwebber2 sandro: I think in my posting last night, I apologize for not noticing the issue until late last night... I do care about this community, I do care about namespaces... I wrote about the extension process for the namespace, not sure what else to say than I said. I'm 0 (or -0?) on the context thing
# bengo k
# cwebber2 eprodrom: so I wonder if there's any value in... since there's two other items on the agenda... it feels like we have not moved this proposal forward and it's not closed. We've literally talkeda bout this at every meeting since may. If we were ready to go we would but we're not. Maybe we approve moving a couple of namespaces into the context, high value ones, and we develop a process through experience rather than prescriptive process
# cwebber2 eprodrom: vcard is SHOULD in AS2, if that's the case it seems like a simple... adding the namespace ot the context document is low-impact, the only downside would be if for some reason someone is using vcard for something else that it would interfere or be confusing otherwise this seems like a simple addition for AS2
tantek joined the channel
# bengo yes, propose so I can +1
# eprodrom PROPOSED: Accept https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/commit/94a2dfad623a663dd206f4de2505c1c75c54f84e to close issue #459
sandro_ joined the channel
# eprodrom +1
# melody +1
# bengo +1
# puckipedia +1
# puckipedia https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/pull/491
# puckipedia <eprodrom> PROPOSED: Accept https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/commit/94a2dfad623a663dd206f4de2505c1c75c54f84e to close issue #459
# tantek next telcon: https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2018-09-12. Logs: https://chat.indieweb.org/social/
# bengo thanks puck
# bengo :P
# eprodrom RESOLVED: Accept https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/commit/94a2dfad623a663dd206f4de2505c1c75c54f84e to close issue #459
# eprodrom tantek: I know, I just noticed that myself
# bengo https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/pull/490 for 'sec:'
# puckipedia +q
# bengo q+
# eprodrom q+
# bengo q?
# bengo We can always do what puck is proposing later... but there isn't a PR for that now. And also Occam's razor applies. "It's vain to do with more what can be done with less" for adding all thos ealiases. I'm in favor of PR as is
# puckipedia
{"sec:owner": "https://puckipedia.com/"} is either {"@value": "https://puckipedia.com/"} or an object {"id": "https://puckipedia.com/", "preferredUsername": "puckipedia"}
# eprodrom q+
# tantek cwebber2: can you add such examples to https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/477 ?
# eprodrom Thanks all
sandro__ joined the channel
# melody sorry for dropping out sudenly, i had a hard stop at 12
# melody had another meeting
# melody does anybody know how to put up a recurring meeting for "second wednesday of every month" on _any_ kind of calendar app because i'd love for my calendar not to be totally wrong about when meetings are so that i can start participating again
# nightpool[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_20180912-123131.png (73KB) <https://matrix.cybre.space/_matrix/media/v1/download/cybre.space/PKxDDtQNIoqmmwaYaOmzVmJq>
# nightpool[m] gcal seems to support it?
sandro_ joined the channel
# melody yeah i figured that out shortly after asking
# melody so the meetings are on my calendar now
# tantek melody, btw if you'd like an icon next to your name in the logs (e.g. https://chat.indieweb.org/social/2018-09-12#bottom ) feel free to add yourself to https://www.w3.org/wiki/irc-people !
# melody i'm about 99% sure i don't have access to that wiki
# melody i'm not concerned in any event, but i don't think i could if i wanted to
# nightpool[m] yeah tantek nobody has access to the wiki because none of us are WG members
# saranix doesn't understand all this json-ld talk, context import vs. prefixes, yadda yadda. also don't get vcard which tries to be a format, a schema, an encoding, and a protocol all in one while somehow only being a data structure in reality...
# heluecht[m] I don't have a problem with vcard data in AP. But I really dislike it that with JSON-LD there are numerous ways to display the exactly same piece of information.
# saranix I don't think AP/JSON-LD creates that problem, but it sure does a good job of putting it all in one 'junk drawer' so we can now address it, if we want. baby steps...
up201705417, cwebber2, vasilakisfil and sandro__ joined the channel
# nightpool[m] Reading up on meeting minutes.
# nightpool[m] (cwebber2, mind fixing your connection?)
# nightpool[m] thoughts on meeting times: I think we've seen a lot of drop off from this telecom due to people's schedules changing, and i don't think keeping the same time but moving to once a month is going to move the needle there
# nightpool[m] we should consider rescheduling the meetings, since AFAIK the current time hasn't changed since the very beginning of the group.
# nightpool[m] Thoughts on extensions:
# nightpool[m] I don't agree with puckipedia or tantek__ that an extension process is premature.
cwebber2 joined the channel
# nightpool[m] I've been very vocal about the fact that i think mastodon development has suffered due to uncertainty about consensus for certain properties or the extension process as a whole.
# nightpool[m] We have four extensions in kind of a "no man's land" of being put into the AS namespace without any specific group consensus (although at the time there was consensus that it was a good idea for us to put properties in that namespace generally)
# nightpool[m] and three extensions that we've put into our own namespace because the group had stalled out on approving an extension process
cwebber2 joined the channel
# nightpool[m] I know peertube and pleroma have similar extensions (as:dislikes comes to mind)
# puckipedia nightpool[m]: so, my stance is basically "we can't figure out an extension process without having extensions to process first" - I don't think blindly taking an extension process would work
# nightpool[m] we have lots of extensions to process
# nightpool[m] Everything on https://www.w3.org/wiki/Activity_Streams_extensions, for a start
cwebber2 joined the channel
# nightpool[m] I mentioned focalPoint, Emoji, and featured on the issue tracker
# nightpool[m] there's been cross-implementor support for standardizing a migration flow
# puckipedia like, the extension process page is decent as for how extensions will end up being implemented possibly, but I think e.g. formalizing something more based on experiences on ratifying a few extensions separately first would be best
# nightpool[m] well then we should actually do those things
# puckipedia agreed
# nightpool[m] but i think that having a json-ld context extension implementation guide came about because we were very unsure on how to procede on a technical level
cwebber2 joined the channel
# nightpool[m] but for over a year now this extension process has been a blocker to actually talking about extensions
cwebber2 joined the channel